What caused the numale epidemic?


How do we stop this?

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home.uchicago.edu/~jorgea/untitled folder/Crossdressing.pdf

Kill it with fire ?

That's not a numale.
That's a fag.

>Implying there is a difference


Vidya instead of lifting barbells or doing things outside

A fag is the apotheosis of nu-males/bugmen. They were so afraid of having to confront their failures as men that they act as though they never wanted women, and instead take it in the shitter.

If I had to pick one thing, facebook

Looks like a sissy to me, I'd fuck it!

you little shits watch the dumbest fucking garbage

Looks like a slim Cenk

xenoestrogens in plastics and fluoride and hormonal waste form birth control pills in the water

Testosterone levels have been dropping in males every year since 1945. This is due to a sedentary lifestyle, lack of testosterone fuelling foods and unhealthy lifestyles which result in breeding inferior offspring.

Coupled with this has been the enormous rise in anti-masculinity culture. I'm not an MRA or MGTOW but it's undeniable at this point. There is no natural outlet for masculine behaviour anymore. Anyone who grows up or lives in a liberal area can testify to this. Simple traits that were accepted and tempered decades ago like aggression, territorial interest, sexuality, competition between males, a natural desire to control women and suspicion of other groups (Arabs, Blacks) have now been totally cleansed and branded as toxic.

This means boys growing up have no healthy outlet for their natural destiny, meaning they adopt more and more feminine traits and choices like indecision, exaggerated empathy (look how numales see (((refugeees))), emotion and physical weakness.

It essentially becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and snowball effect, where, because the numale possesses the feminine desire to "fit in" and not stand out at all costs, he will become more and more like other numales, creating a society-wide problem. He will then pass on these beta traits to his children (if he even has any) who will be 10x worse.

1. Single mothers
2. Feminism
3. Literal chemical warfare feminizing us through the food and water

Leftists, and specifically the lack of bullying


>How do we stop this?
ice picks

The decreasing need for manual labor combined with a growing population.
Less arduous shit to do + more dudes around with nothing masculine to do = numales

I watched minutes, made me sick to my stomach


Also the effects of more feminine men and more independent women being due to overlapping gender roles not being adhered to was already articulated hundreds of years ago when England went though a crisis of people crossdressing and acting out of gender norms. Two pamphlets, Haec-vir and Hic Mulier were released in 1620. The former is in favor of free gender expression whereas the latter is against it. However, in Hic Mulier it is mentioned that woman are taking over the roles of men as men themselves stopped acting like real men. Haec-vir concludes to going back to traditional gender behavior at least but not totally as before (such as with dress styles).
home.uchicago.edu/~jorgea/untitled folder/Crossdressing.pdf

>What caused the numale epidemic?
women and society
men are REQIRED to be a certain way and act a certain way other wise they are failures and die
women don't have to do anything and they can still live in this society
so some men see how easy women have and POOF they wanna be women now because of how easy it is.

really shitty boomer parents

>kids these days were never taught the value of hard work!
>kids these days didn't learn how to build things, how to clean a house, they didn't learn anything as kids!
>it's not my fault, i did the best i could!

Actually, women are pretty much taking over a larger share of the workforce nowadays, it makes sense considering all the men dropping out of society and the fact women have become the majority of the world population. They also vote more. In fact, women work more than men when housework and childcare are counted as work, even though men work more hours at paid employment than women do.

i'm going to say Ritalin/medication normalization and estrogen in the water.

I am a numale

I am trying to be a better man

but it's hard, i just want to be left alone, i'm such a fucking shrinking violet. And i can see why i'm like that with my shitty upbringing by old boomers who didn't give a single fuck about anybody but themselves. They raised their children not to be successful, but to be more convenient for them personally.

Making your son afraid of having any interest, never taking any risks, never going anywhere or doing anything makes them a very easy child to raise but turns them into a newmale bitch like me

I've broken almost every rule my father set me since i cut contact with my family, but i have a long way to go

fight club got it right

we are a generation of men raised by women.
A large part of it is schooling and the fact that nearly all teachers are female. Women don't know how to deal with things like anger or conflict, and they stamp it out where they see it and teach boys that these things are bad.
When a man never breaks out of this mold that's made for him early on, he turns into a nu-male. Men need to be able to be aggressive, they need to be able to make hard calls, and they need to be able to use and deal with anger.


Numales are just dudes adapting to get laid. Women are getting brainwashed into thinking they don't want what is typical male characteristics, being told that it's "toxic" and "abusive." Men are having to adapt. Unfortunately it doesn't work for long term relationships because neither the man or the woman are being true to themselves.

If you thought boomers were bad for the existence and sustainability of Goodness

You aint seen nothing yet.

Looks like Cenk's getting his fill of estrogen

>What caused the numale epidemic?

"The children's fathers could not be located for comment."


I had a very similar experience. My parents ruled over every moment of my life and attacked any tiny bit of initiative that I had. I ended up a complete pussy shut-in that couldn't even change a tire at the age of 25. If I hadn't cut them out of my life I would be dead.

>tfw you have dumb normie boomer parents

Bad genes.

>the numale epidemic

This is the result of postmodern feminism. The only way to reverse or stop cultural appropriation is via radicalization.

is that May Li?