What Mangaka has the worst art?
What Mangaka has the worst art?
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I need to sleep.
Togashi by a landslide.
Someone post the shoujo one with the necks
His turkeys are great
Whoever drew this, maybe.
that's just yaoi syndrome user
These two guys
The author was paid millions to draw like this.
not always
I think he has hands down the largest dips in quality for any really popular manga
Nothing in this thread looks that bad, except OP.
Togashi again
Holy fuck I can't get any sense of scale looking at this. They can literally wrap their fingers around their heads.
yeah, the dudes health issues really fuck him up. At least he usually redraws + the writing is top-notch
His still messing with him? Even Guts got off his boat. I want to see the dark continent.
yowapedal's can be dynamic and the dude can luckily draw a damn good bike but otherwise it's kind of a freak show
yeah, all his jump comments were about how he was bedridden and weak. He's had these health issues since yyh days
Fuck you don't judge Captain Tsubasa's art, it was his first try at drawing manga.
anything with midosuji is absolutely wild to look at even if it's the character's shtick. i wish i could find this one picture of the old hakone designs
I still find it hilarious only two of the heads in this image are edited.
Seriously though, none of the stuff posted so far is actually that bad. There are shit tier artists making manga but the really bad ones are completely unknown outside of Japan.
Other than anatomy is there anything else about Araki's art people don't like? I agree his anatomy is wonky at times but everything else looks so cool half of the time that I can't stop reading it.
his sameface was crazy in part 7
Nope, it's the best manga ever made
>guaranteed replies
But that's a web comic.
Murata really did this series a favor.
His new riding style looks like shit, also
>forearm longer than the arm
this must be some junji ito shit
Araki has been doing this shit for a really, really long time. Naturally he improved.
bruh, NARUTO might be complete shit, but Kishi does have some art skills.
Writing: F
Plot Structure: F
Character Development: D+
Character Design: B
Drawing Skills: B+/A-
pic related: what happens when Kishi draws something from a better eye for design
his anatomy improved a shit ton over the years. SBR had brief moments of wonky anatomy, but the worst issue was same face towards the end. now in JoJolion, Araki has pretty much taken care of both. He's perfected his craft, and I'm in awe.
Contender for both the best and the worst.
Murata is alwas too proffesional with these kind of collabs and draws them exactly as how they look
I remember when SnK first came out and people were posting pages from some of the other manga that came out at the time.
The 4-5/10 it got might seem high to people till they see what got 2/10
This is the first time I endured the art because I actually enjoyed the story.
That's like taken from one of those "how to draw manga" books.
The worst thing is that naruto at first had a cool artstyle but Kishi decided to change it for Shippuden for some reason and it started looking like dogshit.
Don't post early Nardo, please
It hurts so bad
Also, is it cheating if I post cancelled crap? This is SWOT, terrible manga that I still somehow read.
FKMT's art is pretty good as long as he's consistent, i.e. when his assistants do everything
Captain Tsubasa, the manga is absolutely fucked up.
You could literally shop this into a stardust crusader panel, and if it wasnt out-of-place i wouldn't be able to tell
izayoi, what have they done to you.
>stretch-Armstrong tier limbs
>Heads for ants
Onto my backlog it goes
I like his style noririn & beyond.
Why is he so amazing?
I'd argue that Murata's ability to replicate other manga has led him to have a pretty generic style of his own, desu senpai
Pretty much literally everything Kubo does.
Is that the guy who drew the soccer team?
>Seriously though, none of the stuff posted so far is actually that bad
Are you telling me ONE's art isn't actually that bad? Because I'm going to need a lot of hard evidence before I start believing that.
It's not.
What's wrong with sankaku?
It's trashy clickbait garbage.
Ah ok. I only use it for porn anyways, I don't click the articles.
Murata has no style, he's just a copy machine.
People who say Togashi either haven't read his manga, haven't read much manga in general, or know jack shit about art. He a technically skilled artist with an eye for page composition, poor quality output due to circumstance (whether it's laziness or health issues) =/= a poor artist.
Anyway if we're choosing from popular series, I'd go with the Holy land/Jisatsutou mangaka. Not only does he draw fucked up faces and anatomy, he consistently falls flat in visually conveying the story itself. There are so many moments in Jisatsutou in particular that should have been really impactful or emotional thanks to the build up and dialogue, but were underwhelming because his paneling and composition are so lacking.
Then show me all these untold hordes worse mangaka that don't get translated.
I laughed
>you could be a famous artist if you were born japanese
>eye for page composition
Jesus fucking Christ, you niggers, stop bringing this up every damn time someone calls Togashi's art bad. No one's talking about page composition, and you know it. He's not even all that great at it in my opinion, just above average with some standout pages.
Mori's pretty bad, I'll give you that.
How fucking NEW?
my god
Everything about part 2 was shitty, not just the art.
Togashi's composition isn't even very good.
That's not from Z is it? Z actually had a pretty damn cute style.
ONE's art is good though.
Fuck you, I love Kitoh's artstyle.
You're not looking hard enough, because there's still some pretty glaring anatomy issues.
Best guy
Kitoh's style actually adds to his writing though. It fits with his unsettling bullshit really well.
>that author's note
What the fuck is he trying to say?
what did he copy with OPM?
His loli porn just makes me feel bad to fap to because of how weird and pitiful they look.
I'm pretty sure he's never done porn.
I like his style, but he really has to learn how to draw faces. The sameface syndrome in Bokurano was too much.
You can literally find him on Panda under his actual name.
Nihei. Mainly near the end of Sidonia where everything was pretty much sketches.
I can't tell if it's just the awful translation or if he's actually crazy.
He's gotten better about that. I mean, obviously they still look fairly similar overall, but I think they're plenty tolerable now.
I assume you mean Hallucinations from the Womb? That's not porn, it's just a non-H manga with some sexual content. It ran in the non-H magazine Manga Erotic F. For some reason it got uploaded to H-sites.
If my memory serves me right, Murata drew a tribute to Toriyama and he pretty much cloned Toriyama's style.
Those 3 copies could worth 10 times or more if the artist somehow greatly improved and made it.
Skills can be improved, and the guy did have guts to sell it.
Looks fine, if heavily stylized.
Does he have a lower jaw? Is it hidden in his collar? Either that, or he has no mouth.
Fucking Midousuji. I realize that this is hardly the only noticable thing about that picture.