Mob Psycho 100

Thought of this episode 04?

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Sasuga bONEs nailed the humour something i thought they would fail at the most.


Can't fucking wait for the next ep.

Best boy so hot. Funny thing is he did gain that kind of body later.

>roided manlet
Why? Literally worse than being a manlet

I don't think you guys can comprehend how much I want to fuck Mob. It's honestly upsetting that's there's not more doujins.

>stronger than you
Stay mad.

short hair teru is best teru

>those thighs
>that bulge
Arousal 100%

Best bros

>best anything

Compare it with this :

>No based Body Improvement club in my school
I'm crying and it won't stop.

Ep was bro.

>is a /fit/ episode
>there's a manlet
like pottery

This one is funnier but not as epic also if they had done that with that animation people would have had a meltdown here. As funny as it is, i dont think it would work in anime form.

the manlet is best boy besides musashi

Is this the OPiuM denial thread?

They're too pure for this world



Well, I marathoned episode 1-4 today, and I'm an anime-only viewer.

I gotta say, the soundtrack for this show is quite nice, and the fights are also not too bad. I like the colors in this show, so all in all, I very much liked Mob Psycho 100.

It's a nice show.

This fucking scene was just fucking perfect in every way.

Dat music
Those close ups
Those bros

Can't even remember a scene this well made before.

The Body Improvement Club's pure devotion to reaching the peak of their physical potential and their clubmates makes me feel strangely ashamed of myself

so it's agreed that once this gets popular and normies start watching it like OPM we all start hating it instead?

>Body Improvement Club Pumped up 100%

Couldn't stop laughing, just gold.

>the crow from Teru's speech

> gets popular

kek. good joke.

We're all gonna make it, Shigeo-kun.

Shut the fuck up. Why do you faggots constantly bring up reception amongst normalfags as if their opinion matters?

I really like the direction in this episode

start gettin /fit/ brah

>Dimple's commentary on fucking everything
>Teru slapping everyone's shit in his voice sucks ass though

9.5/10 episode

so it's popular enough now that we can pretend we never liked it?

I honestly can't fathom how pathetic and despicable in nature a person must be to neglect their body physically, to forgo any and all athleticism in favour of consumerism. Not even education and mental prowess can save such a person.

I jog on the weekdays but it's only about a mile per day. It's less about fitness than it is their heartfelt passion for something that I admire.

What do you think it's better?
I feel like OPM is just a silly comic with little aspirations, while Mob has a lot more effort put into it and it shows.

>a mile
So like 3 minutes?

You clearly haven't read any OPM then.

>mob not smiling like in the manga
They ruined it, what a shitty adaptation.

Man, this got me fucking pumped.
I've read it all.
Again, what do you think it's better?

ok what kind of jog is that? I'm pretty sure it's longer than 3 minute


It's like 10-15 minutes in the morning. I'm a pretty slow runner

You realize that OPM has more than one chapter, right?

Fantastic adaptation of a great moment in the manga. The entire BI Club's segment and ending with Mob saying "you mustn't use it on people" was great direction. Fucking love this anime.

Not him but I think OPM's height (Monster Association arc) is better than Mob's current height (imo the Mogami and Claw HQ arcs), but I prefer Mob as a cohesive story by a wide margin.

I want to lick those thighs.

Isn't a mile not even 2Km?

I want to fuck his pants.

I don't feel that at all. I feel like one punch man was way more effort put into it by ONE because it hits him closer to home.

Again. How is it better?

Why is Mob so fuckable?

No, OPM is objectively superior with its concept, themes execution, characters, plot and both art styles (ONE's scribbles and Murata's graphics galore). If it maintained its quality and had a consistent release schedule to boot it'd be fucking unbelievable.

But Mob is very enjoyable as well.

The fastest mile on record is like 3 minutes 40 something seconds. Jogging does not mean sprinting like hell, why would anyone do that for light cardio?

please don't turn this into a meme. Made me regret hating the only let down in episode 3

Now that i think about it Mob just stood there doing jackshit while the muscle bros that came to save him got trashed. That's really an asshole move.

>It's better because it's better

You're the one who initially started this, you need to explain why you think mob psycho is "better" other than spewing meaningless buzzwords like uninspired or silly. That is not a cohesive argument and no one will take you seriously. All that other guy said was that it is personal preference which you seem absolutely certain you can disprove. Protip: You can't.

