Slowpoke here, just finished this

Slowpoke here, just finished this.

I don't know how I feel. A lot of the plot points were pretty fucked, and it basically turned into a poor man's darker than black.

The feels are still hitting me from that last episode though. Should have expected this from the same people who made angel beats.

What did you guys think?

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I didn't like it, pacing and writing went to hell towards the end because of mediocre episodic stories early on.
None of the characters were interesting, only the main girl was hot.

But I don't like anything Key or made by Key people, so there's that.

Flawed as hell and the pacing was messed up after time travel, but I still enjoyed the fuck out of it. If the show was two cours long to fix the pacing and better explain events then it would have been some really amazing.

Also, Nao is love.

It had problems, a lot even, and a couple of really dumb parts. Even almost dropped it at some point.
As always with 13 episode KEY series, the ending was too rushed, this should have been a 22 episode series.
That said, the end episodes kind of hit me, to see him keep on doing what he needs to do even on the brink of madness, and after forgetting why he even does what he does.

This could be a much better series. too bad.


I liked the comedy and the main girl was good. Everything else was meh.

I'd rather eat buffalo shit than watch this shitty anime any longer

I'm almost happy it wasn't paced better or the end feel would have been too much.

Also I didn't give a fuck about any of the characters besides MC and main girl.
I hate how much attention went to that dumb pop star cunt and her uninteresting backstory.

Main character was good
Nao was OLEV
i needed nothing else.

9/10 up to episode 9 (OVA included). Drops to 6.5/10 after episode 9, but mind of steel Grim Resper Yuu is awesome. Shame there wasn't enough time to dedicated an entire arc of Yuu's mission all iver the world and his descent to madness and deranged power trip. At least Nao was perfect throughout the show.

It was ultimately entertaining so it was worthwhile. I think the only reason it gets trashed is because it had way more potential.


OP I just finished this too.
The pacing was ridiculous especially in the first half. Instead of being episodic some of the arcs should have been around 2-3 episodes. It being 1cour didn't help. Yu's personality did a 180 from episode 1 to 2.
The final episode was also ridiculous but I liked it because Nao was such a qt and am happy for her.
Overall while it had some major flaws I liked it for Nao and that OP music.

Reminds me of Angel Beats. Good first half, but then they rush the fuck in the second half with a shitty half assed ending. Should have been 2 cour.

Nao made this show bearable. Best girl.

You forgot:
I got it, so no worries.

The last episode was a joke and completely ruined what happened to be a decent show.

It was so cliche and corny I fucking puked.

Nao is perfect. Too bad we'll never get another character like her.

Only legally eligible vagina?

Yusarin singlehandedly prevented the show from being amazing. She was dumb and uninteresting but forced into the show to promote Maaya Uchida's singing career. If so much time wasn't wasted on her then the pacing could have been optimized. The anime didn't need 2 cours, it needed to trim the fat.

I liked it. I didn't expect it to be anything special and assumed I would drop it after a couple of episodes. Instead, I was pleasantly surprised.

Would you guys play a Charlotte VN?

If the last episode was stretched out into another season it could have been decent.

lurk moar
in this case, a whole lot moar

It was shit. Even your average LN adaptation has better pacing.

Still, watching episode 7 with Sup Forums was one of the most hilarious experiences ever. I also happened to like the episode with Sawashiro (who turned out to be of no fucking consequence) and the original timeline episode. I also liked the pacing of the last episode, even if it should have been developed over a whole cour.

The rest is absolute trash.

>Both Sara and Iwasawa voiced by Sawashiro
That episode reminded me alot of Angel Beat

Why did those girls beat up Nap again?

The anime had some hilarious comedy and that alone makes me rewatch the show on occasions. Plus, the main girl and MC's interactions are adorable as two big tsundere that fights all the time but is the kind that gets along well.

Key is kill with Maeda dying and Hinoue Itaru drinking her life away.


I really didn't like this show, my two favorite episodes were the first one, and the one where he almost stabs a kid in the eye. They really shouldn't have opened with the main character mind jacking trucks to almost pull a Nice. It really made me expect something it wasn't. I expected some weird mix of Code Geass and a story about a RomCom. Instead I got japanese xmen and the power of bravery.

i dunno.
I also don't know why Sala was blind.

Angel Beats and Charlotte had great potential, but barely reached half of their potential due to pacing and rushed ending issues. Why is that? You'd think Key would be rich enough to be able to produce two cours anime.

I don't remember how it ended and none of the characters connected to me

Maeda thinks he can make tightly written stories that can be contained in a short amount of time. He doesn't realize that as a VN writer, he has no skills for that whatsoever.

The final episode should have been at least double the time

i remember watching it expecting basically nothing because the setting is dead at this point but when this plottwist on this concert happened i thought it was almost clever.
it's not my favourite by far, but i can appreiciate that it tried abit more stuff then most other shows.
the last epsiode was weird as fuck though with its passing

This guy.

I always enjoy Maeda's characterization. I feel like that's his strong point. in particular was a really fun character
His plots are shit, but for some reason I always get back onto Maeda's wild ride.

Reminder that Nao got raped by big chinese dude

So once MC gets out of adolescence, does he regain his memories since the powers go away?

wait for the VN in 5 year more like angel beats

He lost his memory to magic clannAIDS. Stealing all the powers supposedly overloaded his brain. It's gone for good.

The best part of the show was the initial episodes imo. It should have stayed an episodic comedy then try to be dramatic. If most of the episodes were them going around capturing ability wielders I think the show would be GOAT

Also the assholery of the MC in the first couple episodes was great.

All in all the show got a lot worse when the big brother came up and only dropped further when those shitty foreigners came

Nao is voiced by one of my favorite actors so that's a plus