Dangan Ronpa 3

Triple Truth bullet SOON

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>Punches Naegi and makes him bleed
>Punches the shit out of Anxiety fag and makes nigger die
>Went one on one with Gozuboys
>Rekt Hinata so hard he turn Izuru
>Went full ham on the old man and crew just to get his kick quota fulfilled
>Roundhousekicks the everlasting shit out of Monaca's puppet

He is gonna kick everyone in the damn anime and survive, shrugging it off while kicking the traitor back to hell. HE WAS LITERALLY INVOLVED IN ALL THE DEATHS, HE'S GONNA KICK EVERYONE.



PS: Normalfags and Chiakifags need not apply to based Juzo.

Gave up the Weedman shitposting already, eh?

Reminder Chisa is the mastermind. Next episode we find out her "dead" body was fake.

What if Monaca's plan is just to become BFFS with Naegi to bully Komaru.

>"Look, Cumaru, I took your brother and made him my own!"
>"We're like sisters now!"

She will live.

She has to. I refuse to accept other possibilities


Never shitposted with based weedman, it's just that boxer does everything 20x better.


She's monaka

History's greatest monster is cute! CUTE!

Get over it

Timeline wouldn't make sense.

>tfw when boring gamer girl trash bleeds all over your favorite suit

Post sweaty Asahina

After seeing how the Future Fags act I can gladly say that CHisa did nothing wrong. I mean, shame about Tengan and Jozu, but collateral damage.

It'll be interesting to have an antagonist whose motivation is revenge for characters we all like. Given what Jozu does, I think it's going to turn out that Class 77 was used as a scapegoat and became demons as a last resort

Will the Ultimate Lolicon save us from Monaca's reign?

>Be a Boxer
>become the best one
>get recruited by some drunk man to enter Hope's Peak
>dont really give a shit, but might as well get some education
>meet some grey haired guy and his waifu
>befriend them because nobody wanted to be friends with me
>graduate, finally set for life
>grey haired friend and his waifu want to stay at school to make it better
>don't really want to, but might as well if I want to keep my friends
>chilling on Hope's Peak gate as a security guard now
>some girl kills another one from the Reserve Course and then gets killed
>meh, it is what it is
>random guy from the other course keeps wanting to get into the Main Building next day
>tell him to fuck off
>doesn't listen
>throw him off and talk some shit to him so maybe he'll leave
>tries to punch me, the SHSL Boxer (lmao)
>push his shit in and spit on him
>my friends waifu stops me before I knock him out
>somehow im the bad guy for doing my job.
>Fastfoward some years
>mass murder killers on the loose
>one of them is the guy I punched years ago
>a manlet finds them and we capture them all
>The same manlet sends them off to a vacation before we execute them
>what the fuck manlet?
>get the manlet on trial
>punch the shit out of him for helping mass murder killers
>some fucking guy with a bull mask defends him
>fucking retard, we are going to win the trial anyway
>some stupid bear shows up and makes us sleep
>wake up and 1 of my 2 friends is dead
>my other friend wants the manlet to kill himself
>great, fucking manlet must be behind of this, might as well knee him so he cant move
>some brown bimbo steps up to defend him
>get off me bitch, why is everyone defending mass murder helpers today?
>that stupid animator steps up too
>fuck this, he got here late, he might as well be the traitor
>knee him
>farmer starts mumbling some shit
>dies because he never revealed his NG code
>what a retard
>somehow i am the bad guy

This REALLY needs an update.

She didn't deserve such an early death. All this development for nothing.

Why am i supposed to root for two talentless hacks and a loser with decent luck, when Despair is so much sexier?

That's wrong

No. If the series ends with her "death" then I'll quietly accept it. But there's a possibility Kodaka is tricking us

Did you just call a little girl sexy?

Fuck off Despairfag

And it's Gozu retard

To be fair, Munakata's reasoning is sound and it's not like he hasn't been called out on his shit by Chairman.

Shame about Boxer, though.

time travel :^)

It's his fault she's here at all

>"Kamukura-kun, we must test your SHSL Male and Female Escort abilities."

Press F to pay respects to old man tengan

Based Tengan.

If it's a 999 joke, then get back to Sup Forums. Not Sup Forums related.

Danganronpa and Zero Escape have a lot of mostly the same fans. Get over it

Munakata's reasoning is retarded.

He wants to kill everyone because they're might be a mole? Well as it turns out there was a fucking robot as a member of the group to begin with, the Future Foundation was compromised from the start.

Killing everyone is fucking stupid.

Like imagine if the CIA and FBI executed all its members because they realized one person was a Soviet Spy

That neck must be broken.

Again get over it.

Delusional Chiakifags are annoying. How many times do you lot need to get BTFO for you to understand to let go of hope

I want to clean Monaca-chan's useless legs with my tongue.

>monaca did nothing to prevent her father from being kidnapped by the Future Foundation
>didn't even bother to rescue him either
Shit daughter, I hope she dies

>To be fair, Munakata's reasoning is sound
No it's not. There's always going to be moles and subversionists. Killing the entirety of the Future Foundation to kill a mole is literally throwing the baby out with the bath water

>dat neck

No, you stop posting about something not related to this thread.

