/k/ and Eva. could use more work for it, but it does set the universe up
Under the Dog released
Other urls found in this thread:
So what was under the dog?
there was no Dog
guy had a shitty plot armor.
so will there be more , I've read originally there were 26 episodes planned but I've found nothing recent.
The caliber of the show.
Weird to see this thread so empty considering how much of a shitstorm it was before.
Was crap. The fact that people paid 20 dollars minimum to see this legally is fucking hilarious.
I mean Little Witch 2 was major steps below the first, but at least it was more than satisfying.
thought it was 13 at most
So what are the girls suppose to be? The same excuse as Claymore?
Pandoras but since they are female they are easier to control, are more docile and less prone to going full monster?
i wanna know wtf pandora was or why the jewS military wanted to blow up a high school for the chosen one
I remember this getting shilled all day everyday.
Is this going directly to dvd/bluray?
and it got its own anime
Man it looks amazing, the MC is so handsome
>Barely any characterization so no reason to care about characters
>too much hollywood tier explosions
>While it wasnt Engrish the bad english voice acting was so bad I didnt get a sense of dread from the soldiers. They just didnt give a fuck as they died
>delusional Japs think their women have pink nipples
> anthea is swedish
Truly a work of art
Check out her beautiful legs
Why do the Japs have her familia as hostages?
Pretty disappointing since I came in expecting a proper short film and not a pilot for a TV show
can we use this thread to talk about lwa also since it was ks funded as well?
>People thought this was going to be good
>Trying to play up LWA as some kind of superior
>Forgetting that it had to use kickstarter to even get another ova when the vastly superior Death Billairds managed to get a series before it did, from based Madhouse of all companies
>LWA taking 3 years to even get a series
I will never not gloat about this. Considering LWA: Enchanted Parade was not worth the wait and no one expected Death Parade to get made at all, and still ended up being better than it.
Well this is shit
this that thing what got made with kc money? whats it about? is it good?
> kc money
> is it good?
noice thumb
That is CLAMP tier
>LWA Enchanted Parade not worth the wait
Wat. Considering we weren't even expecting them to make a second movie until the KS dropped, I'd say it was just fine.
Butthurt you didn't buy in? It's all good bro, the rest of us got you covered.
I'm not butthurt, I'm laughing that you LWAfags had to use KS at all in order to get another OVA. Meanwhile, Death Billairds just gets an animated series, which was way more worth than this shit.
Shinka Nibutani
but LWA is getting a series.
man why is this place so toxic
the anime may has flaws, however it dindu nuffin wrong
Yeah what, 3 years later? And there's not even a release date, only a confirmation of a series.
Jesus christ that top is bulky.
For something so hyped it was pretty dissapointing.
The recent Macross Delta, Mob Psycho and REZero episodes were a lot better made. As in the cinematography for UTD was just so uninspired and dull.
So is anime saved or not?
And? Maybe if Death Billiards did a KS they'd have been able to finish a storyline instead of the halfassed ending we got where nothing was actually resolved.
It was average at best.
>Macross Delta
Now way they were better made, those two shows are nothing special at all as far a production values go. Despite the unremarkable art, at least UTD had quite a lot of great action animation.
Hey hey hey
Is this anime /k/-approved?
I don't know what anime you watched, but Death Parade was plenty resolved to me. Maybe watch it next time instead of parroting what Sup Forums says, fagola. Your KS anime was terrible, deal with it.
Death Parade was pretty mediocre. The episodic plots were mostly fine but they killed most of the mystery of the concept and shoehorned in a cast of returning characters when it wasn't really necessary.
Also they could have came up with more interesting ideas for games rather than doing the "It's a game but instead of points it's your body" thing every single time.
Haven't watched it yet, but judging from the screencaps in this thread, WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?
>how did we go from this
RE:Zero managed to keep me engaged with just 2 people talking which is pretty difficult. It could have been done better but it worked well enough.
Macross Delta while having lots of quality had a great last episode. They did that thing where the screen fades to black then a single line of dialogue is heard and then awesomeshit happens. Same shit was used in Gurren Laganns hypest moments and in the live action movie Creed.
