I love Karin!
More 2ch spoilers.
陛下「未来(さき)を見通したところで 神(しん)の力を宿したところで 人はしょせん人ということか 私の怒りも 憎しみも 想いすらも 届きはしないか」
一護「神様だろうがなんだろうが 人の役に立たなけりゃただの厄介者なんだよ!」
愛染「未来などというのは 私の望むがままに現在を改変して初めて価値を持つのだ」
石田「やめろ君達 これじゃどっちが悪役か分からないだろうが!」
陛下「私が逝ねば 世界も消える これが世界の真理だ 貴様らは世界を滅ぼしたのだ 私の創り出した 真世界をな」
一護「なら見つけに行けば良いだけさ あんたの望む真世界じゃなく――」
一護「俺たち 人間の望む 『新世界』をな!」
愛染「私のような 天に立つ死神の望む 『神世界』の礎になるのも一興か」
石田「僕はかつて奪われた 滅却師の望む 穢れのない『清世界』が欲しい」
陛下「面白い――人間と死神と滅却師が力を合わせるとは だがそれで霊王の代わりなど務まるはずもない
霊王になるということは 総てを捨てるということだ 総てを捨てた勝利に なんの意味と価値があろうものか」
そう この三人の力だけでは無意味 無価値だ 世界には黒の帳が下ろされ 漆黒に染まるのみ
しかし これらを束ねることが出来れば 世界は 未来は あるいは 白き光に溢れるのやもしれん
>we never got Karin the Hollow Slayer
Stop posting these garbage fake spoilers
I love Orihime!
When Ichiruki shipper started getting this bad? That page that put both Rukia and Renji as "irreplaceable nakama"
ならば 我が力を解き放とう
これは 敗北ではない
これは 改心ではない
これは 神としての 責務だ――!
「これが 死神代行 黒崎一護の放つ 正真正銘 最後の月牙天衝だ!」 (ただし刀身は始解のまま)
めんどくせえ! こういう繊細な仕事は全部任せた! じゃあ俺 学校行ってくる!」
「あっ こら待て黒崎! 僕も単位がまずいんだ! 現世に降りるなら僕もついていく!」
「フッ…… やれやれ どうやらあの二人にはまだまだ『王』としての自覚が足らないようだな」
浦原「……それはあなたもっすよ 鏡花水月で仕事の分量誤魔化して サボってたっすね?」
愛染「さて なんのことかな」
さらにロングヘアーになったルキアが現れて虚の腕をぶった斬る。その間にポニテの織姫が女 の子を治療する
織姫「もう大丈夫だよ 泣かないで ね?」
ルキア「今だ! やってしまえ―― 一護!」
The Anti-IchiRuki shit needs to STOP.
I love Shinji!
I wanted Karin to be important.
>people need to stop disliking what i like
This isn't your hugbox, ruki/a/ is dead.
Kill yourself
No, it needs to get even stronger. Karma for years of ship posting. Brought it on yourselves.
Just a reminder that this is canon.
Now this right here is an ESL false flagger
wheres the full thing
Please, user. There are newfags here who are probably underaged that could see this.
This is what you deserve
You bet on he wrong horse, and now you're paying for it. Even if Ichigo ends up alone. You faggots wont have nothing.
Found the Reddit. Seriously what is it with you people and karma? You always bring it up when major shit goes down
I wanted Yuzu to see ghosts
Because most people on this site nowadays are Redditors.
We have reached the point where Ichigo not getting with any girl would be considered a victory for them
No one here goes to reddit you fucking nigger. Saying karma is fucking natural speech you NEET autist.
>Karin and Yuzu are also Shinigami-Quincy hybrids
>this never went anywhere
>No one here goes to reddit you fucking nigger
Nice damage control Reddit, unless you're just a giant newfag otherwise
It would feel a victory to everyone that hates fucking shippers.
The "hero" is here! I'm sure he'll contribute now!
Will she take after her Aunt/cousin?
Kill yourself, this is as cancerous as tumbrinas.