You're so fucking stupid. The fact that the one person could literally leave the game with Naegi and control everything with FF and the people is dangerous enough compared to losing a few people.

>Chisa died just to be triggering fuel

Feels bad to be honest.

He wasn't kidnapped, he surrendered himself so he could go on a fun tropical vacation. He's a shit dad!

That's the shit Tengan rightfully called Munakata on.

However, Munakata reasoning that attacker's goal may be not killing all of them, but creating a scapegoat and infiltrating even further is reasonable.

I will laugh at you for how wrong you'll be once they show that she lives

> let go of hope

Fuck off despair

two retards who didn't understand his plan at all

I'm just memeing

Is she real?

Show Chiaki is being featured in literally has DESPAIR in its name.

>Y-you are stupid! You don't understand!

Is that all the defense Munakatafags can give?

If the Leadership of the Future Foundation can't beat one mole, then they suck.

Also remember the events are being broadcast live.

The average viewer just saw the Vice Chairman of the Future Foundation attempt to murder a hero for no fucking reason, and then kill the Main Chairman, an elderly man, for having the gall to stand up to him

They also saw Jozu punch a cripple, Naegi, and Animator guy.

Munakata is basically just throwing an autistic fit. His reasoning isn't even right in theory.

Chiaki's dead but keep up the delusions. Make sure not to kill yourselves when Izuru murders her

I see a lot of "you just don't get it"s thrown around in these threads.

>chi-chiaki is miaya guys! everything points to it!
>turns out to be monaca

when will chiakifags ever learn

>Kodaka brought her back just to murder her again


Is saying "y-you're fucking retarded" all Munakatafags can come up with?

In no world does his plan make sense.

His fear of a mole infiltrating the Future Foundation is grounded, but his actions are so incredibly dumb and destructive.

Were the events not being broadcast to the world, he'd ALMOST have a point. Better that the Future Foundation members all die in a tragedy than a mole leads it

But even if everyone dies, the image of the Future Foundation just got blown to shit.

Literally the only future fags left are murderous retards.



>they aren't perfect, so they suck
>and they punch bunch of people live
You actually haven't explained how his reasoning is even in theory is wrong, from your point of view, while I agree with what said, except, just to note, I don't agree with Munakata that they should point their fingers at someone and hope they got the attacker. Him and Tengan are going to have conversation about that, I think.

No...Stop this. I refuse to be pessimistic about all this.

I want to murder her virginity.

>FF dweebs busy having dumb Naruto fights with each other
>Meanwhile Monaca is just trying to keep Naegi alive

What is this strange world

>They still think the last scene of the anime won't be Chiaki arriving at the Jabberwock island

No one says Munakata is right about how to kill people, but he's right about everything concerning the mole and his actions. Can you not read? You just admitted it yourself.

What do the Future Foundation people even do besides having naruto battles with the remnants

>Weedman makes a phone call
>Togami, Toko, Komaru, Weedmom, the rest of the "important people" from AE (including the STRONGEST MAN IN THE WORLD with cancer), and the four remaining devil children all appear to shut this game down
>Weedman hailed as a hero and savior


Probably rescue operations of normal people from people who were influenced by despair.

>The average viewer just saw the Vice Chairman of the Future Foundation attempt to murder a hero for no fucking reason

Which can easily be explained when he gets out and shows them proof the "hero" was helping mass murderers who killed off their families.

>and then kill the Main Chairman, an elderly man, for having the gall to stand up to him

Said guy who attacked him first? Did you not even watch the episode?

>They also saw Jozu punch a cripple, Naegi, and Animator guy.

It wasn't broadcasted when he punched Naegi and even that is justified with what he did. The cripple as the audience will see was nothing more than a crazy evil girl controlling a robot so they'll shrug it off.

Munakata's reasoning while ruthless and a bit hypocritical is definitely sound.

>If the Leadership of the Future Foundation can't beat one mole, then they suck.

No it just means you're stupid.

Really awkward pizza parties.

>But even if everyone dies, the image of the Future Foundation just got blown to shit.

With Blacksmith, Candy, and Drugs acting like petulant brats and Boxer and Yu assaulting branch leaders left and right, including the fucking CHAIRMAN, all on worldwide TV, watched by citizens and employees of their own organization, THIS should be a plot point and should lead to civil dispute between branches and possibly the dissolution of the Future Foundation. But it won't be.

Naegi and Munakata will kiss and make up, the bad guy will be defeated, and everyone will forget everything they watched,

Not only the samefagging Naegifag but one who doesn't even know what the fuck he's talking about at all.

>Hinata will finally fulfill his promise to play that new game she bought and play all night long

Fine, I'll spell it out for you in bullet form.

Munakata's fears are that a mole will hijack the Future Foundation. That fear is legitimate, but the choice to destroy the Future Foundation is a worse alternative.

