How is it still possible for people to hate Subaru after episode 18 ? We
can safely say that he's more than made up for his debacle at the court.
Subaru has chosen Emilia, and even Rem has accepted that : she will
be happier as second girl. Subaru has grown mentally, and it tells
so much about him that he chose to keep fighting. Wouldn't it be truly
pretentious to say that, despite everything that has happened as of now,
in his darkest hour, Subaru hasn't risen to become a true hero ? Really,
his comeback was the highlight of the episode. Denying that Subaru's
own descent into darkness is over is to misunderstand his sense of
self. We're in front of a depp, well-constructed character, and
hating him doesn't make anyone look smart. Do you even like Re:Zero
How is it still possible for people to hate Subaru after episode 18 ? We
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what the fuck is wrong with this post?
I liked him BEFORE and I hate him BECAUSE of this episode.
I liked him BEFORE and I love him BECAUSE of this episode.
Rem has murdered Subaru in previous timelines
Rem denied Subaru's request to run off together
Thanks to Subaru's curse,we are only seeing this timeline happen
Thanks to Subaru's curse and his ability to restart at certain checkpoints,we will never see the different AU's that were possible
One where Crusch successfully takes him as part of her army
One where he adopts Beatrice as his daughter and we watch them grow together and go on mystical cult slaying adventures
One where Reinhardt comes back and takes him as an apprentice
Instead,we get one where he rejects a girl that loves him only because he's the only one that has shown her what affection can feel like and chooses the superior half elf as the ultimate prize
You f/a/ggots have had to choose between two different women before,haven't you?
Subaru is cute
>No one has noticed the hidden message.
Oh, I knew that formatting was weird.
Please give hint.
I assume it's the first word of every sentence.
Thanks user, here's a nugger.
whats the hidden message?
Only manchildren that still have the minds of edgy teenagers don't appreciate Subarus development
>How is it still possible for people to hate Subaru after episode 18 ?
Because he took 18 episodes to do something a male lead who isn't retarded could've done in like 5. Him getting better this late in doesn't do much at this point.
Also, what the fuck is an uplifting speech by Ms Perfect Waifu going to do about the fact that he can't SPLIT HIS LUNGS WITH BLOOD AND THUNDER WHEN HE SEES THE WHITE WHALE and can't do jack shit about Beetlejuice in the cave with his cronies?
Because he's the archbishop of Pride
Are you autistic?
> last spoiler
This is Sup Forums, what do you think? The only more virgin board than us is Sup Forums.
>not /r9k/
did anyone else find this episode to affect them as much as it did to me?
i was basically a subaru, but i've taken steps that i've never thought i would even think about to going forward. and i even did it while staying happy.
/r9k/ is somewhere there.
You mean the part when he talked about wasting his time and not doing anything when he was free?
Yeah, that made me feel too bad.
i dont know if this is pretentiousness or something, but i feel like this whole series is sort of a calling out towards people like me, ie. neets, otakus, etc.
i mean, how many times have you wished to restart from zero? if you were given the chance, do you honestly think anything would change?
Too bad finding the Light Novels is so freacking difficult...
Yeah, most user would have gone crazy at this point. I admire Subaro for trying again and smiling again.
Fuck off wannabe normalfags.
>posting on Sup Forums
>thinking he's a normal fag
fuck off jaded shitposter, try enjoying life before you hang yourself
>how many times have you wished to restart from zero?
Many times.
> if you were given the chance, do you honestly think anything would change?
Honestly nothing will change if Iam still the same, I regret wasting my time and doings nothing, but I lack the resolve and the action to actually take action, Iam disgusting human just like Subaru.
>abloblo muh shitty life i want le social life and gf
Are you autistic?
>people shitting on subaru for being an actually interesting character
lmfao there's no pleasing people
it's getting pretty annoying though, seeing one of the most refreshing and realistic portrayals of a character get shit on and said is the reason they dropped the show
is this how shinji fans feel
Is rezero the evangelion of the isekai genre?
too bad he's never going to be an awesome hero and Rem is a cuckqueen for encouraging his delusions. Rem doesn't know shit about what he went through. The worst part about his curse is that he can't tell anyone about it
To be honest, all he did was bitch, moan, and pity himself most of the episode and then rejected the girl that brought him out of his slump. Still not very likable but at least it feels like shit will move forward now.
I have been in your position before, man. I used to believe that one day I'd have some random moment that fills me with the resolve to change my life but waiting never brought that.
My only advice is don't go looking for that moment, don't prepare for it. When it comes, it'll come a few steps after taking that first baby step. I was lucky enough to have a nice therapist, a supporting mother, and adderall.
