Can Rin save Arc-V?
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V
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No, all is lost.
What's the point of Synchro?
She already has.
Can he be in Arc-V?
Synchro summon or synchro season?
To get Reiji a boat
No, but Selena can.
Keep them out of it!
To shill Blackwings.
Wait, is Dark Side of Dimensions out already, or is that from a preview?
Only if you can somehow lose the hordes of fangirls.
It's from one of the movie trailers and the movie has been out since April in the east.
Was there any other way they could have taken this? I mean, come on. Evil Ruris a best
I can't wait for DSoD to air here, so the arc fags get fucked to oblivion along with their garbage show
praise the true king of games!
Yeah, I know the movie is out in the East, but the DVDs/dubs/subs aren't supposed to be expected until late 2016/early 2017, right?
>played the villain in Yuya's duel
>is now going to actually be the villain
There were a few camrips but they got taken down.
Out of all the characters in the series I would have guessed to have VECTAH, Marik and Sora-class rape faces, Rin was not one.
its amazing how those short clips had more hype and were a million times more amazing than all the yugioh shit since battle city
Holy Shit Shinji is such a faggot
>implying Judai vs Darkness
>implying Yusei vs Z-ONE
>implying Yuma vs Nasch
>implying Sora vs Shun
These clips were pretty good but they felt rushed.
We've had our share of hype duels through the years.
Why are you even here?
Eh, the Virtual Atem/Kaiba duel looked nice but beyond that it didn't feel like anything special.
Yugi/Kaiba was nice
all of those were garbage, sahib
to laugh at you for liking Arc
Like Atem was any better.
>First thing based on manga since 2004
>Yuya and Yuzu live on in a show with Arc-V's music composer
>to laugh at you for liking Arc
Yes? And what's your endgoal?
What do you hope to accomplish by doing this? Are you making money off this? Are you becoming a better human being?
Is this not a waste of time? Do you not realize how ridiculous you are?
They couldn't even use "app" like the rest of the English-speaking world?
And Shun too, apparently.
>like the rest
They are not a part of the English-speaking world in the first place.
And "appuri" sounds better in Japanese than the pronunciations I can think of for app.
He doesn't look like Shun at all except for having dark hair with bangs. Looks more like Jack from Mayoiga
I didn't mean to inply they were English speaking, but my point is that it doesn't matter what spunds better in Japanese because it's not Japanese. They usually write out the full word "animation" in place of "anime" (like the Dragon Ball 30th Anniversary). It seems like the industry is getting better at using English overall.
Someone post the new Yugo face
Catching up after not watching for a long time, is PoS worth anything or should I wait for Monosubs
tricked again
It's NAC's script timed to the episode. Serviceable when there's nothing else if you don't want to wait
Judai vs Darkness was crap. Duel was so boring.
Yusei vs Z-ONE was ok. I don't really see what people saw in that duel. I mean the Quasar summoning sequence was cool but it was just a lot of flashy bullshit.
Yuma vs Nasch was a shit duel but good conversation between the duelists.
Sora vs Shun was good in both the duel and showing emotions of duelists.
The duels in the movie feel rushed but that's because everyone is so used to hearing the effect for every card played. That doesn't happen in here which speeds up the plays. I actually prefer this style more because it makes it easier to "feel" the duel rather than trying to get into it in the TV series but then the character starts explaining the effect and it reduces your hype, at least for me it does.
So new batch of summaries should be coming this week
I have a feeling they might fucking kill the fanbase
OR give us some new monster leaks
>Two episodes will be Kaito duels
>still not on english DLsite
>still not on sad panda
True suffering.
user you can't just post porn on a blue board
It's not porn, it's MOOOOOOOOOOMENTUM
Arr rook de same.
>with Arc-V's music composer
Nakagawa will do music for this?
B-but I saw shun in the preview. Shun's gonna be a character again, right?
>3 kaito duels and Eita returns for revenge
>all new cards are Eita's and Michio's cards
Is this a brand new attempt at a meme?
Calm down, user.
>Another Kaito duel
>Another Edo duel
>Another Asuka duel
>Another Crow duel
God damn this next month is going to be HYPE
>Another Asuka duel
>Another Edo duel
We actually need those though
Are you guys this desperate to shitpost? Damn.
Doesn't work when he's been absent for less eps than Captain Keikaku
You do realize Dan Green has already turned down the role of Yugi and Eric Stuart is blacklisted by 4K Media so he won't be returning as Kaiba either, right?
>and Eric Stuart is blacklisted by 4K Media
Are you just yanking my chain, or is there a story I missed here
They're reprising their roles in the live duel at Worlds in 3 weeks. They're coming back for the movie.
>Kaiba is now played by gilbert gottfried
>Yugi is not played by Gary Busey
>Atem is played by Adam Sandler
>atem by adam sandler
Well, at least now he will end with Tea.
Wednesday/Thursday for 118
Sunday for this month's batch
I'm gonna assume that 118 is Shun vs Ruri or Yuya and co. arriving at Academia.
Are these girls possessed or are they fakes?
I hope Leo mentions Jean when he inevitably reveals how he brainwashed he Ruris. Implanting solid vision bugs to control the girls seems pretty close to using mind chips to control Sergey/Synchro Police/almost Yuya.
Damn. They should've use protection.
here's hoping the brain washing guy has a Graydle type deck that konami will print, since taking the opponents cards is my favorite mechanic in the game.
118: Yugo vs Rin II
119: Shun vs Ruri I
120: Shun vs Ruri II
121: Yuzu vs Asuka or Sora + Plot
122: Yuya vs Yuzu part 1
>introducing even more new characters
>thousand of new characters
>introduce more
>none of them have much development
We needed another villain. All we have are Yuri, Leo, and Barret.
>Arc-V version of Gold Teeth Doctor
Your reaction
Who is that?
Did, did you watched FMA:B or not?
Yes, but it was so crappy that I already forgot evertything about that.
>giving development to a fucking methhead and dealer
I thought it was this guy for a moment, but his eye colour is slightly different.
I don't think Yugo/Rin will be a two-parter but I'll not discard that possibility.
Also nice trips.
>Yuya and his wife Tjuyu
Woah, I feel like dumb for not researching it before.
He is Doctor, what else is there to know. Rin also seems to be using his little Parasite card.
>read article
>can't stop picturing a tomato haired child every time I see the word Yuya
Thanks arc v
Looking very Meklord there
Yes, confirmed in Toei's site.
Nice, so post yugioh series still has something related to Egypt after all.
a qt tomato haired child even
She was the only qt of that show
My waifu can beat up your waifu
There'll be more badguys, right? It feels a bit strange for the entire dimension to only have four-five low-tier government agents as their elite forces.
Where are their packs of deranged Egyptologists in advanced millennium item mechs? The Blue Eyes-DNA infused supersoldiers with upgraded Egyptian Gods?
For Yugioh Hitler, Leo doesn't have much imagination
The best part is that those are Yuzu's pantsu...!
>that anatomy
Come on