OPM has like... 1 character in Garou. Maybe, just maybe Fubuki. The rest are mere ideas carried by cutouts

MP100: Mob, Reigen, Ritsu even student council dude

>The rest are ideas based on cutouts
So they're actual characters then? Do you really think anything good has to be 100% original?

no they just have to have substance

Ladies, ladies, you're both beautiful! Lets talk about something else, like how cool it is that ONE can use the same concept 3 times and still come up with entertaining stories each time, and you can read all 3 of them and never get bored.

Why are you guys arguing about that shit. Most of you guys didnt even know about either series before the Anime. Just enjoy both of these adaptions and shut up. OPM is probably the superior one but only due to Muratas Art other than that , Mobs and OPM highs are quite the same, the rest is just taste.

It has nothing to do with being original. Mob's character and the entire premise of the story are far away from original, but it doesn't take away from its quality.

No, Mob is objectively superior with its concept, themes execution, characters, plot and art style.

But OPM is very enjoyable as well.

Holyshit, stop it with that OPM vs MOB. This is getting ridiculous.

>Implying Saitama and Genos don't have layers to them compared to literally 90% of entertainment media
Good stuff my dude.

This is still a pretty solid episode

Something tells me that next week is going to be Sakuga central.

>stop comparing things!
We are on the internet user. It's the only really fun thing to do.

It's literally one ESL. Like always. I don't know why these phillipians always try to argue about which mongolian cave finger painting is the best.

I think Mob has better character development but OPM has is better in all aspects except for character development and drama. OPM does have does have good character development and drama but Mob exceeds it in that regard. And OPM is ambitious. A lot of worldbuilding and more plot threads to expand upon. Mob has hardly anything left to explore in the story. It is pretty much ending.

Not him. I think Mob has deeper characters but I find OPM's character more fun (aside from the main three: Mob, Reigen, and Dimple). ONE definitely intends to include more character arcs in OPM, especially considering the recent developments of last chapter. He just hasn't yet.


Stop this.

Who cares which is better.

This episodes Key Animation was done by one dude. They didnt even try this . Smart choice on their part it was mostly comedy apart from a few scenes.

Just watched the episode. It was great. REALLY excited for the next one. The parts with the body improvement club did not disappoint. Teru's voice was perfect, smug arrogant asshole.

What the hell?
Do you have some unexplainable hatred for myth busters and computer hardware or something?

still boring. great visuals, but that's all.

>we will never have comfy mob threads thanks to anime

If the previous PVs were anything to go by, the sound effects during next week's fight will be excellent to hear too.

The music that played while the body improvement club were cleaning house was so fucking good.

It still looked pretty good.

>1 character in Garou
He's great, I agree. Way more charismatic and dynamic than Teru, Shou, his dad and a bunch of other characters from Mob combined.

King > Reigen.
Fubuki > Ritsu.
MB > Tenga.

They don't even need a fuckton of development to be more solid characters. Their design, personality and each bit of development, no matter how small, carries them much better than their Mob counterparts.

Ritsu is cute

Someone should show this episode to /fit/

>OPM is ambitious. A lot of worldbuilding [...]
I could say MP100 is more ambitious because of the intended profoundity of what it wants to say. If it fails (and it is easy to fail at these things), the whole work is much worse off. OPM just gives out a lot of simpler promises and takes a longer runtime to deliver on them.


King is garbage in terms of character development.

>going to such lengths to rescue one of their own
>already caring this much about a new member

I wanna be best bros with these guys

OPM isn't really character-based anyway, which shows in the focus on raw interactions and events more than anything.

>King > Reigen.
Objectively wrong. King never had character development.

I'm kind of glad, just means they're going all out on the next episode.

Not as cute as Mob

>carries them much better than their Mob counterparts
I disagree. I have nothing against sketches of characters as long as they are functional to gags/plot but then why list "characters" when MP100 goes much further and to more nuanced places with them?

>King > Reigen.
Objectively wrong
>Fubuki > Ritsu.
Ritsu isn't very good but Fubuki is shit so
>MB > Tenga.
Both are equally irrelevant

I dont know who it was but it was amazing for one dude. A smart usage of stills and framing helped too. But now we know that they will fucking kill next episode if this was only one animator.

Fuck off tertiary scum.

comfy mob threads usually weren't consist of fujo pictures.
i believe you are looking for /cm/

Can the OPM shitters make their own thread? Seriously fuck off.