What are Sup Forums's thoughts on the "anime will die in a few years" meme?

What are Sup Forums's thoughts on the "anime will die in a few years" meme?

Nonsense. Trump is going to make anime real.

it will, it's called olympics
fuck off Sup Forums

This is the most retarded normalfags meme I have ever seen.

Trump would be disgusted by how many weebs masturbate to loli.


Is anime over yet?

It won't, it's just Sup Forums tier doomsaying, like how they said the videogame market was gonna crash this year, for the past couple of years.

>muh olympics meme
Forgive me for doubting that they'd give a fuck about what the Olympic Committee wants.

It's just doom and gloom. People love to exaggerate everything, especially in the news.

wait until the normalfags flood and every news is how degenerate the country is and they should be like westerns

Like that time the UN told Japan all those rape comics were problematic for women, and Japan said, "Lots of them are drawn by women, maybe you should worry more about real people than imaginary ones."


It'll move to Taiwan.

Anime is not dying.

Anime is already dead

It was one fujoshi blogger that said that, not fucking Japan.

Anime has been dead for a logn time.

Anime is little more than animation. And even then, the specific oriental flavor of anime won't die out. What might happen, which is the worst case scenario, is that the Japanese anime industry collapses in on itself due to a lack of creativity and circlejerking the same stale, old plots and archetypes. And guess what? South Korea and China are ready, willing and able to fill the hole. Our beloved RARARERURERU DESU will be replaced with CHING CHONG NIP NONG ZHONGGUO NUMBA WAN.

Never heard of that meme but it doesn't make much sense. CG is getting better, VR will be a thing, OTT digital distribution will at some point hit Japan as well (maybe even before they finally get rid of faxing machines) and 4.0 still isn't out.

Anime was never alive.

CG keeps getting worse
VR is videogames
digital distribution cannot sustain the industry

>CG keeps getting worse
have you seen older CG stuff as compared to e.g. Knights of Sidonia or Etotama?
>VR is videogames
Not exclusively. VR is also porn, news, documentaries, film and also highly possibly anime
>digital distribution cannot sustain the industry
I'm not saying it will, but it will help to make up the losses from dying TV markets

Have you seen berserk?
No one will make VR anime, its more profitable to turn it into a game

so, what does the olympic committee have to do with it? thats the first time i hear about this.

google turns up nothing

The only way anime Will Survive is that if they adopt the policy of sexualizing children and toddlers so that people can use it as a replacement for child porn.

This will be its Saving Grace.

I'm not saying that all CG is good (just like not all hand drawn animation is good), I'm just saying it's getting better
>its more profitable to turn it into a game
do you know the costs of developing a game, yet alone a fully immersed VR game? Not to mention that games and anime are two completely different mediums

Do you know the costs of making an anime?
Higher than a game and less audience
There wont be VR anime deal with it

it has far too big of a global fanbase to die, worst case scenario the production moves to other Asian countries

The UN should worry about their child rapists in their own organization.

A global fanbase that doesnt contribute for shit

>Higher than a game
no. A single episode of anime costs around 150k to make. Times 12 that's around 1.2 Million for a season. Let's go double that for a high quality title made by Kyoani or something so 2.4 million.

A triple A title by Ubisoft or similar easily costs 50-100 times that much

Yes the audience is much smaller, but so are the costs

You'd be really naive to think that such a self-insert medium pandering to Otaku wouldn't jump on the VR train someday

well that's the industry's own fault due to pandering to NEETs and alienating most other audiences

Ubisoft is one of the biggest game developers in the world, 99% of game budgets are nowhere near that

and Kyoani is one of the biggest animation studios.

Even then, the development costs of a single anime season are roughly the same of an average indie game.

If you actually wanted to compare a high quality VR anime with a high quality VR game, the game would be much much more expensive

This has become a homosexual buzzword for "too many cute girls, not enough men's asses".

it hasn't managed to alienate us though and look how much we contribute

They never had any other audience.
Normalfags aren't interested in acknowledging cartoons as a serious kind of entertainment.
It's because of people who didn't care whether their interests make them appear strange that anime could prosper in the first place.

The industry's producing plenty of shows and it's not as though it's undergoing a per-year decline. Anime is fine and if anything growing.

Why would one of japans biggest industry just die?
Thats like saying tomorrow video games will just die.

