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Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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I should really be working on my bachelors thesis, but I spend all my time procastinating with Manga.
The good thing is I do more reading than ever, so it's something.
Please help.
>Have to visit a board filled with neckbeards just to discuss your Japanese progress
its painful.
If you're not a neckbeard you cannot learn Japanese
posting a classic
Does anyone know any good Japanese songs, rap or otherwise, that have really impressive lyrics? I feel like there's a lot of potential but have yet to really see it
Sanctuary by Source from the album Desert Island is pretty great.
I like that a lot.
Also old albums of Dragon Ash.
What does 今日 mean?
きょう- Today or This day
ching chong chang chung
right back atcha
Damn that is pretty great, wish more modern Japanese hiphop had lyrics and rhythm like that instead of this shit
It's a shame this song is actually pretty bad other than the ぷくぷく part, I could listen to that for years
Sorry you have shit taste
My fave Dragon Ash album is Harvest, might give that a go as well user.
Theres nothing wrong with being a piggu
Do you honestly think theres no zoophiles in the land of perverts?
The 上げる action with respect to the example is contained entirely within the person being asked to give the example - it's him searching his mind. This is unaffected by the topology of respect, since there's only one person involved.
This song is also great
Oolong never got any.
If you can't understand this you might as well give up on Japanese.
Surely no one is dumb enough to actually visit that link, right?
It's a file uploader like uguu only less known and better
>Tfw you realise Japanese isn't considered the hardest language because of the writing systems or the grammar, but because of Anki
holy shit i finally understand what imabi means
明日 can be read as maybe.
Much better name than Imabi imho.
imabi is smarter in the way he intended it to be though
since it also means today, as in "today is the day to learn japanese"
it's both somewhat of a pun and still gives off the meaning of today
>today is the day to learn japanese
no no no, tomorrow is the day to start learning .... maybe
Today I did Anki for 30 minutes and then I read a visual novel for 2 hours and 58 minutes.
Should've done Anki for 30 minutes and read a visual novel for 2 hours and 58 minutes
I just finished core 2k and have almost finished the entirety of the Kodansha Kanji Learner's Course and the accompanying memrise.
Feels good man. Next I'm going to read all of the Dictionaries of Japanese Grammar back to back and officially become Japanese.
Only 38k words left before you have a native vocabulary!
How do I tell anki to show me the real numbers beyond 1000+?
I just wanna know how much I'm dealing with here.
Should've read Anki for 3 hours and 28 minutes.
I set the review limit to 9999, but it still only shows 1000+
When I go to stats I have 3000 in mature, so that should be it.
Mature means you technically know them for life, right?
Go to the browser and select Due on the left.
>Mature means you technically know them for life, right?
sure :^)
Man did I fuck up my anki today
Good thing I decided to stop looking at my stats weeks ago otherwise I'd be pretty depressed right now
3264 then, this will be fun
While "咲森" can be read as "Sakimori", what does it mean in English?
Fuck this word
Sure I don't really mind I guess, where should I put my dick in though?
How come no one has shopped dekinai-chan onto the zoi kid yet? Could change the text to something like 今日も一日できないぞい!
Can somebody explain me why this two sentences are different from each other?
I mean, I read about the の and は particles
but still I can't comprehend the differences.
は: sets the context
の: indicates possession
Literal meaning:
彼は足が短い: About him, legs are short.
彼の足が短い: His legs are short.
I don't think there's really a difference if you were to translate the sentences to English.
See pic related.
Only this time it's with が and の
What's wrong with this TL? Someone made fun of it
You don't need to know Japanese to see that, ESL kun.
I was figuring they were complaining about the translation not the editing.
Why'd he write it like that? Was it just to avoid the direct repetition there? Or was there nuance between the girl's collected leaves and the leaves that the other girl collected? Is that the literary が・の thing?
Maybe his butt hurts
No, they were identical.
For Sakurako he often uses different spellings because she's bad at kanji in school.
How long after learning the kana can I start trying to read?
Whenever you want babycakes
Wh-what does it mean?
Time for our daily Anki reps!
I think you mean
>Time for our daily Anki reps!
But user, I already did mine.
How many reviews due?
Well I've already done them but it was 633 and it was incredibly painful
not that user but I have 100 today and X_X
200 here. 頑張りますよ
>complaining about 100
100 reviews happens on like your third day.
more like 3 month
You can only start complaining when you get 1000.
Are you doing like 5 cards a day or something?
>Not being fluent after 3 months
>Not being literally Japanese after 3 months
Can somebody explain to me the ンゴ part that I sometimes see at the end of "きたくないンゴ"? Is it just to make it sound cuter or is there a grammatical reason for it?
Never saw this before, probably a 口癖 for some character.
Where do you see it sometimes?
think of 今 and 日 seperately
the rest is obvious user
Daily reminder that if you're not pressing "Easy" on atleast half your cards you're not doing it right.
>implying easy doesn't mean 4 months.
Can confirm. I'm on my third day and have 100.
how do you type in japanese?
do you write it first in google translate or do you have a japanese keyboard?
How is this possible? I'm like 2 weeks in and I only have 70. Or do you mean number of reviews rather than due?
If you have cards you press "Easy" on at all you're doing it wrong.
>Read the guide before asking questions.
>Do 50 cards a day
>Forget all of them
>Shitpost on /djt/ about having 100 reviews in two days
I first noticed it in the title of a song I was listening a few weeks ago, couldn't really understand it so I moved on. Then I saw this thread was using it several times too so it got my curiosity.
So I'm guessing it's some kinda cute sound some people like to use at the end of a phrase?
This, as soon as I know a card well enough I delete it from my deck.