Gentlemen of Sup Forums, what the everloving fuck is going on right now...

Gentlemen of Sup Forums, what the everloving fuck is going on right now? Why are all these scandals finally coming to the surface? Was this the storm Trump was talking about or what the fuck is this?!

It's EVERYWHERE! And it's ALL coming to light!

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Well what the fuck? Why are these people no longer being protected? Nobody seems to have a reasonable theory about this...

learn to catalog.

Feels like some jewery going on that finds its way to being deployed against Trump.

Set precedent for powerful men going down for their treatment of women.

The Weinsteinds guys brother ratter on him. It was a jew coup.

This is the storm trump was talking about

This all brings me back to the beginning of the year when pizzagate was a thriving online investigation. Also when all those pedophiles were locked up. Alex Jones was saying something along the lines of "they are rolling up the Renfroes (small fish) in order to flip them amd have them rat out bigger fish. Now we are seeing bigger fish starting to get fried. Bur honestly these fish arent really the biggest. Methinks these (hollywood) are the medium sized fish, who supply the bigger (DC) fish. Perhaps hollywood execs flip on the favors they gave DC fish?

A joup?


Because... ¿esta pasando?

This guy knows whats up. Although I'm not sure it was planned or orchestrated, it's all good to see Jews slit each other's throats. It doesn't mean anything until the kikes in DC go down.


FBI-kun rolled Awan and got all the blackmail the Pakistani spy had been building up while he was working for Obama & Hillary is in Trump's hands. The elite's pedo rings are starting to feel hot under the collar and trying to duck n cover.

This is the start of Trump's public attack. Destroying the media and propaganda wing of the Democrats. Throwing the faithful a bone while the fight continues for the alphabet agencies. We will probably get a pedo or 2 to cover up another false flag by deep state.

You know what? This holds water. Just the other day there was information on a pharmacy giving prescription drugs to people in DC. It feels like a lot is being uncovered right now, and this might be the swamp Trump was talking about.

well it would fit in well with all the legit insideranons we've had as well as Punished Trump Theory and "The Calm Before The Storm"

All women have to offer is their vagina's, not like they can really get far in life without them.

it's a dangerous game being played. executives are one thing, politicians are an entirely different monster. consider this: right now, it takes only ONE motherfucker to flip before DC starts cracking. nypd, fbi and scotland yard investigating? better duck cause the shit is about to hit the fucking fan!

the jews are one by one getting exposed. theyre litterally pissin in they pants right now! they had us by the balls in 2015 now were shifting very right very fast. i can wait to see whether it ends in a fascist union spanning america europe and russia or we get quenched and destroyed

It's been a long time comin senpai. If you've been along for this whole ride and remember the legitimate insiders and kept faith in Alex Jones, without blowing your load early and losing faith, then this past week has been a yuge step towards the light.

FBI user here. Trump and Sessions are turning up the heat behind the scenes.

elaborate! is he coming after the jews?

They are being sacrificed as scapegoats in order to push the "rape culture" agenda. The allegations are in the wild now, so someone has to take the fall, instead of singling out weinstein, they decided it would serve their purposes better to select several sacrifices that already had rumors floating around so that they can solidify the (((assertions))) that we live in a toxic masculine rape culture where women are oppressed and need even more special treatment. The end game here is of course to completely dehumanize the white man. All the while obscuring the fact that these predators (((aren't really white men at all))).

The storm is upon us, none will be spared


>mfw my nigga Tariq meant to wash away the nasty Hollywood degenerate mogul's imprint from your soul in his hit song "Wash Yo Ass!"

Weinstein is one of the biggest fish you could fry in Hollywood. Maybe not the richest but easily one of the most connected and he produced an entire generation of actors. Plus he's a public figure himself which brings a ton of attention.

Short of Michael Eisner being brought down it doesn't get bigger.

They had enough.

Trump exposed the Jewish main stream media as a paper tiger

He is going after pedowood in general. Regardless or not if they are Jewish. All to crush the left's holier than thou higher ground optics.

What do you think it was that had them finally turn on him? He seems like the godfather of Hollywood (in this age, anyways) so why are they taking out Don Harvey?

what about the fed? will he renationalize it and end the jewish control?

Maybe they're greasing the skids for some charges to be brought against Trump. Normalize the immediate firing with little to no investigation of an executive.

I don't think this is THE storm but just outer bands that are hitting the shores.
I think the big storm is Trump annuncing the truth about false flags.

>what the everloving fuck is going on right now
We are burning it down.

