Do you accept Yohane-sama as your demon queen?
Love Live
Yohane is my demon queen and Hanamaru is my angel queen.
I only accept Dia as my queen.
That costume is the corniest thing ever.
Maru is the cutest girl in all of Love Live.
She's a miracle of the universe.
No Chika/honk OP
Kill self
Will there ever be a chunni who does actual cool shit and doesn't just look like an idiot?
>tfw Ruby was your favorite before anime
>staff hates her
I guess it's time to convert for Yohane.
No it's pretty cool.
Why are the 1st years so good when they sucked in the original?
If they didn't look like an idiot, they wouldn't be a chuuni. The fact that you think that it's possible to have a chuuni character that is also cool suggests that you're a chuuni yourself.
Why are the 2nd years so shit when they were great in the original?
Yohane is my chuunifu!
>Show has an easy out to fix Yoshiko and make the show better
>"Nah girl, keep being an idiot and ruin your life and the entire show in the process"
Dropped for real this time. Let me know when real Love Live comes back.
All I mean't was they could pretend to be something the slightest bit interesting, instead of the same asinine thing all chunni's pretend to be.
But I don't know what that would be, so maybe chunni is just a doomed concept that needs to die.
>who is Ruby
I want to eat Dia's ass desu
Tomoko Kill your demon queen
Best µ's- Honoka
Best µ'seiyu- Nanchan
Best Aqours- Chika
Best Aqours seiyu- King
This scene was so fucking adorable. Holy shit, I want to protect hanamaru