Believe it or not, adderall is one hell of a miracle drug for depression. It didn't cure it, but it gave me the tools to deal with it and fix it myself.
Sup Forums don't like beta MCs.
No, but Subaru is.
Every time there's a loser character, people go wild. Realistic? Yeah. Refreshing? Not really.
Are you? Go cry somewhere else about how shit your life is, loser.
she rejected him first
Is Subaru was a cute girl this would be the result:
i already have both of those.
turns out, depression isn't about petty things most of the time. who would've known that?
there's two types of shitposters, the type that shitposts for fun, or the type that shitposts unironically. either way, you're a disgusting human being
try to enjoy life, as i said, before you hang yourself
Oh so you're a normalfag. Fuck off from Sup Forums in that case.
She rejected a lie.
>interesting character
By what standards? All of his behavior didn't come to me as a surprise nor did the plot because we saw that shit already in Steins;Gate and MuvLuv Alternative.
The AU probably began from this episode, if she ran away with him. You call that happy married life with 2 kids a lie?
This is the most autistic fanbase of the season.
yeah, and which type of shitposter are you?
the one that enjoys schadenfreude, or the one that is generally an asshole and deserves no respect?
How the fuck is this an interesting character? Are your standards THAT low??
More like how is it still possible for people to actually like this shit show.
>realizes that he's shit
>tries to run away
>rem uses talk-no-jutsu to continue suffering
when does he become the villain please?
Normalfags 3DPD lovers don't belong on Sup Forums.
Fuck off to some cancerous casuals anime community trash.
It's not what he really wanted. It's beautiful but still a lie.
>abloblo your tastes arent refined enough for my secret club!
you do realize you sound like a total faggot who has troubles making friends, right?
>tags : coprophagia, enema, torture
Thank you for the advice user. I just felt much better after reading your post.
>i had to see a therapist, have a loving mother, and take prescription meth in order to get my life together
My mother is a schizoid and I can't afford the other two things. Your advice is useless.
Is Re Zero for elite community now? I feel really sad for people who thinks Re Zero Is some kind of deep anime.
Fuck off normalfag.
You reek of tame online communities, no offense. You should really stop coming to Sup Forums if "Schadenfreude-loving shitposters" bother you that much, and I don't mean that in a bad way.
Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, etc. you name it brother. i'm just not an asshole, i dont go out of my way to make other's days worse. i genuinely enjoy being of as much use as i can to making someone happy. shit like this doesn't really get to me.
Is this Sup Forums?
Sup Forums have no place for blogging normalfags trash like you.
i'm just trying to help a brother out, there's no point in blogging on an anonymous imageboard
Is this a self hating non pretentious enough, with no scary big words so you can self insert on it?
Haven't we seen this show a million times before?
Come on Japan get original lolz hahaha
just gonna vent. episode 18 had me crying from beginning to middle, I was actually starting to like subaru a little bit, but in the end is where im considering even continuing the show (ill prob stil watch it though) Subaru is the biggest pieces of human shit I have ever seen in any anime (even worse that the protaginist from school days) now if this was a normal anime where he didnt go back in time after he died and he confessed he loved emillia then sure I wouldnt be too angry. but the fact is you have rem, a girl who is half demon who never really got close with anyone besides her sister, opens up and lets in subaru, a waste of human life into her heart because he unfroze her heart. we have seen alrerady rem fight and FUCKING DIE for him over and over again, this motherfucker even see's her sacrifices fro himself, HE EVEN KNOWS SHE DIES FOR HIM BECAUSE SHE LOVES HIM. But no, apparently her death literally means nothing to him because HURR I LOVE AMILLIA FOR REASONS. This is the perfect example of someone who is so greedy and selfish they cant even see for themselves. I dont even know if I wanna continue anymore. Subaru doesnt deserve her feelings, he doesnt deserve happiness. You have someone who you seen die for you over and over again and still chose someone who probably wont love you or care for as much rem does. Im done. Im fucking sick of these anime shows that never pick best girl. Im sick of it, fuck everything. TLDR Fuck subaru and I hope he never finds happiness because he just lost it
she turned him down first. She literally said no to making her dream life with him come true over some ambiguous "muh suburu wouldn't run!" bullshit.
She ruined it for herself.
>ambiguous "muh suburu wouldn't run!" bullshit.
And this shit has been done to death in anime
Why do you faggots keep falling for this recycled bullshit?
because a recycled formula is all japan has been putting out lately. It sells.
Nothing stopped Subaru from still wanting Rem. Even after everything, he still wanted Emilia.
