Who will the story jump to this week?
Luffy and clones my guess.
Also we get a color spread this week and a break next week.
One Piece
Other urls found in this thread:
killing SANAfags left and right
I love SanjixNami lots and lots
color spread again?
oda will die soon
killing LUNAfags left and right
>tfw sanji will fuck pudding's puddings by the end of the arc
feels good
It's not really a jump if the last page was Luffy with the clones
It'll either be about Carrot and Chopper saving Nami or Brook and Pedro sneaking about with the last page being about Jimbei
fingers crossed for more caesar, but i doubt it. Guess it will be a luffy chapter.
Shippers only see evidence that supports their ships
The Author said it won't happen but they do it anyway
Stay here with me
Friendly reminder that cedar the pharmacist will be the next crew member
Man this is SNK-tier cancerous shitposting, please stop.
careful user, they're gonna assume you as butthurt lunafag
>butthurt LuNafag detected
My dad works for anime, so here's a spoiler.
Pedro is in love with Pudding. They're star-crossed childhood friends.
>thread even not started and already full of shitposts
Why don't you get the high-level discussion started then?
>expecting anything less
It's been like that since I've started browsing Sup Forums on a daily basis, and I assume it has always been like that. It's almost unbearable, but sometimes there are some nice discussions, unlike SnK threads
it's already beyond help user, unless self moderation is allowed you better just get along with it
The goddamn thread on Sup Forums yesterday had more discussion then any Sup Forums one piece general last month
isn't it sad?
We just skipped a whole morning and afternoon of Luffy in the forest, I think he's probably stuck there for a longer term. Also, that skip means Nami, Chopper and Carrot were probably already captured. Brook and Pedro were probably captured as well since they were most likely planning on getting the Poneglyph in the one day and Tamago knew that Pedro was there for the Poneglyph.
So Sanji and/or Jinbe will have to deal with that. And if we start from the next day we might see Ichiji and Niji arriving.
because they don't make threads every day
they need a reason to get his heart back first
I doubt it would be different if we only had chapter release threads. The last release threads were fludded with shipperfags and similar shitposters
can't wait to see him in action again.
I think getting pushed around because of his heart has really made people forget what he's capable of
i couldnt find it in the archive, care to link it?
i don't think the thread is as good as people make it out to be, better than the threads here, but the discussion isn't particularly interesting either, for people who follow the story closely at least.
TFW waiting for Film GOLD to show up online, english subbed.
How long do you think the wait will be Sup Forums?
The start of next year.
I'm really confused why they call Gold the 13th movie. Does Mugiwara Chase really count?
Well seeing as his blast could even keep usopp down he doesn't seem that strong . Just another fodder control member
>One Piece: The Movie • Clockwork Island Adventure
>Chopper's Kingdom on the Island of Strange Animals • Dead End Adventure
>The Cursed Holy Sword • Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
>The Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle • Episode of Alabasta: The Desert Princess and the Pirates
>Episode of Chopper Plus: Bloom in Winter, Miracle Sakura • One Piece Film: Strong World
>One Piece 3D: Straw Hat Chase • One Piece Film: Z
>One Piece Film: Gold
I count 13
>>One Piece 3D: Straw Hat Chase
and I don't really understand why that is counted. Did it run in theaters? I always considered it some kind of odd special.
I hope it's a good chapter.
Last break (a different kind of break, though), it was a pretty dissapointing one compared to the previous ones.
>One Piece: The Movie
>Clockwork Island Adventure
Open fields with a good view. Good old anime feels.
>Chopper's Kingdom on the Island of Strange Animals
>Dead End Adventure
Pirate/10, pretty good.
>The Cursed Holy Sword
Pretty meh, and Zolo first time say Sanji name.
>Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
10/10, despair all the way.
>The Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle
>Episode of Alabasta: The Desert Princess and the Pirates
>One Piece 3D: Straw Hat Chase
>One Piece Film: Z
Nice animation and style, 8/10
You forgot Strong World
You will be disappointed
At the very least, the movie's got nice music.
Most of it is just waifuposting and explaining the series to fags that dropped it, like all other Sup Forums OP threads
>blocked in Germany because GEMA
Fuck my home-country. Well at least I can watch the movie here.
>m-muh muh muh
how did a princess and a butler manage to make it into the top ranks of baroque works? without even having the identies exposed?
Aw yiss.
Croc was aware the entire time
And how many innocent people did they kill in their service to Crocodile? Clearly they showed no qualms in attempting to butcher the Straw Hats.
scum-sympathizers need to go
He was a peacemain, he dindu nothing!
sure thing mate
had it not been for robin he'd never have found out
I thought they refrained from killing since that would lower the reward money by 10%
i want to touch robin's feet
30% actually.
