I waited 6 years for this?
I waited 6 years for this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Shaft? More like Shit.
If they're combining real life with 2D they should at least do it right.
Actually, you didn't technically wait as "waiting" in this case never stopped you from doing anything.
kizu sucked ass dude
Fucking hell, that looks footage from someone's cell phone with a filter added over it and a gif edited on top.
Actually, you're technically autistic and words have more than one definition.
Are you seriously fucking implying that this wasn't an intentional design choice by Shaft staff?
Are you seriously fucking implying that Shaft wanted to make a simple 2D walking animation superimposed over a heavily filtered 3D video clip sync up perfectly and fluidly but simply had neither the technical prowess, nor talent to do so?
Every single design element you see anywhere in any monogatari series is 100% done intentionally.
I can't comprehend how you "waited" for fucking anything as clearly you are quite a stranger to these books and theses anime.
do you think a who framed roger rabbit of anime would work?
Would wait another six years for getting another excellent animation cut like the one in OP.
This. You can dislike the design choice all you want, but saying that it's low budget or lazy is just stupid.
Laziness is an intentional design choice now?
Monogatarifags are unbelievable
>I'm A Cartoon Rabbit Suspected Of Murder, But I Didn't Do It And Must Determine Who Did!
It was sure some amazing scene.
Who precisely is being lazy by using a live-action background in a single cut of a film?
You've waited 6 years for Kino? Yes.
Calm down. All I'm trying to say is that he didn't lose anything.
I'm sure even if they were trying to go for that stylized look in that particular scene, they could've done a better job matching the footsteps, he looks like he's floating.
Oh, look, he posted it again. Isn't he funny
>I'm posting a great cut and claim it's shit
>several times
Remember when trolls on Sup Forums were creative?
Train wrecks like these aren't always caused by a lack of talent or budget. Fucking up schedules could do that too. Replacing backgrounds art with photography saves a lot of time in that case. This what happened with this shitty film.
Literally a light novel title.
It's a >20 second cut and happens once, you'd have to quite stupid to think that it wasn't intentional.
That's the funniest bit in the movie you cunt.
A masterpiece?
Aside from 2 or 3 scenes, the whole movie had worse quality than the TV series to be quite and completely honest
Yeah, if you're blind then maybe.
>Are you seriously fucking implying that Shaft wanted to make a simple 2D walking animation superimposed over a heavily filtered 3D video clip sync up perfectly and fluidly but simply had neither the technical prowess, nor talent to do so?
yes, SHAFT is incapable.
Further strengthens my point. Those animators are great, but few. You could really tell which scenes were done by Koreans. Thanks for proving me right.
Itt: Kyoani fags shit posting
Well, in a sense...
But it's funny, say that about any other anime doing the same thing,, it's LAZINESS and ridiculous and LOL QUALITY SHIT among other things, but suddently if it's about Monogatari it turns into "YOU DON'T GET ART!ยงยงยง!"
Not that I dislike Monogatari by any fucking mean but its fanbase is incredible. They can even have some excuses as said, that's not the problem, but the fanbase trying to make it look perfect in any fucking case is just marvelous.
It was shit.
Can anybody name a studio lazier than Shaft?
It's not possible.
>watching Monogatari past its 2nd season
His smile.
They better be putting all that effort on the EXTRA anime.
>SHAFT putting effort on a franchise that will sell regardless.
KyoAni. They only do what they know: Force animation. But they never go beyond that and force a good story.
>Doing what they know is bad
At least they're not lazy with the execution, SHAFT is.
Half the 3D backgrounds in this movie are amateurish, it's not just one scene. It's one thing to have a tradition to uphold, but when you're making a movie trilogy for an audience that isn't necessarily familiar with your previous idiosyncrasies, it should at least be generally appealing to the eye. This seriously looks like the static background of a PS2 JRPG.
I lost the next decent monogatari I assumed I was gonna get and was waiting for.
Shaft is such a terrible studio. Even White Fox is better than them these days.
You lost something you didn't have in the first place.
You're the one who's responsible for his expectations.
How badly will Shaft fuck up the animation of the next Madoka Magica movie?
I can only hope for the best.
>Be business X offering product Y
>Build up your consumer base by offering them good or atleast decent products all around
>release dogshit
>"I mean, what gave you the impression this thing was gonna be good? You're responsible for buying shit, not us for making shit."
>buying anime
Where do you think you are?
You know you're suppose to reference something I said, if you're gonna le greenarrow it.
>The Monogataris I've lost won't stop hurting
Still has nothing to do with fucking up schedules, laziness or low budget ect. The backgrounds are definitely an intentional design choice. In my personal opinion, I don't think they look that bad for the majority of the film though they certainly look worse in some scenes than they do in others.
The CG is ok, but really, the 2D could have been much better and all that, oh, "meaning".
Yeah, you're a little late to complain about that, mate.
I doubt you would want to bother telling that to everyone else who uses greentext like that at this point when they don't happen to be telling you that your point is moot.
The visuals are fucking god tier, i'd suck dicks for two weeks just to get the rest of the series to look like this.
