Drawfag Thread 1837

Drawfag Thread 1837

second rarfag's files until thread 1819: mediafire.com/folder/m5rhvc5a9bfku

Draw Friends Booru!

Please help a little by tagging and uploading pics!
Tag list of artists and colorists: pastebin.com/J0dJ6gtn (embed)

Missed a delivery or sudden 404? desuarchive.org/a/
Drawfaggin' references and tablet guide: docs.google.com/document/d/1r76FugZ2pZIE74LdSEBMwGJ7HxweawNdoGrNT6hrOfs/edit

Thread 1836

Other urls found in this thread:


Requesting Color of Shion wearing a high-leg leotard
Color ref: imgur.com/a/aFK2r
thanks in advance

Requesting color.

Requesting color

for color reference

Whoops wrong image

Requesting Teruha (from Shoujo-tachi wa Kouya wo Mezasu) with her bangs cut short, like the girl on the right. She can embarrassed or fine with it.

Requesting Muse and Salama licking each other's bellybuttons in a 69 position in their bikinis.

Clothes' color is up to you I forgot. Pick the color you think is best for it.

the New Geimus cosplaying as Neps

Requesting something similar to the "Doctor Donovan" edit, instead with this eel girl from Monster Musume, giving an extra-soothing massage to a shota, or Darling.

Funny, lewd, or creepy, either's fine. But funny is preferred.

does your friend take commissions? I want to see what some characters would like sketched with his left hand.

Requesting mascots in campy DC hero outfits please! Preferably with Pitz as Batman, Ai-kun as Superman, Haro as Flash, and Fukubuchou as Flash! Bonus points if Yotsuba asks "why so serial?" as she tries eating Al Gore cereal.

I don't want to come off as rude but how long has ssf been drawing? I want to start delivering for the WWD but I have no experience in art.

Requesting a 2 panel image. The first one having Aika (left) telling drawfags to stop drawing her in with gags and have them do Neena (right) instead. The second one having Neena lying on a couch in full view with her mouth taped shut with a disinterested/defeated look on her face. Bonus points if a third panel has Aika in the exact same manner with a "not this again" expression on her face.

Mimi drawn in the style of Asanagi.

Requesting Dimaria Yesta and Chronos from Fairy Tail stopping time and posing as Dio and The World from JoJo.
Clothes/pose/expression as you wish, but bonus for Dimaria clicking her theet as she unleash Za Kuronosu. Thanks.

The earliest ssf drawing on the booru seems to be early '15.

If you're interested in drawing check out the sticky on /ic/, and then if you so desire, try posting in their /beg/ thread. However, /ic/ tends to have a rather dickish/blunt attitude towards things, so you may find the posters often more useless than not.

As a sidenote, how many hours a day can you spare for practicing drawing?

At least for a year

Requesting Lina Inverse drawn in the art style of Ed "Big Daddy" Roth.

Thank you! I'll have a look at/ic/. Besides college I have plenty of time to kill each day.

The recommended standard tends to be that you practice at least 5-6 hours a day.
But that's not feasible for everyone, but if you DO have that much time spare in a day, I don't recommend doing 5-6 right off the bat.
Start with a more reasonable number like 2 and just ramp it up over a few months.
I mean if you CAN do 5-6, more power to you, but you might risk burnout.

>and just ramp it up
>I don't even have 4 hours to commit to it
Shikata ga nai.

Like I said, 5-6 might not be feasible. Do around 2-3 and see if any other parts of your day can be turned into drawing time - like commute time.

Most important thing is at least doing something every single day for the next. . . many many years.

Requesting color variants. link very related.

Taking huge tits coloring requests.

Requesting Hisoka bullying Macchi with a full nelson like in the reference, exposing her bike shorts/spats completely.

Here are some uncolored huge tits

Did this user lose my address? It's [email protected], in case anyone else wants to talk too.

Good morning!

Requesting Kurumi Erika from Heartcatch Precure cosplaying as D.va from Overwatch.

Dem tits

How about this?


Requesting colors for this picture of Touko Aozaki. The color of the outfit is up to the colorist.
Color ref: imgur.com/scj7SMa

Requesting Mikan cuddling with her black boyfriend

requesting Yung Lean and his stand 「Profound Sadness」

Requesting more Risty butt.

Requesting a Shoggoth resting her huge tits on a generic shotas head.

Requesting a huge breasted Chisa Yukizome from Danganronpa 3, wearing nothing but her apron and shoes.

Apparently today(well for Japan at least) is Bunny Day. May I have a Bunny Squid Girl for this day?

>a bunch of waifufags I kind of liked turned out to be huge degenerates.

Ooh, a list?

Is it time for a list?

Like who even? That past thread was entirely anonymous, so unless you can see IPs, you're bullshitting. And even then, we already discussed that there's nothing really wrong with it

He might have done a honeypot with an email.

