Patlabor lives again, get hyped.
Director: Yasuhiro Yoshiura
Script: Kazunori Ito and Yasuhiro Yosiura
Music: Kenji Kawai
Patlabor lives again, get hyped.
Director: Yasuhiro Yoshiura
Script: Kazunori Ito and Yasuhiro Yosiura
Music: Kenji Kawai
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Time for me to watch the original i guess.
Drawn mechs are dead, Jim.
>Director: Yasuhiro Yoshiura
Will watch.
Is Orange doing the CG?
coconut gun
It's probably Khara.
It's a 10 minute short just so you know. Don't get too excited.
Any word on voice actors?
dumb face, even for a robot.
>Noa isnt there
Embrace the future.
Is IG animating it again?
At least I have old anime.
>Make a 10 minute short.
>Call it a reboot.
>No Noa
No deal
The CG looks fine though.
CG shit should stay in video games and not into anime.
you are not paying for both though so they have no choice but to use a cheaper version to cater to the cheapest generation of audience
>no more hand drawn Ingram
This guy gets it.
Then maybe anime should fucking die if it is just going to be some goddamn zombie while we look to the past and see how it was better.
There goes my Hype! Well atleast we have Kenii Kawai
That's your opinion and unfortunately for you, nobody in the industry is listening.
>nobody in the industry is listening.
And that's why it is dying.
It is doing fine as long as they are cutting costs and ditching cheapskates like you.
Complaining about CG by this point is pointless, there's no way back now.
But not everything is despair, as the tech will keep advancing and getting easier on the eyes as time goes on.
Just curious, did you like the PV? If so, why does it matter if IG is involved?
It's not dying though.
Locomotives desu.
CGI looks much better while having less stills/more fluid movement.
Thank god for digital art
What's the point in movement if it looks like fucking shit, it's always jarring and out of place.
Whats the point of animation if its just stills without movement?
Hyped up. The original scripwriter (TV, movies, and GITS 1995) is involved. I don't think they'll manage to make a worse fuck up than Arise.
At least it looks nice.
only for your group of old jaded faggots who don't spend much on anime.
CG look better for the majority
Maybe the VA is dead and they try to honour he/she?
>this buttblasted
I just like IG when it involves mecha/Sci-Fi
cute boy.
>Giant robot
>Giant revolver
Why is this allowed?
I want this meme to die already.
It's just a ten minute short.
>Patlabor in CGI
Nothing is sacred anymore. This shit it depressing. Why do they have to do this? This is not fucking animation, I can understand if it were the exception but every single fucking anime has CG these days and many have started to be full CG.
I don't want to witness this.
>mecha anime
>the mecha, the main main sellpoint of the anime, is in CGI
What's the fucking point?
It's like ordering an hamburger and getting served third rate meat with decent bread. Who fucking cares about the bread if the meat is garbage?
>inb4 celbabies complaining about CGI
This looks amazing.
I'm hype.
thats a happy looking train
Fucking this. I want my Noa back
Stop bullying Noa
fuck Im exited
Where's Noa though
But there is Noa
Noa is overrated.
>Terrible character designs
>Terrible voice acting
I'll give the first episode a shot, but I'm pretty sure this is just going to be Active Raid S3.
Fuck off Noa is the best
Original Patlabor was full of qualitty.
She's okay.
I have absolutely zero problem with 3D. I have a problem with people sticking 3d in 2d and telling us to pretend we don't see it.
2D mechs looks like shit in TV.
Your point?
>CGI mecha
Just murder me in my sleep already desu.
CG mechs are better unless it's high budget movie
I am under strong impression celfags and anti-CG people don't actually enjoy anime, they enjoy bitching about how shit it is these days.
Now now, Captain Earth and ConRevo looked quite good (CE's actual contents we can omit), and Regalia looked quite decent as well until Actas' usual inaptitude in scheduling hit.
I like both 2D and 3D mecha equally. I just want an Sup Forums that doesn't endlessly whine and bitch about CGI, when can I expect that? 10 years? 15?
It's just a single 10 minute short, not a full series. So it will look very good even for CG mecha. I'm glad they're keeping the original mecha designs, unlike what Next Generation (the live action one) did.
I'm only a bit disappointed because it just reminds me how great the original was, and how we will never get anything like it again. And with this I don't mean "muh traditional animation", but in the characterization, chemistry between all the characters and lack of pandering for a very specific demographic. As the disappointment that Active Raid was showed us, It's just not possible these days.
>I just want an Sup Forums that doesn't endlessly whine and bitch about [thing]
Literally never ever
I enjoy anime. It's just that CGI looks like shit in it.
>Who is Hidenori Fukuoka
>Who is Eiji Nakada
>Who is Shuichi Kaneko
>Who is Yasushi Muraki
>Who is Shingo Abe
>Who is Nobuhiko Genma
>Who is Kasuki Itou
>Who is Seiichi Nakatani
>Who is Motherfucking Segoon Kim
>Who is Shingo Tamagawa
All freelance mecha animators that work on TV shows. Do a bit more research than not at all before you post on a topic next time.
>expect good Patlabor thrad with some nostalgia wanking
>just bitching about CGI that doesn't look bad
>Not knowing Xapa knows how to apply cgi it well
Come on now
Music gave me nostalgia.
>Active Raid
Back to your rocking chair.
But it is. It's a poor attempt at doing Patlabor.
the CGI looks like shit
why does it always look like choppy shit
why can't nips do CGI right
Literally no one, in the west or in Nippon, liked Active Raid. Sales were shit and threads were non-existent. It was like watching Rail Wars without the fanservice.
It wasn't disappointing to me because I expected shit. And shit I got.
>animating a 3D model is not animation
>muh sakuga
And? 2D mechs looks like shit 90% of time.
CGI mechs look like shit 100% of the time.
Only if you're CGI hater who think WETA tier CGI can be achievable in shitty low budget anime.
We're never getting 4.0.
It hurts.
Around 40 people on Sup Forums seem to know Patlabor. All hope is not lost.
>100% of the time.
Gundam Unicorn looks fantastic though, and it uses a good amount of CGI mechs
It's just hard to find good CGI to blend in well with the enviroment
Xapa did the Rebuild movies which I personally thought looked gorgeous
I don't see the issue, stop thinking in the extreme that ALL CGI is destined to look like the new Code Geass garbage
>CGI hater
What does that even mean? It simply looks like shit.
I want to hype but I'm still waiting on suns for the Next Generation,
Hating all CGI is pretty big trend right now.
Because it looks like shit, yeah.
It's like saying "Hating murder is a big trend right now".
Get a better tv.
Yeah, no.
Post 2D mechs. No sakuga
Something something arguing and your wrong and should never be happy
Shitty analogy.
Apparently nobody got the message or is listening. I think it might be related to the Nihon Animator Mihonichi project though
Hating shit is normal.
That's cause the geniuses on Sup Forums are too busy shitposting about CGI in mecha anime again.
Welcome to neo Sup Forums
Are you telling me this looks like shit?