How did they survive Auswahlen again?
>going to reddit
You cannot even proof read what you're typing.
hahaha you guys are really getting insane. I hope someday you realize how stupid you sound
That Meninas is ultra-qt
I fucking love Giselle, best trap ever.
the trap always reminds me of recoome in this picture
>This was 100 chapters ago
>Hero comes down from Royal Realm to save SS
>Immediately leaves SS and goes back to the Royal Realm after defeating literally 0 enemies
Did anyone upload the rest of the colored volumes?
Even Sup Forumsutists go to their hugboxes.
>mfw i lived to see the ichiruki climax
>people are still forcing the reddit is an evil hollow which wants to destroy Sup Forumssociety meme
>Orihimefags stalking people.
And they call IchiRukifags crazy.
You can't even read.
Look in a mirror kid
>ichiruki climax
Two more fucking days. I can't wait.
>Look in a mirror kid
Okay, why is ME the insane one?
>people are still forcing the reddit is an evil hollow which wants to destroy Sup Forumssociety meme
>which wants to
It already did
a-at least he saved Kenpachi
At least he saved Kenpachi. Who in the end accomplished nothing despite what Shunsui and Shinji said.
And then he never used this attack again
Less then 48 hours. IchiRuki on suicide watch.
>why is ME
This is the last (You) I'm giving out today, spend it wisely
More like himefags on suicide watch
great answer
I love you so, so much, sweet Orihime.
You want something new from Ichigo? Okay,
卍 Shaped getsuga incoming
No, it needs to keep going. They've been obnoxious for years, this is sweet revenge.
>Soon Ruki/a/ will be revived.
Would you stop posting this shit?
Keep detracting.
Can't wait
>no romantic resolution
Called that shit years ago.
How did Ichigo survive Auswahlen?
I agree, what the fuck does Hashtag mean?
>Ichihimefags on suicide watch
>Ichirukifags on suicide watch
>Rukihimefags are about to win
Ichihime canon in less that 12 hours
Renruki canon in less than 12 hours
Ichiruki tears in less than 12 hour
>Post YFW
>nothing happens
>both shipper camps claim victory because the other didn't win
Will Bleach still be talked about in 10 years if only for this?
>the reason Renji hated Ichigo so much at first was bc the way Rukia acted around him
Did these people not read the manga or something
I can't wait, it's going to be fucking amazing.
holy shit what kind of backwards thinking is this
>Rukihimefags are about to win
Some people on /u/ actually beleive this.
It's should be kinda emotional to enter the house of your father who you're about to kill.
>mfw ichiaizen wins instead
This thread is going so fast that no one will see my favorite girl was Nanao
Holy shit this looks perfect, stop
With the way Yhwach throws the word son around, you can't trust his definition of father either.
Hehehe, guys. Guys? This "Karma" you're talking about doesn't exist. This isn't a fucking sitcom. This isn't Hollywood either. This is real life. No matter how rabid IchiRuki shippers act it does stop the ship from being a possibility.
Heroine is a dumb term. Ichigo is the protagonist, Rukia and Orihime are part of the main cast, calling either a heroine is just another way to prove your waifu is superior.
When did he lie when he said son? Ichigo is his "son" by having his (quincy) blood. Calling the SK father actually explains how Yhwach could end being what he is.
I love her so so so much.
It'll be a harem ending
I'm not for it, but I can certainly fap to it.
Meninas is pure sex
>Hehehe, guys. Guys?
Please, hang yourself.
Yoruichi looks younger.
Both are just supporting characters, none of them make the decisions, is related to he bad guys and their story or save the day. Ichigo is the only hero
I love her the most!
Kurosaki is his descendent, not his son by the actual definition. That opens the question of what "father" would mean to Yhwach.
Are you ok?
>Chad trying to be a bro by doing wingman duty for his sexually oblivious friend
Ichigo doesn't deserve him
That Gisselle is fucking The Ring tier spooky, delete this.
>Ichigo is the only hero
debatable, after this arc.