Spoilers soon.
Shingeki no Kyojin 84
I want Bert to get out of this alive.
Annie is love
Annie is life
Annie means the world to me
Annie a miracle of the universe
Annie might've done some things wrong, but she's still a beautiful person inside and out
It's really weird how SnK became popular for one year and literally no one outside of Sup Forums talks about it anymore.
>humanity discovers eren and the ability for humans to transform into titans
>humanity does not immediately begin testing and development of weapons for eren
Dog Titan is the shifter village MVP. Hopefully he can save Bert and Annie to make it a complete set of shifters that he has rescued
it's because season 2 isn't out yet, no doubt.
normies dont read manga
SNK is literally the only manga my local Eason sells.
Once s2 comes out normies will be DIE JAGERing again.
Overthrowing corrupt government took up an arc and a half.
How close to spoilers are we exactly?
>Season 2 comes out
>opening is not gonna be as good as Guren or Jiyuu or Kabaneri's
>everyone will expect Titan action but will get boring scenes instead
>animation won't be as good because it's only Wit and not Production IG
>after Kill la Kill, Kabaneri, Xenoblade X,etc. Sawano's music too played out
>Reiner will impregnate Historia's womb
>everyone will shit on SnK and go right back to Tokyo Ghoul
Pigner pls
There will be plenty of titan action. It's only the second half will be lacking, but there will be enough manlet fanservice most people won't even care.
Are you forgetting about clash and utgard? Those arcs had the best moments and action in the series. Political arc might be boring here and there but the first season had its fair share of slow scenes too.
Any time day now really. Although 3 days from now is more likely.
Anywhere from tomorrow but we have a lot of stuff coming up. New betsu cover, new volume, new guidebook with new isayama interviews and illustrations, au stories etc
>Sawano's music
>played out
I want to MATING PRESS Homura
Jesus, Annie makes my heart go doki-doki.
I sure hope the spoilers don't come out on Saturday when I'm at work. Any other day is fine.
Kenny is the better Ackerman.
I am so excited for Kenny in season 2.
he was literally worst character though
including the ones that were part of what's her face the princess' family
I got the spoilers guys. I can't believe LM actually fucked RIGHT THERE on the rooftop, while Eren was watching. Shit was so crazy. I think Armin popped a little bacon boner too but it's hard to tell from the quality of the pics.
He was ok at first, but his dream was retarded.
Kenny got some of the best development though and he was entertaining and brought some life to that arc. And he didn't linger around long enough to get stale. I wish all the characters followed that formula instead of meandering around without a purpose or interesting trait.
I hope we get to see the 1st again in season two. More Rico is always good.
I'm so glad this will be Shitco's only scene.
She is no-nonsense, proper, kind and caring!
Praying for Rico filler now to annoy Whinyfag/Oluofag
This this this this this! I can't this this anymore!!!!!!
nobody cares about rico
Allahfag or whoever you are aren't you supposed to be enriching/impregnating Mrs Smith?
Have fun getting your prayers unanswered.
Pls don't compare me to Allahfag. Sure I'm a retard but allahfag is way more retarded than I am.
Pretty much.
No one with any sort of association with Allah or Allahfag is coming anywhere near me. Erwin would never stand for it.
As is befitting of a proper soldier.
I do..
And you're a nobody.
Rico a shit.
You're a special case. No it's not a compliment.
>wanting them to go from before industrial age to madern day tecnology in 2 months
/snk/ is feeling rude today I see.
This. /snk/ has been getting more rude for some reason desu senpai. I miss the days when waifufagging was all there is in /snk/ and Bert posting
Tbh some fags, especially rpshit, are too annoying.
Why did Isayama create Mikasa as such a VERY cute girl?
He thinks she's moe just like his momoclo girls.
The less Bert posting the better. Especially after that 'god' bullshit that took over entire threads for a week.
BRAfags are the worst.
True. Oh well, they're not gonna leave though not matter how much anyone is gonna be rude to them
MikaQT pls, would you be our saviour though and bring us back the /snk/ glory days?
Bert posting is as bad as Ricofag.
>not liking God-posting
>not being devoted to Bertism
Heretics pls.
the amount of steady and constant shitposting mikaqt would have to do to get us back up to our former selves would be impossible, it also doesn't look like he is that active anymore.
My Berthren
I don't worship underwhelming jobbers.
Yeah, he'll move on from rp eventually. When he finds something that's even more annoying.
Fuck off MikaQT.
Post Shingeki weddings!
>Bert is literally God of the snk universe
>Levi's birthday is the same as Jesus'
>Eren's name means messiah
What does it all mean?
Not MikaQT, just adverse to whiteknighting.
He's the reason everything all went to shit in the first place.
That's the sad part. I was so fucking happy he 'killed' Armong the plot-armoured character just for Bert to be reduced to mere serum fodder. It's pretty sad desu, Bert deserves better
I miss other Bertfags, do they still exist?
Never forget to stay pure and diligent, /snk/
Still here.
They make up most of /snk/ unfortunately. They're making me hate him now with their bullshit.
Fuck off cunt.
They have been pretty quiet after the release of chapter 83 for some reason.
No he doesn't. Shame they can't draw it out for longer by giving him to Zackley, but they can't waste a shifter.
That's good to know, don't give up on him yet.
I never understood where this delusion comes from, unless you think "most of /snk/" is 5 people.
Just found this.
AA is the qt3.14 pairing
Good, with any luck he'll be dead and forgotten soon.
That's adorable.
Devil-spawn pls.
Ymir a shit
>wanting Zackley to be a shifter
Also dead.
What are the odds that RIcofag is actually MikaQT in disguise?
This. He was even replaced by Levi on the Volume 20 cover.
Do proposals count?
He wasn't supposed to be on it in the the first place. A complete Who got featured over him.
What bullshit, wondering if they still exist?
>He wasn't supposed to be on it in the the first place
Even better and manlet is not really a who.
Rico an ugly shit.
You know I didn't mean Manlet
Proposals do count but Ian (hopefully) has caught her at a rather bad time!
That's your opinion and you can certainly voice it. I think she's quite lovely.
I like to think she's running late for work.
It's not Who's fault that her fags are cancer
That's a good explanation. Perhaps Ian was just so nervous he had to ask her there and then.
I've always wanted to know what the everyday lives of soldiers in the Scouts, MP and Garrison would be like.
I'd love it in a series of OVAs or spin-offs.
Same. The OVA that already exist are great, I wouldn't mind a few more. I would even go so far as to buy a spin-off manga. Especially if it was canon.