Why don't Nips have the same insect mentality that Chinks and Gooks have?
Why don't Nips have the same insect mentality that Chinks and Gooks have?
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History of feudalism and honor culture which parallels that of European societies.
shieeeeeet i came to post this
no communism
Table top sim model wip?
SK and Taiwan still have the insect mentality.
They do, look at their work structure. Soulless mindnumbing obedience to the hive queen (boss). During WW2 there was irrational devotion to the hive queen (emperor). The entire tiny island is crawling with them like a hive swarming with insects.
Centuries of mercilessly culling the population of all trouble makers while guarding against contamination by foreign gene pools
They do you dumv weeb sodomite
>honor culture
china had this too. they invented Confucianism, which is the basis for feudal Japan's culture
The real reason is that Japan is small and the population is very limited.
They can't afford to toss many to the wayside.
hmm..a bee hive and an ant colony are not exactly the same.
Japan is more Bee.
China is definitely more Ant
Cause we nuked them and helped them do things the right way.
This is a big part of it too. Same with Korea
They do. In World War 2 they fought against overwhelming odds to protect the Emperor. They only surrendered when he realized grorius Nippon was doomed. If that's not an insectoid hivemind, I don't know what is.
It's not elegant but if you don't want to invest time or effort into miniatures it's worth it. However on a large scale getting your own pewter casting kit will be cheaper (Heroforge is rather expensive for figures),
we gave them a good fucking. japan is Americanized
maybe because they have lived and developed on an island, their geographical isolation has given rise to a unique species... also the native ainu people are descendants of european travellers who mixed with mongoloids i think
This pretty much. All the nips with rebellious or disobedient genes were killed off by the samurai who by law could kill peasants for whatever reason.
So after centuries of getting culled, the only Japs that remained were the most loyal, obedient and efficient.
>willingly charge into a hail of bullets shouting the name of their faggy emperor despite numerical and tactical superiority
>willingly kill themselves by crashing their planes loaded with explosives into eny ships again while screaming their emperors name at the top of their lungs
>would rather kill themselves than surrender because "muh emperor told me to"
how are they NOT like soulless imsectoids?
They are a completely different people. As is their language: It's not related to any othern Asian language.
Where does "nip" originate? How did the name come about?
but they do, all asian societies are like this
> gay meme flag reading comprehension
>t. weeaboo faggot