Animefags will defend this

>Animefags will defend this

Same VA too, Nakamura Yuuichi is voicing the MCs for both shows.

>Look daughters are cute. Please procreate.

What's the problem?

Does he fuck the boy?

I'm not sure what you're getting at here. That the shows are similar because they feature a man and child?

I don't get your point.
Both are wholesome shows that clearly displays life with a daughter/son.

It's not your typical harem that you always complain about so what's to complain here?

>Slice of life
both are trash desu

Reproducing propaganda.

We are living in the age of Usagi drop

Defend from?

Isn't there already a term for this that's been used for years? Strange, I think it's a wordfilter of some sort.

But its not targeted towards a western audience. Also, if you're able to identify propaganda, then is it really effective?

>Look daughters are cute.
>until you have to change diapers

Of course it's not targeted towards western audience, why would they care about them at all?

It's just trying to tell otakus that having kids isn't all that bad.

You're retarded.

No u

>a young boy

It is what it is. Sorry if it doesn't match your imagination of the glorious nippon.

It is kind of a stretch, anime is only consumed by a fraction of the domestic population. Reproduction propaganda would be much better suited for a live-action format.

The one imagining things is you. These manga are just the author making something that interests them just the same as any other manga, there's no conspiracy behind them to brainwash people into having kids.

Better than the alternative

>See Europe

I don't get this anime propaganda to make otaku breed meme. The main cities are actually packed with people. The problem with underpopulation usually lies with rural Japan and they don't watch anime, specially not late night anime.

>a young boy

This is a retarded answer similar to fear mongering. The only shitty thing about this is that these type slice of life is becoming a copy-paste syndrome. There is a shit load of manga like this already and it's approaching to isekai tier.

Defend what from what?

>There is a shit load of manga like this already and it's approaching to isekai tier.
That's not even remotely true.

Actually even people who feel that they can see through something can still be influenced by it

>Implying that people can't move

If they really wanted Otaku to breed, wouldn't they make an anime about showering and working out first?

What's wrong with Inazuma?

It's comfy.

What does moving have to do with anything?
Do you not understand urbanization?
Finish high school plz

Even if it is """propaganda""", what's the problem with trying to get people to make more people?

And getting a girlfriend/married. They wouldn't skip straight to "Single dad and child" series. That just leads towards wanting to adopt.

>There is a shit load of manga like this already and it's approaching to isekai tier

Name 5 that have been started within the last 5 years.

>Not liking stories about young single father type characters
Fuck off, it's not like we're getting 45 of them each season like we were with battle academy harem LNshit.

The one on the left is not reproduction propaganda. It's "please visit Shikoku" propaganda.

>I-it's not propaganda if it's for a good(righteous user's good) cause!

>stories about young single father type characters
we reached the top in this kind of manga

Yotsuba is the golden standard, but that doesn't mean the others can't be good.

How about a single father battle academy harem LN?


In what internet shithole you crawled from, faggot?

>butthurt MGTOW
Fuck off to r9k please

you need to jump some board to find this


Holy shit you Americans are buttblasted about all the black and mexican people.

What about "My son is the lead of a battle academy harem but I can't get him to produce any offspring!?"

>My father

My Useless Son is Playing Games All Day and in a Peculiar Turn of Events I Was Summoned to One of Those Stories of His
Tentative name: Ossakai

needs him to marry a rich widowed royalty

Please stop this madness.

>Young papa and his shota/loli get transported to another world
>The girls are attracted to his strong paternal instinct
>Kids gets a loving new mama out of the deal or at least some sweet onee-sans
Would watch.