This desu. We need to be on guard


i dont REICH these puns at all ANNE FRANKLY i wont stand for it!

t. kike
Yeah white women, it's like none of the chicks getting violated by these kikes are nigresses.
None of you faggots in this thread are explaining what this has to do with Trump.

all anyone will see this as is "the ultra rich and powerful people think they can do whatever they want and they ARE". there's female execs being accused as well now.

So many ways this. They don't even have real investigative abilities anymore. They just get fed information and gleefully warp the narrative to the whim of their chosen ideology.

Or you know, there's what's called a crackdown by law enforcement and it just happens to be a bunch of prominent men who typically have been getting away with it despite it already being common knowledge cause of their status.

Trump has been on a tear since taking office arresting thousands of child traffickers & pedos.

Women bandwagon this kind of shit. 95% of them are just trying to get attention by lying through their teeth.


Since the Hoover days, FBI keeps files on powerful people for later leverage. FBI is trying to / the Las Vegas fuck up off the front pages. Trump is cool with it because he thinks FBI is attacking the Dem donor base. Deep State is still trying to conceal the FBI/CIA op in Vegas.


The calm before the storm is over, leaf.

>The President with a Jewish convert daughter and has several Jews working for him is ousting the Jews
Yeah, how about no. I remember on Sup Forums when it became speculated the media helped him via reverse psychology to win enough states in the Electoral College.
If you guys think it's Jews being outed by Trump you have it backwards.

even the most basic research can destroy everything they say. the absolute state of media and cable tv. theyre outdated and dying. Sup Forums or some future equivalent will be peoples primary information source eventually. there will be many more "Sup Forumss" with many different ideologies and cultures. this will ensure the people are always right wing since they can easily debunk leftist crap. that is why people were so conservative before tv, they had hundreds of resources to form a well made opinion, where as the boomers through the millennials grew up with only three identical tv stations spewing leftwing shit.

jesus christ this is reddit tier

Everyone ask yourself WHY this is happening right now. People are getting thrown under the bus right now, but why?
What in the everloving fuck is so important elsewhere that this weinstein bullshit is on everyones radar. What is happening?

then why do the jewish media fear him? i would be pissed if my daughter married a dirty kike and there is no way in HELL he doenst know what the jews really are!

the left is decaying quickly and the jews are being uncovered. i believe the jewish question will be a mainstream white house topic of discussion within a few years at the current rate

Ashkenazi Khazarian Zionists are not real Jews-they are Satanists.

>Was this the storm Trump was talking about

the talmud is the most wicked satanic document ever written. it is not even fit to be recycled as toilet paper. the demons would enter through our asses. they must be burmed with the kikes that worship it.

Weinstein probably had a lot of shit on other guys and now is the time for his revenge. He probably hasn't released shit about the jewest of the jews which are probably negotiating with him right now to make it all stop.

I dont know man. This shit going on just feels so different from everything else. With the bill being introduced making it illegal to criticize jews, there is no way for anyone to call them out.

what!? that would never pass in the usa




It's obviously 69DDDD interstellar chess, Trump allied with the based Israeli jews to take down our ashkenazi infestation.

Gentlemen, the war we've been longing for has finally arrived.

I think there is more coming not related to this. I would like to point out that when you can, remind the MSM to report on the 1000's and 1000's of pedophiles that have been arrested during Trump's presidency - part of the reason the left spirit cooking low life fucks hate him so much and push alot of that hate on him on 95% of the boob box, shit rag papers and internet pages.

The film industry is in decline. Amazon's original series aren't nearly as successful commercially as they are critically, and movies in general are starting to go under as the summer blockbuster bubble is bursting. These guys don't have the tons of cash that they used to, and so it makes them vulnerable as fuck.

take out a few bags of trash so no one sees the whole house is filth.

Remember how Zuckerberg seems to be preparing to run for president and how he said a while ago that the loss of privacy is necessary for people to reach complete integrity? He's got shit on all these people.

This is what happens when you use his services.

You joke, but the ass wormhole is actually part of the Illuminati religion.

>If you guys think it's Jews being outed by Trump you have it backwards.

Nice try. You are a Pharisee in the time of a Zadokite uprising. Gird your loins, you reprobate. It's about to get rougher than a mother fucker.

yeah, child molesting and faggotry are key to satanism. god loves innocence, satan takes it

It's definitely that as well of course, there's no question they did it. The thing is, people have known this shit is part and parcel with Hollywood and entertainment in general for decades, so ask yourself why this is happening now? You can't seriously insinuate that there's no agenda at work here. To figure out who that is, just look at the outcomes (aka.motives), it's boils down to the best ammo the left has had in years for thier social reconstruction agenda, so then you have to ask, well (((who))) controls the left?

See white goys just dont fit into how these people operate. just ass and money and sucking the lifeforce out of the country and its people and it DOES go to the very top.