If that was indeed the case, then I will personally congratulate the good taste of everyone on that list, since that last thread was patrician tier

>nothing really wrong with requesting kobold gangbangs with your waifu

Requesting drawanons draw their waifus wearing a bunnysuit

Meant waifu not waifus

I will say that bestiality is a line that I would rather not cross, but some of the other fetishes that were being discussed last thread I would have no problem with if the anons respected their waifus and kept it in a purely consensual environment.

Nothing says consensual like organizing your wife's gangbang while you babysit her son in the shed.

You animals are hilarious.

>Sup Forums told me to come here
>literally 1 post an hour nothing gets drawn the thread

If the waifu and waifufag would be ok with it, I don't see why they couldn't organize a gangbang together

And another cosplay request: requesting Amanogawa Kirara from Princess Precure wearing Raidy's "armor".

>drawing any of these shit requests

I'll wait for the real drawthread


Wasn't that some other user and not futyofag

I just did.

Like I said you animals are hilarious

Mitsuba looks kinda flat can you fix her?

Best to wait for the weekend.
Any requests here won't be much different from your standard Sup Forums request, what with futa and beast requests being the norm.

Every other board says cuck shit as a joke this is one of the few places who is unironic about being a cuckold

Imagine your whole life being a meme pretty sad

That's really cute. Good job

Boobs are too big. Also, draw my waifu in the WWD.

>Boobs are too big
Why do you lie?

Also, would be nice to see more girls with big tits wearing the same outfit as Tomoe Mami here.
Some suggestions on the pic

Source on those Mami pics:pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=57666670

Damn nice

>someone likes something I don't like and it doesn't affect me in any way but let me throw a fit about it anyway
Are you sure you're not the animal?

>Sup Forums told me to come here
Maybe you should go back there.

Who are you calling a liar.

I'm calling you a liar. For saying things that aren't true.

>someone likes something I don't

Love how this is the default post every single time

>coloring other people art

See originally I thought that too but then there is literally just an image of her being fucked by a kobold for an art trade.

>completely ignores the official art I posted.

Why are cucks so damn vocal and desperate to let everyone know they are around? If you're so proud of it why don't you say who you are?

Draw your waifu like this!

>the default
The default post is the only post that is needed. You cannot justify getting mad at people doing things you don't like if they don't affect you in any way. You're literally just looking for things to get mad about, which is SJW tier

Shh, that's ok. I liked the initial sketch too much to tone it down. And her chest is bigger now on new EGOIST covers.

The fact that you stupid cucks need to go on long-winded rants defending your shit fetish does affect me when it's shitting up a thread

If your fetish isn't so shit then shut the fuck up. People insulting you for being a disgusting maggot is supposed to be what you're into so stop

it does when you literally don't shut the fuck up about it

Why are you so desperate to let people know you're angry because they like something you don't? And then you say we're the ones who won't shut the fuck up.

You're the ones who can't seem to not get mad. Notice how the post that started this discussion was someone complaining. Literally just look the other way faggot

To be fair, you do keep also going on about your fetishes in a drawthread that shouldn't really be about fetishes. That's what /d/ is for. So going
>UGH! Guise, why u mad tho!?
Doesn't help your case when you're talking about irrelevant shit outside of where it belongs.

It's a great drawing either way. I hope you draw my waifu someday

>talking about irrelevant shit outside of where it belongs
How's your first day on Sup Forums?

>general defends cuckolding yet again

Only board that does this seriously in the site and it's amusing.

>First day on Sup Forums?
Obviously not, that's why I know fetish talk goes on /d/.

mind as well be a Reddit board desu

>Only board
Nope. Just this thread.

My fetish is special and different therefore I have the right to plaster it everywhere.

Thanks, and thanks to everyone who commented. I will try drawing some more in the future. Just couldn't miss out on bunny day today.

No but seriously, what you just said is why futafags are awful.

Why does smugfu have a cherry in her belly button?

yeah but cuckolding is so much more disgusting, feels like futa fags are more aggressive in pushing it on everything

See, were right. You just can't stop whining.

Why didn't anyone tell me how hard it is to draw a manga by yourself. I have a good story and every chapter planed out right down to storyboards. But I keep loosing interest in work, after every chapter, sometimes even a page. The good thing is, that my drawing skills improve after every page.

Get the hint and fuck off

Maybe stop bring your fetish up at all then if you can't stand people talking about how disgusting you are

>b-but we didn't even though we did last night where this converasation originated from

Telling you to fuck off and discuss this kind of thing in the proper threads is different from "Stop liking what I don't like," retard.

Cuckolding ruins yet another thread

>yeah but cuckolding is so much more disgusting
Why? And anyway, it seems like it's sharing rather than cuckolding that anons are interested in. Either way, this would have ended a long time ago if you would stop complaining. Same thing last thread too.

Except last thread this discussion only started after someone started complaining about Oorafag. Who gives a shit what he or anyone does? Shut the fuck up already.

>Is making a manga
Be sure to post wips one day.

Or maybe you should stop throwing an autistic fit every time it's brought up.