But fuck 50 min is so underwhelming,
it was marketed and sold like a movie,
but it felt like a single episode.
I don't even get why even, the animation is 90% perfect style and design,
but it doesn't seem like the kind of animation that takes too much effort to make.
It was even sloppy at times, especially at the 3d running scene.
They could have passed this as a regular continuation of the series with weekly episodes.
Did nobody tell SHAFT about PBR or even HDR?
That would be very out of place, they're not going for realism.
So they're going for ugly?
I also don't like how most of the background look but an actual realistic render with 2D characters would look worse.
>almost every single backgorund is a real picture ran through Instagram filters
>B-but you don't understand! They're it's to create constrast!
I wish you people would die, you're the reason current anime is shit.
Well if they're not gonna actually draw the backgrounds or even use decent cel shading, it's either use the "16 year old german kid's deviantart page" style, or go full realism. This is the problem with rushed crap.
being this deluded
Whats with SHAFT and WIDENESS?
>Shaft fags will actually defend this
Maybe if the 2D characters had a bit more detail, they could be able to blend well with actual good renders.
Remember when White Fox took a Nisio Isin -gatari and made something that wasn't a pile of flaming garbage?
>almost every single backgorund is a real picture ran through Instagram filters
You can't be this stupid.
He said lazy, user, not devoid of creativity.
KyoAni should start adapting stuff that they don't publish. The directors they use are overall good/okay it's the source material that lacks.
>Every single design element you see anywhere in any monogatari series is 100% done intentionally.
Yeah no. That being said, I agree that OP's example is probably a design choice.
Because White Fox is absolutely based.
You get the point I was trying to make.
This juxtaposted 2D vs artsy 3D looks bad. But then again most of *tagari is bad because it relies on pseudo-artsy style and non-stop jump cuts to close ups of characters.
You waited 6 years for this? You're such a fucking faggot, holy shit
Well yeah, you have to prove yourself first which Shaft has already done.
Everyone looks like a fucking pig
I seriously don't even care if it's lazy.
I just like the way it looks.
To understand Shaft, one has to watch Hidamari.
People at Shaft are basically poor college kids, goign to Arts college, learning lot of theoretic stuff - but lacking talent to actually paint, sculpt, create. Thus failing the true art subjects, going to get proud diploma as "designers" - aka people with no artistic talent, but that can put together random stuff making it look somewhat artsy.
And thats what they do. Hidamari is also a perfect example because it illustrates WHY they had to resort to "style" like that - simply because were poor, behind schedule for months, with no resources and skilled animators and artists and had to put SOMETHING together - and going for simplistic "stylized" backgrounds and animation was the solution for them. And no, its not concious stylistic choice - its necessarity of inability to produce other. Shinbo`s for example art style can be best seen in his Soul Taker - not poor no budget Shaft works.
Times changed, money constraint is gone - but they still produce works in same key, since with that "style" they made itself a brand name, but nowadays cant produce something better - and its not like they didnt try: they did with Vampire Bund and failed terribly, returning to safe and formulaic cheap and sterile visuals.
Also have to mind, that most creative people behind the actual "shaft" style - are meanwhile gone, and at this point they just try to emulate it.
Pic related is show where backgrounds are intentional design choice with meaning and contributing to the show.
SHAFT however is just throwing random crap because they think it looks cool
>sync up perfectly and fluidly
>looks like he's running on air
>Given great source material with big hype buildup to it and which is culmination of the expectation to the series
>KyoAni makes Disappearance
>Shaft makes.. this thing
>big hype buildup
That reminds me how amazing it is that Violet Evergarden has so much hype and a large fanbase already, despite being an unknown LN.
Hope it delivers.
Will we get another Ikuhara show after the flop that was Yurikuma?
And would it even be worth it? He doesn't seem to be improving at all.
I still think he's a solid director. The problem is that his stuff is too niche in already niche industry so nobody wants him.
I wish he became a successful movie director instead of Hosoda.
I could try and animated those 3d walk cycles but I would have no clue how to render them like the movie, I'll add to my do to list.
>doesn't seem like the kind of animation that takes too much effort to make.
most animators can't do vertical walk cycles well, from my observations.
Katanagatari was a really boring-looking anime.
I think he's too formulaic. Being a guest episode director would be best for him.
>it's cool when Ikuhara does it
>it's shit when Shaft does it
You Ikuharafags are insufferable.
I like Ikuhara and don't remember voting that guy as my representative.
You seem to have comprehension problems.
>it's okay when Kyoani does it: the thread
>Ikuhara is theatric fag, considering all his visuals as "decorations" and always designing them with a symbolism behind and meaning. Any "stylistic" choices, are actually not random - but at worst case, direct references or reproduction of actual art.
>Shaft just makes random steril visuals and filtered architecture photos with no meaning behind it and sticks it absolutely everywhere - be it Nisio LN adaptation, SOL or Nisekoi
I liked Eupho and Kizu.
Hmm, i wonder why.. maybe because in KyoAni case, unlike Shafts - its done proffessionally and looks great?
BD release in the US when?