Reminder that her name is obviously not Holo

Reminder that her name is obviously not Holo

It's clearly Kobo


its whoro

shes eh pretty cool guy



The world may never know.

>paper says Holo
>people call her Horo

the paper says Korbo

It clearly says halo

honestly i can see where you're coming from with this meme but i can't see the bo

if anything it says Korh

Who cares. Give me more Myuri.

What was her name again?

Duh, it very clearly says Hobo there.

Reminder that as much as we dislike it, Holo is canon.

She is Hollow because our dicks are not inside her

Why do people dislike it?

I read that as "Karlo".

Our first subs had Horo so we were already used to that.

horo is my waifu

Looks like Kolo to me

Looks like Koito

>he didnt read the LNs first
Fucking secondaries

Is lawrence of jacksonville actually still around?

i want to have koitus with Koito.

Most people who watched it subbed just got used to hearing and reading "Horo".

meant user of jacksonville freudian slip I guess