I'd just like to remind you that there are people out there who will literally defend this
I'd just like to remind you that there are people out there who will literally defend this
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thats grimgar right? is it good?
Haven't seen it. Is that a magic katana or something?
Well, that's nothing. Even the most novice swordsmiths in Europe can craft swords that can cleave an anvil in half as though it was butter.
Who'd defend a jpg in PNG form?
It's just a fucking waste.
I'd just like to remind you that that this meme has always been stupid because those are literally one-off katanas he makes for each fight with spirit magic.
He was literally using a magical sword forged by a demon-demigod to cut some shitty chunk of iron.
yes, all nipponese katanas are blessed by the goddess amaterasu herself
Whatever happened to the novels? I heard the author had to retcon the main girl getting raped or something. Fuck the author
Katanas are sharp western swords are dull slow and heavy. A katana could easily slice a weak western blade when wielded by a master Samurai or Ronin (think Japanese mercenary)
To be honest, we only saw it later, but even after the first episode it should be clear that Luke's sword wasn't a normal katana.
Pic not from me.
Wasn't as bad as Magical Warfare.
>MC, the "regular human" one repeatedly blocks the strength-buffed redhead's attacks with a fucking wooden sword
Magical Warfare was shit across the board, though
>they're more impressed by the fact that it's a katana than the fact that it's on fucking fire
Is this the one where she gets raped but it gets retconned from the enormous backlash?
Yep. The author is a pussy.
Thanks for the interesting info about Katanas (think Japanese swords) Ken-Sama, your expertise are always welcome
it was a really sharp sword, what's the big deal
Historical dickriding, really. The whole "Katana, folded a thousand times, most epic weapon ever" thing. Then people getting off into old european weapons, katana vs great/broadsword, etc.
I don't understand why people on either sides go apeshit, though. I hate when people compare weaponry from different cultures spanning different time periods thousands of miles apart from eachother. It's the same reason why big ass mammals in the north have heavy coats and in the south they don't, they evolved to be able to adapt to a very specific climate through the years. It's the same with weaponry.
That's why that one show, deadliest warrior or whatever the fuck is so stupid. You literally see the guys go apeshit when the little jew nerds computer goes "Maori warriors suck shit! Fucking late medieval knights win!", like no shit man, why the fuck are we comparing these two and their weapons/armour in the first place?
What' wrong about this?
It's possible if the katana is ultra sharp + Ultra strong.
Also it's just a fantasy.
The whole point is to look cool and polish the MC's dick for the girls. Nothing to really defend, here.
Except that its historical fact that japanese imported european weapons and armor and loved them.
They had to fold their swords because they had shitty steel. 'japanese steel' was awful.
As for the katana in the OP, its literally fucking magic so fuck that anyways.
Its not like japanese even relied on their swords that much anyways.
They didn't have shitty steel, their steel was just as good.
The problem was that they didn't had a foundry that could reach enough temperature to remove all the shit out of the ore.
Oh wow it's Donald Trump
No, and that's why it breaks soon after that.
And people conveniently forget the "in the end it's just a sword made of steel, so of course it breaks even if it's a katana" part that's literally in the first chapter/episode.
It's a katana, mate. The Japs don't fold it a thousand times for no reason.
Do japs know that folding was a common technique used all over Europe and Asia?
bitch got a fat ass know what im sayin
It's a one use katana and people still mad about it :^)
Juicy, just wanna stick my head between those cushions.
God help she has dynamite body.
So what you're saying is, is that they couldn't remove the impurities from the ore. Which led to...shitty steel.
>even if it's a katana
See even there they're still bragging under the false pretense of humility.
Every time you have to ask if the Japanese know something about the outside world, the answer is most likely no. These are the same people who are proud of having 4 seasons.
>proud of having 4 seasons
Is this what the japs sperged over?
memes aside are katanas usually sharper than western swords?
>steel folded a thousand times isn't stronger than crude hammered western shit
There are people who really believe this.
>forge a magical katana
it's fucking magic, what the fuck were you expecting
yes, I wonder what kind of response the author was expecting
Spanish steel was the best in the world during samurai times.
Spanish steel cut down the aztecs and the incans.
No. The best Katana ever made is no where near as good as good as eastern swords. Japanese iron was fucking garbage, their forging techniques were decent but the design and shape meant that 1 clash with another sword or armor would basically ruin them. Research forging techniques it's fairly common knowledge katana's are inferior as whole to most eastern blades.
Not necessarily.
The thing is that the FOLDED TEN THOUSAND TIMES does mean that there are several layers of the desired martensite between regular steel (ferrite and other one I forgot) making katana glorified razors. Great against unprotected foes.
The quenching used in traditional medieval sword also coats the sword in martensite while leaving a stronger but duller core so they can be sharpened just the same, especially when quenching in supercooled oils instead of the traditional way, water.
Also, to my knowledge, when sabers started to prevail, they applied triple folding of a steel plate and quenched it several times. Now correct me if this was just a wartime technique used when things were tough.
They're pretty sharp, but not durable. One direct clash and the katana can literally break in half. That's why samurai has to practice hitting the katana at an angle.
Compared to a heavier Western sword, probably yes. But edge sharpness is only part of the equation, and actually matters little when you hit something of roughly equal strength, like another sword. (The edge of a modern laser-cut shaving blade is sharper than any sword, but it won't do jack shit versus the dullest splitting maul)
She isnt rapped in manga, only in pre-retcon novel.
The rape version is a collectors item nowdays I hear.
>yes, I wonder what kind of response the author was expecting
It's not like Japanese actually felt sorry for her.
They just start sperging because muh purity.
How can anyone believe for a second that a bunch of inbred monkeys constantly murdering each other on a tiny island with poor natural resources were superior in any way to the entirety of Europe and the Middle East when it came to warfare and the technologies associated with it?
Damn son, it's like lazerbot himself wrote this.
Pretty cool thread OP!
But is there any sword that can beat the sharpness of a katana?
And i'm not talking about a thousand times folded SUPERIOR NIPPON STEEL Katana. I'm not even talking about a ten thousand times folded japanese katana with high carbon steel pulled from the heart of Japan forged by master swordsmiths and cooled in the mystical and well fished waters of Kyoto. Heck, I don't even mean the legendary masterforged Muramasa katana created by melting down all the blades from the battle of sekigahara and forging out all the impurities and only using the highest quality of the remaining ingot and it being folded 5 million times including 10 by the emerpor himself and blessed with ceremonial sake made from rice and the fermented tears of 108 virgin miko priests, while being cooled in the blood of the legendary swordsmith himself and placed in a sheath made with the oldest tree known in Japan which grew were Amaterasu and Izanagi were said to have first stepped on the earth.
>katanas are inferior to eastern blades
>inferior as whole to most eastern blades
>eastern blades
also ruined after one strike? ok pal. A nicked blade can still kill you.
this doesnt count, the rape was retconned
but bamboo is actually pretty strong hes not guarding but repelling his strikes
>proud of having 4 seasons.
wait wut
>people who are proud of having 4 seasons.
Damn right, you two-seasoned chihayafuru-tier peasant.
>not guaranteed replies.gif
Katanas are shit.
Even samurais didn't use them untill edo period when nobody wore armor.
Wait, really? So this is why my jp course kept going on about how Japan has four seasons.
Nice rape
What a copout. I would've dropped it right there if I actually read the series.