How do you deal with anime burnout?

How do you deal with anime burnout?

Pick up less, I feel like if you get burned out you just aren't into anime that much at all.

Do something useful for once

Shitpost on Sup Forums

Have you tried not being retarded?

Read manga. Read books. Play games.

After picking up 15 shows at minimum per season I'm finally burned out. Ive found watching older series that I didn't pick up originally helps. I started jojo last week and I'm halfway through part 3 and I'm liking it so far.

I don't watch more than 3 series every season.

You get old and stop watching just because. Watch what really looks good for your taste.

stop watching anime for a while

you will literally never watch every show that interests you, so no point in stressing over watching them all

also pick up less shows where your only interest is the cute girls or fanservice

You're probably suffering from CFS.
How old are you? what do you do for living?
A change of pace might be needed.
Just stay away from SoL.

Play VNs

Get a job.
No really, getting yourself busy helps.

listen to music instead

Take a break for a season.

Next season looks like a good one to take a break from since nothing looks like it's worth watching.

Stop watching anime for a few days?

Depends. Are you sick of all anime, or just losing motivation to keep ut with seasonal anime? If it's the latter, try going back and rewatch some of your favourites to see if you still like them. If you do, chances are you're just sick of watching mediocre anime.

If you're anything like what I used to be, you kind of forced yourself to watch anime just to stay in touch with the medium. I'd recommend you to stop forcing yourself to watch things you're not enjoying. You don't have to quit the medium entirely, just watch what you want to watch and what you actually find entertaining.

Watch something not 2D

In the trash it goes

especially thisWhat the fuck is this normalfaggotry? Get fucked already new Sup Forums

>nothing looks like it's worth watching.
Anitore! XX
Ajin 2nd Season
Brave Witches
Bungou Stray Dogs 2nd Season
Gakuen Handsome
Hibike! Euphonium 2
Okusama ga Seito Kaichou!+!
Stella no Mahou
Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari
Girlish Number
Lostorage incited WIXOSS
Tiger Mask W

Fall season is the Saviour of anime

Hibike! Euphonium S2 and Natsume S5.

>Get fucked already new Sup Forums
That's why half the oldfags left and the other half stopped posting.

I pick a maximum of 5 shows every season and even then drop a couple. Don't watch garbage just to tick a list and shitpost about it.

Eventually I go back and watch something I missed. Backlog is infinite, no rush.

I'm also starting to feel it a bit this season. I think as soon as you start to feel apathetic towards watching a show you should drop it. That's helped me get through the shitty seasons like this one.

>Backlog is infinite, no rush.
your time is not.

rewatch K-on

Find a show with a completely different style and tone from the last one.

How is this blogging?
They are not talking about their life or anything at all. He is just asking how to deal with anime burnout.
You should really try to get that stick out of your ass

I have other interests than anime, so this doesn't happen to me.

I cut myself. The pain is soothing in a way. The wound can get pretty nasty if I slice around the same area too often.

stop watching shit

Try the other medium, play game or maybe try to do something that can be beneficial to your society.

Cutting releases endorphins. It's also a faggy way to cry for help.

>am I fitting in yet guise
Fuck off dumb autist

A full time job prevents both anime and vidya burn out

Try watching some anime.

Do some physical activies, after getting a little worn down you can just relax and watch.

I had 'music burnout' a couple of years ago and still haven't recovered. I still listen to some music now and then (3/4 albums a year).
I'm not sure if you'll end up like me but I think you should pick up other hobbies in the meantime.
Watch foreign TV shows and films instead. If you want something animated, watch Avatar if you haven't seen it yet.
A simple solution is to rewatch anime you haven't seen in 5 years, which is what I do sometimes

Rewatch the Evangelion of Evangelion

I usually stop watching anime for a couple months.

You're not proving him wrong. The only thing worth watching in that list is Drifters.

sup pretendingfag

The ''especially this'' I pointed out wasn't for nothing

Retard, there maybe newfags, but atleast some of these newfags know what Sup Forums was about then. Fuck off

Read manga? Play Games? Watch Porn? Watch Movies? Have a lif- oh shit sorry.

Sorry for what?

It's still not blogging though user was just asking what's his current position and besides he said at the last part that he should stay away from SOL for a while anyway.

It would've been, that's the point.

If OP was fucking answering it then the thread would've turned into blogshit. Thanks fuck OP is not this pleb

>he should stay away from SOL
I agree, SoL usually make me happy when I watch the episode, only to fall in depression after it.

Methinks user was implying that we do not have a life.

Stop watching, obviously. And take a break from Sup Forums while you're at it, this place is really fun but can also wear you down with the perpetual autism.

Our admin taught us not to be ashamed of our shitposts. Especially since they're such good quality and all.

>I'm free now
>and I hate it

Play some vidya, get a job/focus on your job, pick up less shows and the ones you do have to really strike you as promising. Or you can probably decide by the amount of threads discussing it daily and see what they have to say for you to pass judgement.

You'll probably get on the roll of watching shows back to back again, but you're gonna need some breathing space for now. I decided to pick up some live action shows like Blue Blazes and The Hero Yoshihiko from the live-action section on Nyaa. That is also a good choice.

Stop watching airing anime.
Watch only completed series. Focusing on one series is way more enjoyable than watching 10 episodes all from different series.

Watch less anime.
Never stop watching completely, just cut it down to a select few.

If you burned out from watching too many series weekly then dial back your consumption. Drop some of the ones you don't really care about or find a chore to watch, or if you're autistic about it just pretend like you're putting them on hold and will "get back to them eventually."

If you burned out for any other reason then it's likely not overexposure and more that you just don't like anime that much and can't find anything you want to watch.


I just took a break. I felt kinda burned out around the time the final episodes of KLK were coming out (perfect timing I might add) so I just stopped. I think it lasted for a year or two because I don't remember keeping up with the new stuff as much. I just got back into watching seasonal stuff last year, so it get's better. You just need to watch less shows, or none at all, and come back when you feel re-invigorated. Pick up another hobby, exercise, video games, reading, instruments.

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You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

By not blog posting on Sup Forums.

I don't watch amine all the time and I won't get burnout on anime.