I won't be fine with that, unless they do the same thing that japs did with american comics.

Nice twitter meme dude

I agree, fellow FBI agent! Do any of you?

What about the "anime is already dead" meme? That's the one I believe.


Good. Can finally start working on my backlog.

Anime will die but animes never.

What did they do?

Berserk isn't good example because it's made by some shitty new studio Gemba. Orange's CGI is great, JC staff and TMS also have it decent.

>Not detecting all this sarcasm

Why didn't you off yourself before you were even born?

>and Kyoani is one of the biggest animation studios.
You are complete retard. Toei is one of biggest and their anime look mostly like shit.

Of course it's sarcastic, that doesn't make it any less fucking cringey.

How would anime die due to the Olympics? At most all the creepy ones would die and be replaced by manime or something more neutral.

Still alive and kicking.
Memes will be kept alive because somebody can do it.

>be replaced by manime
Japan already has a population problem. Do you want the remaining children they have to become gay as well?

Slit your throat.

>a-am I fitting in yet??

If it means more manime then yes

No, you aren't.

Clearly just an edgelord straight out of Sup Forums

SJWs have already infiltrated anime just like they have video games, movies, and comics.
Enjoy your garbage, I'm moving to the next big entertainment source : Smell-o-vision.

>yfw they ruin smell-o-vision 20 years down the line by putting in nigger smells and fat lady odors

I want to go back

>SJWs have already infiltrated anime
They're not doing a very good job then

On another topic, since Japan is hosting the 2020 Olympics do you think they'll advertise the event using anime?

That's what they all said, then just a year down the line everyone started complaining about all the liberal media crap in their comics or video games, then a year later they had movements against it, then not even a month after those movements there was complete global saturation.

Of course. There will be at least a few manga featuring the 2020 olympics, and the ones that seem to be a better fit for the goals of a production committee will have an anime adaptation.

Probably not since the rest of the world hates anime.

Can you give me examples? I haven't seen any crazy SJW messages in anime yet.

No but they will advertise Jackie Chan

You won't for a while, it hasn't become normalized yet. All you'll get right now are small tastes in the air and weird currents.

>complete global saturation.
>small tastes in the air and weird currents.

Sounds like you have a bit of a different definition of COMPLETE GLOBAL SATURATION than I do

It's only in dubs and only plebs watch dubs. You're not a pleb? Are you?

>Do you want the remaining children they have to become gay as well?
I don't see the problem, homosexality and death are the way of the samurai.

Making dubs isn't "infiltrating anime." Infiltrating anime would be getting into the production studios and attempting to stop any sexualization in a show they are working on.

I agree. They could also work on it from an outside consulting angle. Shame them into cow towing and then provides their "services" at a hefty sum of money. It's worked before just not in Japan.

>SJWs have already infiltrated anime just like they have video games, movies, and comics.
I know this post is a joke but then I'm reminded that there are people who legit think this is true.

The SJWs are secretly reptilians.

Hanekawa was unbearably fucking adorable in Kizu

She is best girl user.

>the liberal media crap in their comics or video games
Thing is, outside of indie dev fags and some select figureheads, this is mainly done as a deflection of criticism.

Bioware did this a lot to excuse numerous bad decisions, except it doesn't really hold up because it's done so transparently.
Ubisoft tried to blame the poor reception of Watch Dogs 2 (a sequel nobody asked for, to a bland and forgettable game nobody paid attention to), on racism, with the protagonist being black, which didn't really work either, Watch Dogs 2 still tanks.

With comics, you have Marvel, since what they do is mostly capeshit, they try to force retarded drama and narratives all the time, for shock.
If you look at FemThor, that was some of the worst writing people had EVER fucking seen in a western comic, people were buying it left and right to see how retarded it was, their plan worked, to a point.
See, while FemThor had some of the fastest growth of new readership in Marvel history, it also had some of the fastest DECLINE afterwards, most opted to not keep reading after seeing how bad it was (many weren't even regular readers anyway), so it crashed and burned, the comic was cancelled, and the shitty SJW writer tried to hopelessly guiltrip the readers with MUH CANCER.

Also, this isn't something which is new to capeshit, it's always tried to use elements of sensationalism to shock readers and encourage them to buy the comic to see what the fuck they just did, it's just recently that they've latched on to the SJW thing (both from a pro and outrage perspective). It probably isn't going to actually change comics.