Meaning Rem's a silver medal regardless.
he ain't never getting what he wants
fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck subaru fuck
Good, he shouldn't.
he chose her but she rejected him
Rem did the right thing, do you seriously think Subaru will love Rem and forget all about Emilia? He will regret it everyday if he ran, he will even think about Emilia when fucking Rem in their little bought hoouse. Rem avoided the cuck life, she dodged a bullet.
yes I think he would love her and forget all about Emilia. He did it in the AU.
rem wont win you guys any other way
>> lets run away subaru
fucking bitch using spur of the moment to get her man, rem is a bitch
>>no subaru dont run, coz of reasons
man she turned him down first, muh suburu wouldnt run bullshit
yea fuck off faggot, she did the right thing, and nope she is not losing in the running yet at the moment.
>>mfw tappei pull a wilhelm wife card on rem in arc 6
>she is not losing
the mangafags would like to have a word with you.
which apparently he did in the AU, love is a fickle thing, give it time and you will love the person who devote herself to you
being pretty girl like rem also helps
I like him.
Anyone who says Subaru is a self-insert isn't wrong, but I don't know how that's supposed to make anyone feel bad or how that's something that should make you drop the show.
It's more the fact that he is a self-insert, rather than the assertion, that makes somebody feel bad.
Plenty of people can probably relate to Subaru in one way or another, be it being a otaku, a NEET, a lazy ass, or just somebody who wasted their life dreaming without doing something about it.
He's relatable, yet those he may identify with choose to shit on how much he bitches.
You say that Subaru complains too much? He can't do jack--he's not buff, he's not magical, and he has minimal social skills--he literally can't do anything else. What would you do in powerless situations, maybe like when Emilia was being bagged on in the royal hall?
Try and fight anyway? And end up like Subaru did at the royal meetup?
Not do anything at that time and try to improve on your flaws and gain new skills to fix the situation? Can you gain the abilities and the credit to do that in a few days when you've done nothing with the rest of your life that could actually fix it? And with that thought in mind, did you accept that you're useless?
Either way, Subaru was always powerless and could always do nothing--since he never accepted that until episode 18, he kept fighting back with hollow punches and just ended up making everything more difficult.
He's supposed to exemplify how hard life is for someone who does nothing but dream and want without doing anything to help them get it or justify them achieving it, sadistically and on purposely when the example is the worst person to implement that idea on.
It takes time to become a person that has the ability to do what Subaru wanted to do--a lifetime's worth.
He wasted his first life and now he's starting another one--and hard as it might be to start again, anyone can take a second chance.
It's the only thing 'deep' a Japanese writer can come up with.
i doubt mangafags even get further than us
You can love another, but rem literally told him to never give up. So hes going after the original girl he met first - not giving up.
Imagine if he had met Rem first when he got to the world.
Nice blog
The reason people hate subaru is because he reminds them of how shitty their lives are, especially with his worthless neet speech. KEK
nah, its because he really is useless and doesn't make for an interesting story.
Hes been whining, getting his ass kicked, and making every possible wrong decision since the show started.
Its getting boring. And people are growing frustrated with how retarded the MC is.
The only problem is that time has run out for him. He only gets 4 or less days to prepare for the next shitfest of murderous intent. There's no time for him to train. Pulling respawn training makes him suspicious to everyone because of the witch scent. He wasted his life in the real world and now this alternate world doesn't give a single week of reprieve. His situation is impossible and there's no way out except running away, and Rem convinced him to stay
At least it looks like he'll change now.
Could the episodes been a little more compact?
Yeah, most likely.
Like I said, worst case scenario.
And White Fox wanted it that way.
Weeaboos and lazy dreamers deserve this anime so much it hurts.
What do you expect from a NEET famalam
She didn't turn down the guy, only his lies.
He pathetically asked Rem to run away with him out of despair. Deep inside he's all "muh Emilia". Playing with Rem's feelings like that is nothing short of disgusting.
He's obviously going to get the polygamy end. Why the fuck are you people bitching about waifus since you're obviously self-inserting, and the mc is getting more than one dat ass?
Not if you read Mango
In there you can usually find something a bit more original if you look hard enough
Subaru a shit.
If he had met Rem first. She would have killed him. Emilia is just too stupid to see anyone as a threat
I expect him not to be the MC.
if your audience consumes media as a form of escapism, why would you, as a content producer, produce media that reminds them of their flaws and failures? Why bother creating a character that does nothing but cry and complain every episode.
Its not deep or ground-breaking. its dumb. The author and the studio are dumb.
>She didn't turn down the guy, only his lies.
Do you realize how autistic this sounds?
This is some straight up Chuuni bullshit, it's not deep at all