Jojo thread
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Jojo thread
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Since this mosiac shit is going to take forever I'm just gonna post it up now.
There's a shitload of lines in this one, I think it's the most dense one we've done so far so it's probably gonna take awhile to complete, but that's fine. Reply to this post if you want to claim a line, or if you've completed one with the vocaroo list and it stated somewhere which line it is.
Links for everything are in there.
You dubanon, v2 is listed as claimed when it's been done
Did you get it and forget to update it?
5th for best boy
Shit man, thanks a lot. I've been doing that a lot lately.
We don't have to continue the music since it's taking a fuck ton amount of time to finish. We can drop it if you want.
v9 too, I think. Someone besides that one guy did one.
Behold: the true man's taste
>he posted it again
SIMPLY ERIC :^^^^^^^^^^)))))))))))))
Why does Araki hate dogs?
Why is he so cute.
Why can't he be real?
Inb4 these dub faggots ruin another thread with their ceaseless baying for attention
Was the v28 I did at the end of last thread accepted?
I don't shoot for lines longer than 5 seconds often, but gimme v74.
V100 done
Here it is. Beginning got cut off a by half a syllable, but I think it actually adds to the "accent."
Hamming is fuckin' fun.
Oops, tagged wrong post
107, he didn't fly so well
I want to suck Gold Experience's dick. I don't have a picture of Gold Experience because I don't know how to get pictures onto my computer. I posted this in the other thread but no one was able to help me. Sorry.
Claiming v40
Have this man.
No dick but it'll help
Claiming v92
claim v16
How do I make this image be on my computer, please.
Alright guys how did I do?
Can I grab v71?
Gonna get v15 too
pretty mediocre desu
>that cropping
Delivering V16
Behold, a true patrician
V40 is here now.
Twelve year-old Dio is the most evil villain in the Jojo universe.
claim v27
Delivering v71 with extra "Sword" play
pretty rare to see yo-yo ma and annasui fans
-lazy, goofy movements
-low jump height
-average-slow walking pace
-medium-low health pool
-Stand has high durability, close to no chip damage in Stand mode
-blocking (not in Stand mode) has a chance of activating Nut King Call to damage the enemy
-stays downed for longer than even Gappy
-dodge is fast
-does more damage when attacking from the back
-regulars are erratic attacks, like swatting at the air or a really sloppy kick
-down regulars do more damage
-regulars from Joshuu are much easier to parry thanks to animation
-NKC is shown supplementing most of Joshuu’s attacks
-if attacked in the middle of a taunt, NKC will stun the opponent for one second and no damage will be done to Joshuu
-taunts end prematurely if Joshuu is hit
>Moveset, "Stand", and Supers:
-Floorbolt: bolts a downed opponent to the floor for a second, allowing for easy follow-up
-Rocktism: a wild swing at the opponent with a rock, misses, and crashes into them instead; once this move finishes, you will be on the other side of your opponent
-Unscrew: quick jab that inserts a screw through the opponent’s wrist, unscrewing it; unable to use punches for 4 seconds or until an appropriate distance away
-Lobster: throws his toy lobster at the opponent, no damage
-Milagro Man: throws a lot of gold bars at the opponent, only ranged move, good damage
-pressing the “Stand” button summons Nut King Call, who functions like all close-range punchghosts
-Super: Joshuu smashes your head in with a rock
>Playstyle: Joshuu is the character who quite literally asks for a beating. His unique mechanic of a “taunt counter” and the chance of a counter during a block means that Joshuu players must be cowards. The art of “backing up” allows them to surprise their enemies with a dodge and attack from the back.
Thoughts? Is he Dan enough?
I want Narancia to call me a a faggot while I fuck him in the ass.
Did Araki base Diavolo on this guy?
Can't I just spam taunt then?
>blocking (not in Stand mode) has a chance of activating Nut King Call to damage the enemy
what do you mean by a chance? this kind of RNG stuff in fighting games can be sort of annoying...
Oh, so it's the type of character where you have to be really lame to even be viable? Those are the worst.
Gappy makes me happy
I'm guessing you can be grabbed while doing the taunt.
Why would Araki make such a cute character and call him a boy?
Boys are cute. You'd suck off Jotaro, right? If Narancia asked you, you'd do it, yeah?
No, it's almost done, why? I didn't spend time drawing for nothing. I don't know why there can't be 2 projects going at once but finish it tomorrow if you must.
>Favorite part 5 stand
My nigga
Fuck, you're right.
How about the taunt being longer than every other character's, but it has a sweet spot at the beginning (like first second or half second) where it will counter. That way, if the enemy doesn't hit you during that sweet spot, then you will be absolutely vulnerable for the rest of the taunt?