I want to work out with Nami
>better than the threads here
good god that thread was outright cancer
SaNami confirmed.
are you saying the threads here aren't?
>2 weeks
>check dA, pixiv, etc.
>STILL no Olga fanart
I'm not overly fond of the pacing of the story desu
I feel like we're jumping around to too many different groups and it's only going to get worse when Luffy is inevitably incapacitated.
good my ass, sasuga Sup Forumsermin
at least we have an actual discussion
I entirelly agree with you user,it feels like literally nothing happens every single chapter.
Reminder that if you think
>Monet didn't throw the note
>Monet didn't survive the heart stabbing
>Monet didn't follow the strawhats in the rabbits
>Monet isn't going to show up sometime during this alliance saga
>Monet isn't cute
>Monet isn't going to be important for astronomical purpose
>Monet isn't going to be redeemed
>Monet isn't going to be nakama
but most importantly, you honestly think that
>Monet isn't best girl
Then I pity you and your delusions. Monet for nakama.
one out of eight
What if Roger had the Mizu Mizu no Mi?
I mean, what else could he have had (If he even had any)
>Inb4 he had the Gomu Gomu no Mi
he had the roger roger no mi
Roger Roger?
>it's only going to get worse when Luffy is inevitably incapacitated.
He won't be incapacitated, he's going to be stuck in the forest until the tea party instead.
I Personaly always thought he had something like the Yomi Yomi No Mi, as luffy is extremly similar to him and he said he wouldn't die
Maybe his soul was reborn in luffy...are there any Theories on that?
Yes. It's called inherited will. Kureha is the first to talk about it. Hiluluk dies and both Dalton and Chopper inherit his will. Dalton to restore Drum Kingdom, Chopper to cure any disease.
Roger dies and both Luffy and Teach inherit his will. Luffy to protect his friends and become PK and Teach to believe it's fate for him to be PK. Also Luffy inherited Joy Boy's will while Teach inherited Uranus's will.
I've laid it out for you user
luffy was born 2 years after roger died tho
was his will just floating around waiting for a host
Spent 2 years chilling with other spirits
>prior matters to attend
Implies her rendezvous with the SHs
>a little errand to run
Implies nothing of the sort
Truthfag(s) BTFO
I did like how she said 'chancu' though, that was cute.
Pudding a liar. A LIAR
">What if Roger had the Mizu Mizu no Mi?"
Don't think that is likely. However I often wonder how that Logia would work, since DF users can't come in contact with the sea. Maybe only fresh water? But what offensive abilities would the fruit then have...
">I Personaly always thought he had something like the Yomi Yomi No Mi, as luffy is extremly similar to him and he said he wouldn't die Maybe his soul was reborn in luffy...are there any Theories on that?"
That is most likely a reference to fate. If it was confirmed that Luffy is literally the reincarnation of Roger, it would make for a very disappointing end to the series.
Couldn't it be something more with luffy? Rayleigh and shanks both mentioned to see Gold Roger in him, and he was the only one who inherited the will before his birth (while Chopper, Dalton and blackbeard all were alive)
I think that only happened PRETS for plotline purposes. Luffy was already grandline tier from ch1 so Oda had to write him out of the story to let other characters develop. From getting lost on Syrup village to being stuck at W7, every time he was gone, other characters had time to shine.
>SaNafags this desperate
You truly are insecure aren't you lunafag? You want this to be true.
Your life is sad
>Couldn't it be something more with luffy?
I think there has to be. That's why WB said Teach wasn't the one Roger was waiting for. Maybe it's dependent on which clan of D you are from?
I'm a SaPufag user
That doesn't excuse the lack of fanart. She's a great character, has a great character song, and is basically the lovechild of Alice Margatroid and Marisa Kirisame.
What's not to love?
CONFIRMED: Whitey Bay raped to death by Weevil. Where were you when it happened?
I'm still banking on Rogers DF ,since it seemed like he knew he wasn't going to die
>before this chapter
>"pudding's a liar, SaNa confirmed!!!"
>after this week's BTFO
>"I-i never said she was lying... sana will still happen guys...."
sanafags backtracking like fucking jinbe
>pudding is a liar, Sana confirmed
How would that even work? Think stuff out at least if you are going to falseflag. You truly like embarrassing yourself
focusing on the canon manga instead of anime shit
Roger having the Yomi Yomi no mi is one of those theories that just seems too easy. Luffy has been on this journey since 1997, and then you just tell fans that there wasn't actually anything special about him, and that it wasn't just fate playing its part or the will of the D.
Luffy was just the Pirate Kings' incarnation through a devilfruit. Doesn't make for great all-time ratings.
Pic unrelated
most unrelated pic i've ever seen, good job.
Why do Ceader of all people get that catgirl around his dick?
Because he's cute and sexy.