
>expect some neat high-tech countermeasure for the space station's missiles
>they just send out the magical katana chick without a suit to cut them up

How do they come up with this shit?

They even made fun of it themselves during those comedy shorts. Should've sent the tallking dog.

Some immortal loli throwing a tantrum is below the based cigar smoking golden retriever.

Toaru Majutsu no Index season 3, when?

October announcement surely

“The esper cyborg Rensa was created to crush the seven Level 5s in case they all rebelled against Academy City at once. My role is similar, but unfortunately, my target is not those homemade espers.”

“Then…what is your target?”

“Ladylee Tangleroad, Fräulein Kreutune, and Codename Dragon.”

>“Uhohoi! I gotta say, the view up a Holy Swordswoman’s miniskirt is pretty amaz-…gbah!?”

What's High Priest doing in Boo Boo?


>NT16 confirmed for 392 pages
About the average lenght then

Never since someone retired.