Under the dog had pretty damn generic designs and a generic as fuck concepts copied from other better anime and manga. Its action scenes were neat but I can easily go to a theater and watch Jason Bourne or Star Trek to get my fill of action which will probably be a lot more satisfying.
But death billiards was mediocre and repetitive, and the ending wasn't even that good
And LWA 2 looked nicer even if 1 was still better
I didn't give anyone money, btw
It seemed like they changed the concept from a short film to a Pilot episode.
This was shit. I can't believe I wasted 24 minutes on this. Are they making a sequel or not?
Seems like they put the entire budget into the trailer and used some pocket change to actually do what they were supposed to do.
This face is killing me.
nice face
The dog's bollocks
I guess I'm glad the English wasn't Psycho-Pass-tier.
i'd say it was ALL GREN
On the one hand, it was done by native English speakers, on the other hand, it was badly acted.
I'm pretty sure that was reddit.
>nearly $900,000 and it still produces quality like
That can't be for a single episode, I call bullshit.
Fuck you, Sup Forums was hyping this shit up when it was first announced
>meme zero with the forced dramatic birds
>well made
LWA shitposters are pretty autistic
There's a breakdown of where the funding went, apparently 40% of the money went to making the episode. Then the rest was spent on other costs such as admin work and manufacturing backer rewards.
This. The English was actual English, but the voice acting was so amateurish that you can't get any emotion from it so it feels completely out of place when shit starts going down. I'm pretty sure they just let backers who paid enough play those parts, that's how these things normally work, right?
>those crazy amounts of sparks
A lot of good effects animation in this.
What was his name again?
Most things that get hyped are, just like everything listed in your post.
Heads-off Harambe
That encode would make Daiz physically ill.
From the looks of this thread, it was about as good as Yamakan's recent works.
Second part of fight is pretty good.
>Sup Forums hyped this shit
Oh really? Then why are these UtD threads so dead?
Fucking newfag, get out. UtD was shitted on by Sup Forums because of its marketing shenanigans, constant shilling from reddit in every thread made when the KS was running.
why wasn't LWA shitted on as much then, it was a KS too was it not?
Because Sup Forums loved LWA ever since Anime Mirai.
Plus Trigger had a proven product that they could leverage.
>buying a promise
>buying something that had proven itself good
Ishii is a pretty cool guy though
Maybe UtD wouldn't have got so much shit if it was honest instead of trying to overhype itself by flaunting with staffs names and such, not to mention
>reddit liked and promoted it
which turned Sup Forums against it even more.
What's funny is a lot of those famous names left before the creating process even begin.
Also 2 years for 1 episode? Hah, Sup Forums were right.
At least they were true to their name and killed my hope for anime
so does Sup Forums still hate reddit now or not? I see other board start threads to reddit links nowadays.
>Kinema Citrus spent 2 years making this instead of more Yuyushiki and Barakamon
Why must such horrible things happen?
>Yusuke Kozaki doesn't even retweet any news about UTD
What the fuck happened? Development hell?
>Entire setting is set in school
Fucking hell
>people unironically paid money for and watched this garbage
>and now they're posting about it on Sup Forums
What the actual fuck happened to Sup Forums? Remember even just a year ago threads for shit like this would be met with complete ridicule, posts mocking KS and the fags of reddit who actually thought this retarded project was a good idea? Where the fuck are those anons now, and who are you tasteless faggots who have taken their places?
That depends on what thread you're in.
>implying I paid for this
Just watched it for the action, which is unsurprisingly the only good thing about it.
>taking subculture wars seriously
>opinions based on subculture fraction
How old are you?
You would think those anons still care about UtD now to laugh. Do they even know it's already released?
*what kind of thread you're in
If you posted reddit images and reddit links on say, Re:Zero thread, not a lot would care. Do that in a designated comfy show threads or silent hitter of the season (for Sup Forums) then you will get all the shit you could ever wanted.
Now do yourself a favor