The Associated Press has obtained a recording of what some U.S...

>The Associated Press has obtained a recording of what some U.S. Embassy workers heard in Havana in a series of unnerving incidents later deemed to be deliberate attacks. The recording, released Thursday by the AP, is the first disseminated publicly of the many taken in Cuba of mysterious sounds that led investigators initially to suspect a sonic weapon.

>What device produced the original sound remains unknown. Americans affected in Havana reported the sounds hit them at extreme volumes.

>Whether there’s a direct relationship between the sound and the physical damage suffered by the victims is also unclear. The U.S. says that in general the attacks caused hearing, cognitive, visual, balance, sleep and other problems.

>Cell Phones, Microwaves And The Human Health Threat

>The microwaves that cell phones emit can interact with human tissue in an entirely new way, says theoretical biologist at a government lab


>It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set

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don't we have a "weapon" that can focus sound to make people shit themselves?

That was an episode of South park

Nuh uh, I saw it on Discovery Channel. I think we tried it in Desert Storm.

They've made stupider things


Tests were carried out over San Francisco. The lasting after effects are still visable to this day.

Russia did it to us in the late 80's.,3660202

Yes, supposedly some band (moody blues maybe?) discovered it by electronically dropping the lowest note they could make by two more Octavia’s and then playing it in reverse. It caused people to involuntarily void their bowels. They thought it was cool, but realized it had no practical use for them, except as the final note in their concerts to BTFO out of the audience.


holy shit, it's the hobbit!

I see they must've used that one. Maybe in a tactical form.
>Fat Man gay bomb

This is all related to project bluebeam.

>We call this one The Backdoor Blues

That may be a thing but its not the thing I was thinking about. It was a tank mounted device the Army or somebody was going to use for crowd control.
>Hard to riot when, hahaha, you know, its uncomfortable.
I remember that from the show.
Also, a light laser gun thing they would shine on your face for the same effect. This was 20 years ago.

What happened to the Havanans? Just noise? How were they affected?

>sonic weapon afflicts US embassy workers
>unsure origin and function
>here, take a listen for yourself!

Seems pretty serious, there were reports a few weeks back about permanent hearing loss.

Cell phone towers used non-ionized rf. It can physically burn you, if you close enough, but you're not going to get an rf burn unless you climb up, undo an rf coax from a radio to an antenna and put the coax close to you. Or Omni-directional antennas and still have to be close to them.

There was a show with future weapon prototypes and other interesting weapons.

I believe the sonic weapon makes u puke, not shit.

There was also a suit case that basically could cast lighting arcs in a small spread. It was pitched as a get away weapon for spies or something. Casually stroll away from people chasing you, set the suitcase down just outside the door and anyone entering gets zapped.

Pufferfish gun, foamthrower, and there is probably a shitload or unreleased weapons.

That's what I want to know. What happened to these folks. And this was recent?

she kinda has that half tard look. not that much of a fan of it personally i prefer the look of despair in a womans eyes but for the half tard look shes probably a 5/10

gives me a semi but the catalonian protester bitches with plastic bags on their heads made my dick hard.... to hard. like i could break a stale baguette with my dick if i smacked the bread kinda hard


Yeah! A bunch of crap! I remember because of how disappointing it was.

its Emma Roberts.

I think the first stories were in August

Why are we normalizing our relationship with Cuba still?

The second they pulled this shit we should've pulled everyone out and reinstated the embargo. They can starve to fucking death

Yes, they totally do. It's a crowd control weapon. It emits focused super high pitched tones. They actually deployed it at a riot this summer or last. You could hear it sweeping the crowd in the Periscope stream.

Sound samples here

just learn psychonetics and avoid them

Hee he hee ha haa haaaa my sides

Remember when Hillary was aiming white noise generators at her crowds?

Theoretical, and actually being made are completely different.

Damnit you beat me to it.

So, why didn't you bomb the nearest commie building in Havana?

So when the US government is accused of this it's lunatic ravings, but the famously high-tech Cuban government on the other hand ...

Never fucking happened.

Yeah, they had no practical use for it.

Saw that on one of those magazines that always had Bat Boy. Makes me think some of the crazy stuff they put in there was true and it was a way to mock people for being asleep all through life.

Jon Rapoport in his Rulers of the World series actually stood right in front of one (at a low setting).

It does not make people shit themselves. Holy fuck. What is wrong with you people?

I know, I regret listening. Hope I don't shit myself in my sleep tonight.

Sonic decides are not the ravings of a lunatic. Hell Japanese research ships used them against those wou king whale warriors.

No that whole story you just made up never happened. Everything you said was a lie.

It was not a device that made you shit yourself.

That’s a pretty big claim, and I’m sure you can prove it.

Uh, I never said that it was.


ATO was filled with cucks

Is Drumpf even trying anymore? That propaganda hasn't even got an ounce of credibility.

It's just a case of burger mass hysteria that could be linked to some local disease.

No, I remember shitting myself at a Moody Blues show also. They finished up with "Your Wildest Dreams" for the encore, then played the note not with instruments but I think the keyboard or organ. It vibrates your sphincter but fighting the vibration to stay closed is exercise like the Shake Weight and it gets too tired and opens up. I know some people shat themselves in line for the restroom and I know some people shat their pants in the parking lot because there were shitty underwear on the ground like every 10 sq. meters.

I got the t-shirt but it was like 2 or 3 years ago at Route 66 Casino outside of Albuquerque.

>What device produced the original sound remains unknown.
Bullshit. This was a microwave weapon.
>but how did it make sound then???
It's called the microwave auditory effect.
This is a phenomenon where RF energy directed at a human head is converted to sound perceivable by the target. The first paper published about the effect was by Allan H. Frey in 1961.
This explains how it was able to penetrate the walls, the localized sound to the target and the resulting brain damage.

>I remember shitting myself at a Moody Blues show also
Isn't it what you Americans do pretty much anywhere anytime anyway?