Praise Chika, our cute and wonderful leader.
Love Live Sunshine
I want to lick those feet.
About time someone made a proper birthday thread.
Her birthday is already over in Japan, though.
Lets make an AV
Italy >her birthday is ended 58 minutes ago, and I want to kill myself
It's still her birthday here and she's in my heart, therefore it's still her birthday.
Does the character designer, Murota, only draw pictures of muses on birthdays?
Chika is my wife. She has dyke tendency though. Still I allow it only if I can be present there.
>She's Leo
But she's improving it.
>caring about some shitty signs at all
Stop ruining my sign with your shit taste
Now which Sunshine is Aquarius
Happy birthday Chika/Honk
Would Zura be a good mother? How many kids would she like to have?
Kanan, unfortunately.
Her birthday is 3 days after mine.
Chika please
If anyone wants to do more.
Mikan box sighted
Enough of that
Last one, the rest is a comic full of moonrunes which I can't read
Chika is fucking retarted and is trying to ruin whole series like Honoka did. It is in that hair colour I swear. Some sort of mark of the retard.
Honk was amazing though.
Watch your mouth or her dog will rape you in your sleep.
I want a hanamaru as a pet
your a faget
Shut up you horrible person.
>tfw you miss Honk
She appeared as stock footage in Sunshine so she's technically girl of the season.
I do. I legitimately do. I never thought I'd say it considering my opinions of her when I started watching the series, but now I just want her back.
Even though she's a hobo now?
Love Live has a representative on Sup Forums's 4CC roster in the form of IT'S JOKE. Any thoughts on that?
I know literally nothing about this series outside of the available Sunshine episodes and thought that this meme was only limited to the show.
I'll take that hobo off the streets and turn her into my wife.
That sounds like the perfect person to take in and give a goddamn home.
I haven't really seen it around, but it's probably an easy meme to spread since it's so simple and useful.
And it sure beats a team full of LN/shounenshit memes.
>Giving shelter to STD ridden hoboka
I fucking would, and you can't stop me.
>not ballsy enough to help her getting off the street and become healthy again
Thanks, this made me sad & depressed inside. I mean, more than I usually am.
Leo here, which other Raibus are Leos?
>tfw Virgo
Seeing a sad honk is depressing
Do what you can to cheer her on even in her darkest days.
>Bought her singles and merch
>Drew her fanart
>Fapped to her JAV
Did you at least pay for it?
Good. All those Honkfags who instantly decided to destroy their merch and hate her forever are stupid.
If they really cared they'd just accept it happened and maybe pay for the video as well. Personally I don't give a fuck and still love Honk.
Barely anyone destroyed merch. On the internet people will take any excuse to troll fans of any raibu they can. Love Live gets people mad as hell.
Thank you for the Chika OP, OP
Half of this thread is about Honoka though.
I need proof this happened, help in the name of science please.
No complaints, I love her too. Just nice to have a birthday OP
I don't have the pics saved, but I recall at least a few being posted around the time of JAVgate. Mostly just torn up posters and the occasional knife stab, plus a couple of figures being decapitated. Someone's probably got them saved somewhere.
I don't really get why Love Live makes people so mad. Nothing I've seen has ever bothered me [spolier]other than one photo I saw of a Kotori figurine someone had taken a shit on, because why[/spoiler], but maybe I just don't care because I don't collect stuff?
ctrl+s is your friend
I will, most because no one is talking about her delicious body.
I think it's a joke on her predatory behavior and lack of respect for the personal space of others.
It's anime, user. Some people get mad because they're just that autistic.
>tfw just bought a yokai watch Komasan figure because of Zuramaru
Hanamaru figs when.
My komasan is lonely zura
>predatory behavior
>no personal space
I think these traits and Chika's lack of self-awareness are enough to differentiate her from Honoka. And Honoka was even more strong-willed than Chika.
Might as well dump the rest I guess
I remember one guy breaking all his CD/DVD and ripping his books apart. He posted his shit on twitter added with some passive-aggressive autistic comments. Pretty cringey imo.
The lack of Dia-sama in this thread is ridiculous.
Third years aren't invited to this party, sorry.
Kurosawa Ruby is a giant Baby!
This is so sweet.
And her sister is useless.
Shut up Ruby
I'm starting to listen to this in You's voice. It sounds less like bullying and more like encouragement through teasing.
Rape the Ruby
dont waaaape the woooby
Ruby is pure and not rape material, that would be Mari's job.
>ruby is pure
Don't let her "pure" act fool you.
She's a slut craving for attention
>not rape material
I legit frowned in confusion at reading this
It's Mari's job to rape Ruby.
will Honoka make an appearance in this series?
Magical hobo Honoka will show Chika the way of the sukuru idoru
Probably as a jaded wandering hobo that only serves to makes Chika depressed until someone snaps her out of it.