Munakata basically assumes that this mole will have more power than Naegi and friends if he/she survives. It's obviously a flawed approach, since Naegi and Co. have shown to be more competent and have their shit together than the Future Foundation

And the Future Foundation is way more than just "not perfect." They are actively incompetent. They literally got infiltrated by a six year old.

Only one way

Why are anons on here so damn dumb?


When will Togami show up and save the day with his hacking gun, which shoots programming code through electromagnetic waves?

Monaca-chan's really smart!

>Munakata basically assumes that this mole will have more power than Naegi and friends if he/she survives.
Wrong. Munakata fears that mole with have more power WITH Naegi and friends surviving without a doubt that mole has been eradicated.

>It's obviously a flawed approach, since Naegi and Co. have shown to be more competent and have their shit together than the Future Foundation
So, you just say "let's trust guys who saves those guys who fucked up entire world?". That doesn't sound like a flawed approach.

>. It's obviously a flawed approach, since Naegi and Co. have shown to be more competent and have their shit together than the Future Foundation


>And the Future Foundation is way more than just "not perfect." They are actively incompetent. They literally got infiltrated by a six year old.

You mean same six year old girl who went and controlled a whole city and may have been given help by a FF mole on hacking the organization you fucking autist?

>Which can easily be explained when he gets out and shows them proof the "hero" was helping mass murderers who killed off their families.

So that's Munakata's grand plan? To fucking lie, and kill innocent people? He ain't sounding too far removed from Junko at this point.

>Said guy who attacked him first? Did you not even watch the episode?

Old Man's "attack" was to shoot a needle at Personafag's katana before he murdered Naegi on live tv.

>It wasn't broadcasted when he punched Naegi and even that is justified with what he did. The cripple as the audience will see was nothing more than a crazy evil girl controlling a robot so they'll shrug it off.

Love how you glossed over Animatorfag. And his reasoning isn't sound. No one is going to buy his shit when the killing game is over and Naegi, Kirigiri, and Aoi are dead.

When did it say that the real Chiaki died? Was it somewhere during the second game?

stop arguing with these idiotic naegifags. they're just trying to collect (you)'s

>implying the teacher of the despairs is dead and isnt just as fucked up as her students.

I'd rather have her die again rather then this nightmare

What is dumb about what I wrote? I don't even care about the Naegi and Munakata conflict. I just need to know why the actions displayed on television shouldn't have consequences that resonate throughout the entire organization?

Getting the sneaking suspicion a certain someone is samefagging hard, so I made a strawpoll. Continue on arguing about Personafag's plan


The Ryouta in Despair Arc is the imposter

The Imposter wouldn't be impersonating someone who's in another section of Class 77 because eventually somebody would find out he's the imposter

Ryouta's profile says he's Class 77. So what the fuck?

and for any smart asses who want to pretend there's a chance fat Ryouta and skinny Ryouta are the same person: where's Twogami then

>When did it say that the real Chiaki died?

Not once was it mentioned. Kohacka retconned "she was an AI the whole time" and now suddenly she's a real girl.

You should try to edit boxer in the picture too.


Twogami is being Togami somewhere else
Ryota in zetsubou-hen is short, Twogami is 185cm

>Said guy who attacked him first?

He was about to execute the guy known for taking out Junko on live TV. The backlash from that would have been horrible

>implying the Ultimate Imposter can imitate anyone anytime

>So that's Munakata's grand plan? To fucking lie, and kill innocent people? He ain't sounding too far removed from Junko at this point

How is he lying? Naegi DID help mass murderers? Did you not even play DR2? Of course you didn't.

>Old Man's "attack" was to shoot a needle at Personafag's katana before he murdered Naegi on live tv.

So an first attack based on an assumption. Ok.

>Love how you glossed over Animatorfag. And his reasoning isn't sound. No one is going to buy his shit when the killing game is over and Naegi, Kirigiri, and Aoi are dead.

Yeah retards like you wouldn't buy his shit but the people wouldn't give a damn once he shows Naegi and his co. was connecting to the Ultimate Despair group which is way more important. Once proof has been shown, they'd be happy that the traitorous "heroes" were being killed off.

Shit dude, you need to, like, specify.

I agree with Munakata about Mole's actions.

I don't agree that they should just point fingers at someone and hope that they got the attacker.

In the same fashion I agree with Naegi that they should calm the fuck down and discuss how to do things.

But I don't agree that they should just blindly trust each other and hope for whatever the hell Makoto wants to accomplish by blindly trusting each other.

I wish I saved the gif.


This is probably hyperbole and there's probably somebody better but Twogami might be my favorite vidya/anime fat guy ever.

You think he's Byakuya, then you think he's a joke, then you find out he's really really fucking cool. I got chills in SDR2 when he stopped Fuyuhiko in his tracks by just telling him he intended to save Fuyuhiko as well. His party plan was really really good. Too bad he ran aground of the ruse cruise incarnate that is Nagito

>using strawpoll
>when airplane mode exists

I reiterate: why are anons on here so damn dumb?

I wonder if we'll get an explanation about Ryouta being absent from the 77th class. I hope so.