Why does this show fall flat?

Why does this show fall flat?

I liked it a lot but the characters are pretty boring

Normal fags were too hyped up after the first episode and thought the entire show would be about the spear lady fighting various people.
At least that's why I didn't like it

>tfw distinct lack of straight-played competent, serious, and deadly warrior women like Balsa in anime


I'm about to watch the last episode, I think it's pretty good for what it is. I actually delayed watching it until now after seeing the first episode because I didn't think it was going to be very good. In what respects were you disappointed in the show?

Moribito was a masterpiece. OP is a pleb of the lowest order.

because people dont want realistic stories of strong women and her supporting cast. They want super hero escapist fantasies where they can self-insert as the vagina god who can do no wrong because women are such miserable failures at everything in the real world.

It doesn't.

But I like Erin better as a character.

>strong independent female protagonist
>not falling flat
Pick one.

It doesn't.

>been fighting for over 20 years
>masculine build, wide shoulders, narrow hips, quite muscular
>very prudent and stoic, only real femininity is her fledgling maternal instincts
more believable than 90% of male anime protags desu

Terrific show. Great opening. Great animation throughout.

I loved that it didn't really have a villain. I guess every 'baddie' was either flawed or ignorant of the truth, which made for really interesting storytelling.


It doesn't you faggot. If only they'd do the remaining books.

Also in my head cannon Balsa is from my country's parallel world version.

The ending was weird with those tentacle monster CGI things that didn't actually seem like much of a threat.

They made it seem like it'd be this huge beast that you can't kill but then there's 200 of them.

I really liked it. It had great world building and atmosphere. It really felt real.

I should probably rewatch this sometime, I really liked it and I wish there were more shows like it.

Because you have shitty taste

Watch the life action.

>realistic stories
>strong women
How does that work?


I liked it. Tho I could see how some may think the story was a bit slow. Personally I enjoyed the pacing as it gave them more time for character growth and detail.

Most of History says hello. It's not women's fault you didn't bother to read a history book. Hell look at the contemporary, Gloria Steinem is an example.

>tfw the rest of the novels will never be adapted because it sold literally only sold ~1200 DVD sets

Fucking nips and their shit taste. There's another 7 or 8 novels that haven't even been touched in the West, not even translated.

>Most of History
Yes, history and its, like, scarce dozen of notable strong female warriors.

And this if we don't ignore the russian snipers who, unlike whatshername, weren't using a melee weapon.