>kuromukuro thread
>best boy and best girl
Kuromukuro thread
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>Tokyo Anime Center
Both girls are qt.
Oh, a lit up cabinet. Maybe now they'll finally show some potential merchanidese for it even though wonfes ended. I want some ken, yuki, and black mukuro stuff.
Handguard part looks flimsy as fuck.
She's not suited for firearms anyways. Her charm comes from being a total weaboo.
>She's not suited for firearms anyways.
>couldn't pull the trigger when it actually mattered
She's going to spend her days swinging around katanas at home.
I love Kennosuke I want to tongue wash his crotch.
post blonde operator
She'll win the KenMCBall
Anime needs more French girls
>Muetta is the actual main heroine
Is this the return of Muenna Monday?
Bless you
stop this cuckposting
Fuck off.
From the point of view of Kuromukuro's main plot, shes main heroine, the main plot revolves around her/ken and their backgrounds.
Honestly this show just isn't the same anymore and I am considering dropping it. The first 10 episodes were great but everything after that is becoming a drag.
mika a pure
This includes the 2nd OP?
Disregard this, I cant read.
The 2nd cour is infinitely better than the 1st cour. 1st cour we had a 10% main plot and 90% fillerish, he was quite repetitive, uninteresting and bland, especially the episodes 1, 7 and 12.
>90% fillerish
This is a fucking original series, how is it fillerish?
How the fuck was there fillerish when this is a new series you idiot? The comfy adventures of the samurai and the school girl was why people liked the series. Seeing him adapt to this new age was a treat but now the main plot is shifting into overdrive and I am bored with how serious everything is.
episodes that add no value to main plot
I enjoyed the first half and all the stuff dealing with Ken learning about modern day life, but I find the Ken and Muetta stuff in the second half to be entertaining and I'm looking forward to the resolution.
>main plot
What is the main plot?
I want to spitroast Mirasa with Harry.
Really? The last 5ish episodes have been so boring.
He clearly doesn't know that the slice of life was intentional as this series was meant to combine P.A Works series over the years since it was made as an anniversary project.
>Really? The last 5ish episodes have been the best episodes of this series so far!
Yes, I'd agree with you that the last 5ish episodes have been the best episodes of this series so far! