Why is Super still praised for following the same mistakes GT had?

Why is Super still praised for following the same mistakes GT had?

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What mistakes do you mean? GT literally did nothing wrong.

Well Super never wanted to be an pretentious DB spiritual sucessor like GT did. The humour sure wants to simulate the early days but that's it.

Zangya is love
Zangya is life
Zangya is everything
Zangya is a miracle of the universe
Zangya might've done some things wrong, but she's still a beautiful person inside and out

"Goku Time", villains and arcs are mostly copypasta of the Z villains and arcs, etc.

>le Goku steals the show meme
Goku has always been the main character, you fucking autist.

Main character=/=only real focus

Every arc in Z except maybe the Saiyans wasn't all about Goku. Some of them he barely did anything

Androids was all about Gohan's development.

>Lost to Beerus
>Lost to Freeza
>Lost to Frost
>Lost to Hit
>Beat Winnie The Pooh
>Beat Copy Vegeta
>Beat Black

>Put up more of a fight than Goku against Beerus
>Achieved Super Saiyan Blue on his own
>Beat Freeza (technically)
>Beat Frost
>Beat Magetta
>Beat Cabba
>Lost to Hit
>In the manga it said he would've beat Hit if he knew about his power

It's more the Vegeta, Bulma and Goku show

It is written by toriyama.

>Achieved Super Saiyan Blue on his own
How the fuck does he never achive SSJ3 but can reach SSB? it drives me nuts

He probably could but SSJ3 is super taxing or shot lived or something.
Goku achieved it when he was dead, gotenks fusion is cut short because of it.

Vegeta never went super muscled like trunks did during the cell sega because he thought it was a waste.


vegeta never went grade 2 because he couldnt

its why trunks waited until he was out cold before using it and why he was butthurt afterward because he was still the weakest saiyan

Vegetal could he just didn't because he ain't an idiot.


>Beat Frieza
i'm a massive vegeta fan but you cant put that down

this Frieza full power Golden would murder Vegeta

Not at all. The Cell Games were about Gohan's development (and he was notably out of character for the entire cell fight, figure that one out). Androids + Imperfect Cell stuff wasn't about gohan at all.

except hes an idiot or he wouldve trained with trunks and taught him he could go to it but chose not to.

You know, instead of spending a full year training alone inside the rosat avoiding trunks

I want to fuck videl so bad man. I want my dick inside her throat

you wouldnt reach past her front teeth, come on man, aim at a realistic endeavour.

What do you know? Fucking degenerate .

Everyone knows that people that talk openly about wanting to fuck cartoons have tiny dicks bro, its just science.

if he had trained with trunks the second time, he wouldn't have been useless in the cell games

Because of Toriyama's involvement, it automatically makes it better because Dragon Ball hardcores love sucking Toriyama's penis.

I will always respect Toriyama because he created a series I love but dude is a fucking hack. GT is infinitely better than Super.

I think most of the additions Toriyama made since the original manga are great up until BoG. Starting with RoF and especially Super is where it when full on hack mode.

>In the manga it said he would've beat Hit if he knew about his power

Maybe if he knew about the time skip before the match began. Prolonging the fight only helps Hit "improve" his ability, and god knows Vegeta takes his sweet time with all his opponents

>Why is Super still praised for following the same mistakes GT had?
Because it doesn't? and it's superior in almost every regard?

What's superior about it outside of Toriyama's involvement and how does it not make the same mistakes?

BS DB Saga
> ended up being a very poor attempt to recapture DB's feel

Baby Saga
> random minion "stronger than majin buu"
> Pan being able to fight said minion
> Base Kid Goku = SS3 Buu Saga Goku; yet cannot hold the SS3 form
> Goku dies, but instead of dying...goes to monopoly world
> lack of secondary character fights since they're all "Baby"
> blutz waves as a requirement for SS4 seems out of left-field
> Baby dies the same way M10 Broly and Cooler do.

Super 17 Saga
> Adult Trunks immediately gets beat up by Android 17
> Vegeta didn't defeat Android 17 in a fight
> Two Android 17's > SS4
> Base Kid Goku > Super 17
> Piccolo having a cheap death, after being completely absent from GT. Didn't get wished back for w/e reason.
> This whole saga didn't make much sense

Shadow Dragon Saga
> Good concept; executed poorly
> Basically only Goku fought. Pan tagged along but was pretty useless
> 7 dragons was a great opportunity for other secondary characters to fight; but it was wasted
> Vegeta becoming SS4 was pointless, he quickly became fodder
> Gogeta was pointless...it was more of a comedy episode than anything
> Omega had a very bland, boring personlity
> Gohan, Goten, and Trunks offered to help. Goku said NO, so instead they just gave Goku energy.
> Kid Goku wins by copying his win against Buu
> Goku stays a kid throughout the ENTIRE series
> Just a series of revenge stories (Tuffles v Saiyans, Dr Gero+Myuu v Goku, Dragons v Z-fighters), with minimal universe-building

I really wish they had survived, at least Zangya, Bujin and Bido. They were the best part about that movie in my opinion.

>inb4 I'M MY FATHER'S SON!!!!

Granted, DBS isn't perfect. It's first two "sagas" were poorly done, but you can just watch the much better movie versions of them.

The Universe Tourney introduced a bunch of new characters, had Piccolo fight (and almost win, if Frost didn't cheat) when he was basically non-existent in GT. Explained more of Saiyan lore, where the dragon balls originated from, the god hierarchy, etc

The F. Trunks arc so far has been great, with an interesting villain and reintroduced Mai as an important character

Contd here

>It's first two "sagas" were poorly done, but you can just watch the much better movie versions of them.
Yeah but the movies don't count now. I'd be slightly more happy if Super if it started out with the tournament and used it as an excuse to flesh out the other characters again and get around to explaining how exactly god ki works. Instead it's mostly Goku beating people up alongside Vegeta and a cat who sit back and watch.

Why is Goku so retarded now? He was often goofing around, but not to that extent, and had serious moments even outside of some crucial battle parts. Now he is contstantly making a fool out of himself.

And even for someone who always liked the jap voices best, the granny voice is getting too screechy nowadays.

I found GT enjoyable...not great by any means, and the worst DB series so far (unless DBS ruins the F.Trunks arc and takes a nose-dive)...but enjoyable nonetheless.

As long as you don't take it too seriously, like a minion being as strong as Majin Buu or two 17's >= SS4.

A weaker aspect of GT is that it doesn't attempt the universe-building like DBS does. GT is basically a trilogy of revenge-stories (Tuffles mad at Saiyans! Dr Myuu/Gero mad at Goku! Dragons mad at wishing!)

Meanwhile DBS adds to the table (so far):
- Gods of Destructions as the destroyer counterpart of the Kai. Each with their own attendant.
- 12 universes. Paired off into "twin" universes.
- Originally 18 universes
- King of all, and the universal god heirarchy.
- Planet Salad, the original Saiyan home.
- Pre-Freeza Saiyan armor design
- the god of Dragons, Zarama
- the origin of the Namekian dragon balls
- An omnipotent being (Zuno) at the center of the universe.
- The galactic patrol's anime introduction.
- Galactic King introduction
- Tights Brief introduction.
- time-travelling against "galactic law"
- Time Rings
- Freeza as Beerus' underling.
- Freeza's race able to attain an "Ultimate Evolution"
- Freeza's 3rd form named "Assault form"
- Your "Hell" is tied to the planet you died on.
- Earth's hell is a personal hell.
- De-fusing Potara fusion is possible.
- The SSG ritual
- God Ki. Calm and undetectable.

- Black-Star DBs existing
- Hell being dark/barren except with the occasional extreme temperature fluctuations.
- Wishing a lot makes the earth DBs evil.
- Blutz waves = Golden Oozaru
- SS4

I wouldn't call the bunch of random planets in the first GT saga "universe-building", since most of them were insignificant.

Baby Saga - We already knew about the Saiyans vs Tuffles in DBZ (iirc, King Kai told the story).

I give DBS credit for trying to expand the lore, therefore feeling like a proper sequel. DBGT played it too safe, and it suffered because of that.

>(unless DBS ruins the F.Trunks arc and takes a nose-dive)
Nope, even if that happens DBS will still be better than GT.

Agreed OP, the lack of Gine in both series is unacceptable

BS DB Saga
> ended up being a very poor attempt to recapture DB's feel

Baby Saga
> random minion "stronger than majin buu"
> Pan being able to fight said minion
> Base Kid Goku = SS3 Buu Saga Goku; yet cannot hold the SS3 form
> Goku dies, but instead of dying...goes to monopoly world
> lack of secondary character fights since they're all "Baby"
> blutz waves as a requirement for SS4 seems out of left-field
> Baby dies the same way M10 Broly and Cooler do.

Super 17 Saga
> Adult Trunks immediately gets beat up by Android 17
> Vegeta didn't defeat Android 17 in a fight
> Two Android 17's > SS4
> Base Kid Goku's Dragon Fist > Super 17
> Piccolo having a cheap death, after being completely absent from GT. Didn't get wished back for w/e reason.
> This whole saga didn't make much sense

Shadow Dragon Saga
> Good concept; executed poorly
> Basically only Goku fought. Pan tagged along but was pretty useless
> 7 dragons was a great opportunity for other secondary characters to fight; but it was wasted
> Vegeta becoming SS4 was pointless, he quickly became fodder
> Gogeta was pointless...it was more of a comedy episode than anything
> Omega had a very bland, boring personlity
> Gohan, Goten, and Trunks offered to help. Goku said NO, so instead they just gave Goku energy.
> Kid Goku wins by copying his win against Buu
> Goku stays a kid throughout the ENTIRE series

Granted, DBS isn't perfect. It's first two "sagas" were poorly done, but you can just watch the much better movie versions of them.

The Universe Tourney introduced a bunch of new characters, had Piccolo fight (and almost win, if Frost didn't cheat) when he was basically non-existent in GT. Explained more of Saiyan lore, where the dragon balls originated from, the god hierarchy, etc

The F. Trunks arc so far has been great, with an interesting villain and reintroduced Mai as an important character

Read the thread dude

Is this pasta I'm not familiar with?

>Why is Super still praised

Its not praised at all. Most people that aren't DBfags think its shit.

I'm talking about DBfags praising it and missing how this is not too different then that other series they shit on. GT and Super were both mistakes that even a Korean MMO that Toriyama wrote the story of had a better plotline.

the story about tuffles are not canon. So they expand the filler out. I like only the 2nd ep of GT. nothing else.

It's better than Z.

Because DB tards don't want to admit that the both Super and GT, the sequels to there favorite manga/anime, sucked.

The manga or anime? Cause fuck the anime

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