>Sup Forums is racist as fuck
>Wants to marry Casca
Sup Forums is racist as fuck
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sup Forums is 1 person
>implying she's a nigger
>used goods
The only one that wants to marry Casca is ME. Her true husband. I will protect Casca forever. She is my girl.
>Sup Forums hates real people
>wants to fuck a 2D character
I don't see the contradiction.
Her features are eurasian, she's just brown.
Kill yourself, Tyrone.
She is black as shit.
>calling Casca a nigger
Kys my man. She's white with tanned skin.
Casca is my woman
Sage this bait thread.
>s-s-she's not complete BLACKED!
When will you virgin cucks just admit that you hate niggers because of how inferior you are to them
Go on, rapid fire me some correlative studies, I fucking dare you
>white with tanned skin
So she's a sand nigger? Guts is white with tanned skin, Casca is outright Nigger or at the very least, Sand Nigger.
I love triggering niggers.
>Not liking tanned goddesses
Niggers do not =/= tanned goddesses
what kind of sand nigger have black skin
she's black user
If you were superior then all the great first world nations would be run by niggers, not white people. Literally everything your nigger hands touch turns into a dump.
>Sup Forums is one person
You missed your boards fucker.
because they always overcompensate on your mom ass
boy stop cucking so much it's disgusting
Jokes on you, my mom hates niggers just as much as I do.
That's what I fucking said
Go to bed, Trayvon.
Arabs can get pretty dark-skinned. Pic related was president of Egypt, for example.
>Roman Empire (inb4 hurr, they're white even though they had brown skin and dark hair/eyes)
>Ottoman Empire
>Persian Empire
The only great white nations are the British cucked empire and even they hate being white considering how many niggers/minorities they're bringing into their countries.
Look at the true white races like Nords. They lived in literal mud shacks rivaling what is found in Africa
>mixing up 2D with 3D
>linking images on a imageboard
your moms hate is understandable, just geesh have you seen her ass? it's destroyed after what they did on her.
must be embarrassing to go around with a diaper when you are only 45
she's probably indian / sea
Fuck off reddit.
I hate all real women
3D =/= 2D
last time i posted a picture of a real guy I got a warning
>niggers are superior
>they can't even find their dads
>wanting a sex slave
>not racist
Gee, It's almost as if memes are different from people's feelings.
>12 year old insults
If you actually think people get upset over your mom jokes, you are way too young to use this board.
>Sup Forums calls this rape
>She's licking his tongue
Why does weak bait get so many (You)'s but when I put effort in people ignore me? Why does Sup Forums posting and race baiting work so well?
I think people just want to shitpost a clearly distressed nigger. Shit is fun.
Black people in 2D is hot as fuck.
3d can fuck off
>Sup Forums
Get the fuck out of here newfag.
are you new user?
cuck and mom insults works fine.
Truly a superior race.
Pure bred white societies
>Celts = Literal mud shacks
>Vikings = Literal mud shacks
Glorious Brownfu masterrace
>Roman Empire
>Spanish Empire
>Ottoman Empire
>Persian Empire
How can white bois compete?
Clicked on this thread expecting
>but she's not black, she's just dark skinned!
>anime characters aren't black unless they look like Little Black Sambo!
Was not disappointed
I want to sexually fuck Casca
White men run everything that matters. As soon as Obama took office, everything went to shit. But don't worry, we learned our lesson, a black man will never set foot in the oval office every again.
t. neckbeard surrounded by piss bottles
we wuz europeans and shit
If we are comparing Casca to a real-life race, she's not "black", she's a hindu.
What a massive bait.
Guess which resist the cold the best.
I want Sup Forums to leave
not that I actually care about race war
you idiots
Bottom should read "niggers today" versus "glorious whites centuries ago"
I can't wait till the Elf King shows Casca's memories to everyone and BTFO the Loli and Farnese
The last memory shown will be Casca and Guts fucking it'll be glorious
There is nothing wrong with pride in one's own race, you marxist faggot.
>glorious whites centuries ago
You do know that Whites centuries ago were ridiculously behind Arabs/Mongolians in terms of technological advancement and science?
>not brown
Whites are at the forefront of technology. The only non-whites that can even compete are Japanese. Niggers are literally the least advanced race on the planet. And now there is reason to believe that niggers aren't even the same species as the rest of us.
Hey, I'm not racist.
they just collected archives of greek science and patronized chinese and indian scholars
they just stole the chinese advancements and culture
This thread is not Sup Forums related
There is everything wrong with it. It's like that one faggot in your school basketball team who's sitting on the bench all day cause he is shit and then boasts about team victories pretending he is better than top player from the losing team.
Hindu isn't a race. And Jesus Christ if your going to post 3DPD Indian girl, at least post an attractive one.not some skinnyfat abomination.
She is not a nigger you nigger.
So do anecdotes not matter in your opinion. If I'm better than you it doesn't matter because your white?
>Yes I am putting words in your mouth
>aren't even the same species as the rest of us
Even if this was factually correct, it doesn't entail anything really.
I want to rape Casca while Guts is watching.
>this amount of conjecture
that's a cute loli
I dunno. She's been raped once. Doesn't that kind of make it less enjoyable? Unless, it's like a gang rape where you're raping immediately after or alongside others.
BLACK POWER! leave white woman to us enjoy your yellow fever.
I'm not racist but I don't find black girls attractive at all. Casca isn't black.
user I think this picture is referring to you
A white man would never touch a filthy nigress.
Welp this thread is going to be purged
>ignoring the technological advancements made by the Arabs, Persians, Ottomans and Egyptians
While those races (alongisde the Mongolians) were solving world mysteries the white man was raping their sisters on Viking Longships. The white race don't come close to what the Sand Niggers/Chinks achieved and i'm a white dude.
>sources and citations other than your opinion please from
is it really a extinction especially when race is a concept?
oh and babies still carries part of moms dna so... idk
hot gif though.
>the only arguments niggers have involve hundreds to thousands of year old history
Face it, Tyrone, you are good for nothing. The only black countries now are falling apart or beyond saving.
Have you read a single thing that i've said? Where did I argue that Niggers achieved anything?
2D isn't equal to 3D. Who gives a shit about race? As long as it's cute you can love it. Same deal with 3D, it's all shit regardless of race.
>I have only seen 3 black girls IRL
>ghostbusters counts as one of them right?
>when race is a concept?
Found the marxist.
They got blacked by muslims, but the empire is white.
Then what the fuck are you talking about? Have you even read this thread?
Having dark skin doesn't make you black you fucking retard
I'm arguing that the white race pales in comparison in terms of technological achievement to other races such as the Sand Niggers/Gooks.
I want to throw up. Spoiler that shit.