MGTOW Thread

Daily reminder that giving your hard earned cash and commitment to a western whore is a Cuck move, not a Redpilled one.

Daily reminder that sex is fun and enjoyable.
This is my main issue with MGTOW that it seems to mostly be men who cannot get laid and are all sour grapes

I know getting laid is hard due to women shortage but no need to get pissy about it so i wouldnt touch this movement with a 10ft pole (or Sup Forums)

daily reminder you can't marry your left hand

You could have the is run them destry, here's a time, turned with a fuck our communism is conceived as an in this in offer, unless you it is our enemies are feet even me in, I hear where I can't convincing outgoing US Ambassam-tibi-behavior of bitch that.
It is a real Christs difference-nude/

Lol stahp this

Sadly, I have to agree with you memeflag

MGTOW is for men who have to scrape the bottom of the barrel. There are high quality, monogamous, intelligent women out there. They just don't date guys like you.

I wouldn't say that. I think there is a lack of good women for men who lack social skills.

Then again I am just a tranny who lives off of being able to be the girlfriend of a guy who hates normal woman.

>MGTOW is for men who have to scrape the bottom of the barrel
I think its a mix, there are prolly some oldfags who married the wrong girl and had her take half his assets away but mostly its for fags who cannot get dates so they convince themselves all girls are shit

Just look at any random MGTOW channel on youtube, its mostly videos about horrible women doing horrible shit.

>I think there is a lack of good women for men who lack social skills.
Cant say that i can relate, ive met guys with shitty social skills who had a gf and ive met guys who worked in sales and were very friendly who had problems.

But social exposure i think is very important, if you arent seeing the women you cant get the women.(shocking, i know)

Most MGTOWs are older men with kids and experience of modern women who got divorce raped and are warning the younger ones not to think with their dicks.

I love these threads. Women, cuckservatives, and white nationalists alike come out of the woodwork to rage over men who refuse to support a dead institution and won't tolerate bullshit from women. The best part? No matter how hard they shame these men or plead with them, it doesn't work which makes them even angrier.

In EVERY MGTOW thread you get the same discourse:

1) Inexperienced but horny kiddos think every guy just want to fuck anything that moves and the entirety of social interaction revolves around fucking and MGTOWs are fat autistic virgin neckbeards who can't get laid.

2) Actual MGTOWs who are experienced grown men who are warning about the dangers of women + the state vs you, and how you can be easily taken for all you've got.

3) The "Yes, thats right goy - dont reproduce" jew shills - yes JEW SHILLS. The thing (((they))) want you to do is YES reproduce children to a raving tinder psycho / bar slut who will NEVER grow up and you will be raising her as well as your kids until she bails on you and takes half your shit after dragging you through divorce court.

The jew agenda is NOT to stop whites reproducing, its to produce a WEAKER generation with poor parents so the state can become the new parents. No reproduction means no goy-cows for milking. Why the fuck would (((they))) not want a new generation of tax-slaves? (((They))) own the banking system AND the law courts / judicial process.

(((The agenda))) is all about making money from broken individuals from broken families - NOT stopping reproducing.

MGTOW is redpilled because its men refusing to get fucked over by the jew system - and (((they))) are worried. (((They))) are worried that (((they))) have pushed the feminist "high maintenance woman" meme too far and thought men would become pussyfied slaves to nagging bitches and never thought men would just go their own way.

I spend it on tech, noms and vidyagames

>this movement
It's more like a lifestyle. And you can still have sex but relationships are not allowed.


I hope you get hit by a fucking truck, Spain.


Im going to use this

fucking faggots that always try to say MGTOW is a jewish tactic.

If it were, fine they win.

It's like if someone comes and spits in my food. "hey if you don't eat that you let him win" Fine I'll let him win lol, that shit's gross.

Sup Forums is becoming a more MGTOW board day by day

MGTOW isn't incel. MGTOW is refusing women marriage. I still fuck women. Usually prostitutes.

Every time xD

MGTOW is not about sour grapes/hating women. I love women. Short term relationships and one-time pump n dumps are fine. The problem is the system and the laws with regards to family court and marriage/divorce.

>just get a prenup
Just a meme. Prenups are dismissed by judges all the time if they are deemed 'unfair to the woman' (that is, she doesn't get to rip you off).

>have a separate secret bank account that you don't share with your wife
This is considered a form of spousal abuse and the judge will just seize your shit. You'd need to know advanced financial planning wizardry and stash money in a special type of trust to have it be potentially safe (but still no guarantees).

There is pretty much nothing that you can do to protect yourself. If a woman cheats on you then you will lose everything. Everything that you have ever worked for. And then, post-divorce, your SMV is in the toilet because no woman wants a divorced guy who's perpetually broke and living in a rented out basement or trailer park.

>Im going to use this
Better late than never, I suppose

>MGTOW is not about sour grapes/hating women
Like i said, i think its a mix.
I dont hate women, i know how women work so i use caution in my approaches with them because shit can blow up fast.

Point being there are ALOT of sour grapes dudes who are MGTOW and they revel in women getting "a taste of karma"

You HOPE it's a mix, because otherwise it destroys your preconception of them. If it's just a movement of losers who can't get laid you and everyone like you feel safe dismissing it as a non-threat.

This basically.

Women are soon to be totally obsolete, especialyl as some jobs decentralize. Stay at home single fathers of surrogate-born children with lots of money and values to teach with zero feminine is the future.

>instead of saying failure you blame others
I have to agree, but it doesn't change anything menists say against feminists

>mgtow we dont want anything to do with women
>everything we talk about revolves around them

>be me
>be Catholic
>only exposure to divorce is Protestant friends and neighbors
>tfw looking down on all these plebs

>f it's just a movement of losers
I didnt say it was just a movement of losers, read my comment again please

I also said the guys who are losers are giving it a bad name

It's just an awareness campaign. Beware the sloots that have been constantly upheld as the ultimate girls over the last 5 decades. They might look good, they might feel exciting, they might make you look alpha as fuck if you're with one, but they're cunts who stand for nothing.

Marry a nice girl.

I understand the movement (it's impossible to have camaraderie with women), but you have to sacrifice your own happiness for the sake of continuing your bloodline. That is your role in this world.

And anyone can get a girl, just lower your standards. Always go for personality over looks.

Catholics just cheat instead of divorcing and think a few hail marys and confession make it ok

>you have to cuck yourself to some slut
>that is your role in the world

keep dreaming

>unicorn meme
>current year

good luck marrying the "nice girl" who's had 14 dicks in her before you met her.

My 20 yo sister has daddy issues and is dating a 58 year old teacher she idolizes for whatever reasons. This is a secret to the school. I could just report it and destroy two lives at once, should i do it or wait till she finally get what she deserves like a child and he fucks off? I'm in a real dilemma here, but i gave up trying to help my retarded sister so you can decide for me.

here you have a pic of her disgusting butt

>He hasn't reported them yet
Just stay the cuck you are, don't du nothing


Is that a still from a video?
Do you have a video of your half-naked sister?

it was part of a video on new years eve where she was drunk as fuck, she pulled it down for a few seconds and got into her room

Fair points, user, though why not seek out sexual pleasure without any of the emotional and financial entanglements. This is what MGTOW has taught me. When I get really horny, I just seek out an obliging twink. Then when we're done, there are no strings or complications and I can go back to living my life and saving up money instead of spending it on cosmetics gifts or handbags or shit like that.

You can get laid and be MGTOW, you know.
Either you don't know what MGTOW is or are just deliberately strawmanning.