What happened?
Other urls found in this thread:
tld changed
Nothing as far as I can tell. It's working fine for me.
She's dead, Homu.
She's taking a break.
+b when I try to join the channel
the hell am I doing wrong
I cant connect on IRC
You are banned, they have ramped up the elitism it seems
No, he's retarded and using a webclient.
Prolly doing it to counter autismo's video that probably got shared to reddit by now
So? It used to work
It's called filtering.
But now you cant join the channel even with an ORC program.
I guess they arent letting anybody in anymore.
No, you just don't know how to enter, try checking channel modes next time.
literally what?
I dont even know what that is, it used to be simple. Damn me and not saving passwords.
I'll spoonfeed you a bit, it's related to having passwords on the IRC network.
Some aspie redditor made a complete video tutorial using net clients.
Do people really do not know how to enter without creating an account?
No, tell me
Im too dumb for this, Ill go do something easy like my kanji reps.
You're new to IRC and need to test things out before creating an account, what do
Fuck off.
there is nothing of worth in there anyways
>keep broadcasting the sekrit club so rising server costs and copy right Jews find it getting it shut down yet again
When will you people learn?
There's a retard filter anyway so it doesn't matter. I can't even make a new account because I'm so retarded. Luckily I managed to get it when it was piss easy. So don't worry.
Holy fuck sank you
>Damn me and not saving passwords.
Tools>Options>Passwords>Saved Passwords:Search=>Madokami:Show passwords
I did this in firefox and was able to see my Madokami password and apply it to the new site
mah secret club
>Muh sekrit club
Eat shit faggots