The fuck man.......... i was expecting light heart slice of life ;_;
The fuck man.......... i was expecting light heart slice of life ;_;
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off and lurk more. Alternatively, kill yourself.
>hurrr durr do i fit in yet?
I expect you to lead the way on that matter.
That's why I dropped it on the first episode.
Kill yourself
Kill yourself >>>/reddit/
fucking crossboarders
No they're right, you should just leave.
>slice of life
Go watch some manime, fucking faggot.
Not OP, but even if ellipses are a bit iffy depending on their use, there is literally nothing wrong with ";_;"
It's the combination. It just screams reddit.
one of the few emotes accepted on Sup Forums, but only in spoiler
>but only in spoiler
First time I heard about that. :3
Fuck off, they are right. Using
>Hurr durr Do I fit in yet?
Rebuttal is fucking retarded, fuck off to Sup Forums.
Great thread.
same feels different anime...
also, MFW that fucking hand is attached to it...
Reminds me of my radial head shattering.
This thread is shit.
>Using ... (...) is fucking retarded
Not really.
But uses more than three, and neither nor are omitting text.
OP is a faggot.
Best thread of the decade, im so proud of your autism Sup Forums.