This is also true.
Will remove, you're right. Totally my fault, I was just thinking of ways to buff him, but as always, RNG would take the skill and fun out of it.
What exactly do you mean? If you mean that the "coward" playstyle is annoying to play as and against, you're right.
I would do anything for Narancia.
But Narancia would never ask me that.
Fuck you
I'm glad to see you are deciding to go through with this.
I like the idea of Joshuu being a joke character who is taunt focused. I don't think NKC's activation on normal block should be random, since this is often just annoying and doesn't really help the character.
I like the idea of a taunt counter but I think it should have a greater drawback to prevent it from being invincible spam. Dan had a move once where he would taunt the opponent and have armor agaisnt attacks, only to strike with a powerful punch that knocked both him and the opponent back. I think this could work great for Joshuu.
Delivering v27
Let's role play for a moment. I'll be Narancia. "Hi, it's me, Narancia. This is my friend Jotaro, I'd like to watch you suck his dick."
I still don't get the "more/less damage from the back" mechanic.
I don't see a time where you'd even be able to attack from the back besides a tandem, and a) I have no idea if they're in and b) not all characters are even able to do a tandem.
>implying it's not the same 10~ people who post those charts anyway
But why would he ask me to do that in the first place. He loves me and only me.
Fuck off
>Loves me and only me
Alright Naranciaposter now your just being unrealistic.
So you want the taunt to be like Jygglypuffs sleep attack?
Also... the Donatello and bros trio, could be like how Pokemon Trainer works in Brawl, where Pucci is on the back telling them what to do..
Sounds good?
First of all, nice job breaking character mother fucker. Second, in this scenario, it's because he loves you that he's asking you to do this. Let's start over: "Hello, it's me, Narancia, from Passione. This is Jotaro a Japanese man. I'd like to watch you suck his dick, because I love you."
I want him to pretend to be a slutty girl while I fuck him and give me really exaggerated compliments about my sexual prowess.
I'm pretty sure Polnareff actually says as much just before the Chariot Requiem stuff starts.
No Narancia loves me.
This is good.
But why would that make you happy?
What would that prove?
"Well, my one true love, the fact is, I, Narancia, the infamous mother fucker from Italy, am extremely attracted to you in an abstract sense. However, before we do actual sex stuff with each other, I'd like to indulge lusting after you from afar, sucking Jotaro's dick, as a way to tease me and get me horny to have sex or whatever."
How would you feel if I told you JJL had 25 chapters left to go?
I would feel like you were talking some shit, user.
Post JoJo characters that have uncanny similarities to you.
Just like Kira, ever since I was a kid, I have a tendency to bite my nails until they bleed whenever I'm nervous/anxious/bored. (nowadays I mostly stick to chewing the skin of my fingers until the region around my nails is red and sore).
I don't have a hand fetish but I have the same strangulation fetish he has
Claim v69
But that would be really gay.
You and me aren't gay.
Why can't we just kiss or something.
Have any evidence to support that claim?
I have this image of our wedding.
I'm incredibly paranoid.
OK, from what I've seen here it seems like you're not even really in love with Narancia. You admire him, put him on a pedestal, sure, but you're unwilling to make any compromises in your relationship. Real love isn't easy. Real love is about give and take - I hope one day you'll learn that. For both your sakes.
claiming v21
Mistake on my part, I thought I deleted that and replaced it with "down regulars deal more damage than others". Turns out I didn't. You can disregard it.
Tandem attacks from Heritage are in, if you're talking about Program Attacks and/or Real Time Attacks.
Pretty much, would anyone be in opposition of that? It would fit Joshuu rather well, either him skillfully being badass or getting his ass kicked for being cocky.
The DIO trio is confirmed in, but the Pucci in background might be time-consuming with little payoff. The switching of each brother with the "Stand" button like you'd do with Acts is a nice thought though and would work real well, considering none of their Stands are active punchghost.
Yeah, you anons made me see the light. No RNG and the taunt has very clear drawbacks now.
The Dan taunt was actually what I was trying to imitate and I think that a taunt that could either be really good or really bad for Joshuu would fit really well.
Again, he's a joke character but I hope to make him at least viable and make his playstyle relate to his personality.
Can I have v66?
Anyone else impressed that Part 4 has aged so well given that it's a storyline that was written (during 1992-1995) about a future year (1999) which is now in the past?
No I love Narancia.
I can make it work.
When I´m with friends I usually behave like Oku, but when I´m more serious I usually behave like Fugo, also I´m glad that not only I bite the skin around the nails instead of eating the nails.
Makes me feel less weird.
Then suck Jotaro's dick.