How do you guys list what you're watched?
How do you guys list what you're watched?
Other urls found in this thread:
I dont
My Anime List. Works pretty good
Now fuck off.
Why do we must have this thread every day?
And fucking kill yourself.
Everyday until you accept my naming convention.
If I can't remember by myself it wasn't worth watch.
A text file.
>Another one of these threads
What I'd give for a Loli fag to derail this piece of shit before it hits 200 replies
My brain.
Text file.
It's shit
MAL, don't give a fuck, it helped me a lot with tracking long series I put watching on hiatus.
>400 completed SEASONS
Fucking plebeians, no wonder this place is so shit nowadays.
>download all of Sup Forums's recommendation charts
>cross off everything I've seen
MAL is a great website for this purpose
If you use anything other than MAL, you either haven't watched enough anime, or you haven't watched long enough.
When you're 100+ days into the hobby and watch shit that doesn't even have a Wiki article in English, it's useful.
On my hand.
I used to, in a notepad txt, but then I stopped caring and deleted the thing
Fuck off, using mal for listing purposes is fine as long as you avoid the forums.
MAL. I don't use the fucking forums or talk with people there.
MAL works
No need to use the forum/club/blogs or whatever.
Just search and add to list.
lay off the autism for a while
MAL/Taiga because it's convenient as fuck.
What happens when you watch Steins;Gate?
Why would I keep track of it? Like, for what purpose?
I don't do it for movies or television shows I've watched, I don't do it for music albums or video games I've played, so why would anime be any different?
Making sure to list every anime episode I've watched makes watching anime feel like a chore.
Why would I track them? I don't watch anime so I can have a big e-penis, I watch it to enjoy it.
My brain's pretty good at recognizing what I've watched and what not.
But it's a chore.
>I don't do it for music albums or video games I've played
i do
i thought it was normal
>look guys, am i fitting in yet?
When watching several series at once it's useful to keep track of which episode you're in for each. Also I reckon the average Sup Forumsnon, cancerous crossboarders notwithstanding, consumes a ridiculously larger amount of anime & manga than any of these other media. I know cinephiles who keep track of movies they've watched too.
>keep track of which episode you're in for each
I take at least one or two screenshots per episode, I can track my episodes that way instead of relying on an internet service.
There's programs that track it for you says you play them on your computer so it's not too much of a chore. Also it is handy for remembering what episode you're on if you take a break from a show or something.
Good for you.
Still not nearly as convenient as Taiga anyway.
>not watching one series at a time
Trying too hard.
Keeping track of your movies and music is pretty normal
Since those mediums are much bigger, getting recommendations based on what you've kept track of is common.
Taiga is shit.
>not watching dozens of series from your backlog at once on a weekly pace
>having a backlog
>I got into anime last year
>not having new anime to watch on the go
Actually, this year.
>When watching several series at once it's useful to keep track of which episode you're in for each
I just delete each episode as I go in that case. The next episode to watch is whichever one is at the top of the folder. Let's be real, 99% of anime doesn't warrant a second viewing.
I often come back to earlier episodes to take screenshots, make webms or just rewatch a scene I liked, no point in deleting them if I'm not lacking he space.
I even keep the TV rips until the BDs are out if I intend to archive the series.
You've convinced me, I'll stop using it right now. Thanks for the insight.
Archive folder.
MAL is shit, unless you love ads and basic info on groups
anidb blows mal away
I agree, but unfortunately anidb doesn't synchronize with Taiga. At least it circumvents the ads.
>not using addblock
>using adblock instead of ublock
Excel. I have a lot of free time.
Yurikuma shouldn't be there.
using ublock instead of ublock Origin
I have a raspberry pi 2 running a mysql database from gentoo
Anime Planet.
Fuck you,re -kan is great.
i always look at a title and can instantly tell if i watched it or not. otherwise, i can only count up 20 anime at once despite having seen something along the lines of 80-100
I liked using Taiga cause it meant I could update MAL without actually going there.
But it crashes every time I use it now.
In my head.
Since I'm such a pleb, I use kissanime's bookmarks. I wish I had started doing so earlier. Theres one show I watched that eludes me now. A female character that I hated in the beginning ended up being my fav by the end. Now I can't remember which one it was! fml
My media player does it for me.
Elaborate on the plot and girls
That's the thing. After a LONG time of not really watching anime I've taken it up again with a passion and have been binge watching. I guess the show itself might not stand out as much but I distinctly remember making that comment aloud. I blame a thread on Sup Forums for bringing it up. "characters you hated but liked in the end" type thing.
Kill yourself.
I used to use mal (manga list included). I moved on to anidb and mangaupdates because mal doesn't list fansubs and scanlation groups and have less details.
>quoting an exclamation mark
slow down there user!
>being this new
Lurk more and stop posting.
MAL, but I never post there.
Animeplanet > MAL
Mal used to list fansub groups, at least. I've looked up groups on older shows before.
Maybe they stopped though.
They still list fansubs but you need to be logged in to view them.
Shit taste.
Memory, MAL and ded hummingbird account
Does anyone have [suggestions for] a good Excel template? I'd like it to organize things alphabetically automatically.
College made me buy the Office Suite and we only used Excel like 3 times, so I might as well use it for something actually useful.
Do you rank your favorite characters, animu and shit? I do.
I take a note on my dick for each one.
>listing anime
>bawawa I hate efficiency
Can we have one fucking day without autism.
>I remember everything I've watched/read
>what's the purpose of keeping track of it?
>you must have memory problems
>watching 58 anime, plan to watch 334
>reading 60 manga, plan to read 186
Fucking newfags I swear.
>using the pc instead of a mobile device to keep track of manga/anime
It's like you niggers don't even have a physical collection, don't go to the comic shop, read manga out of home.
It'd be more useful than the 3 assignments I did that were literally just editing other premade Excel documents, anyway.
I have no problem using MAL but I don't rank anything.
Help remembering all the shit I've watched/read is useful, but once I remember it I can remember if I liked it or not.
anidb and mangaupdates both don't have an app.
I really wish they had one.
Finally someone else
There used to be a time (probably before you started posting) when Sup Forums gave sincere recommendations to newfags instead of being ironic memers about it.
Sup Forums, do you still remember a time where you didn't feel the compulsive need to track anime you watched?
Impossible, I've literally started browsing Sup Forums a longtime ago, I discovered the site when Kill la Kill was airing and I perfectly remember that one time I asked for a show similar to it and you guys recommended Boku no Pico to me.
>It's about music
No, it's not.
... You like girls a lot.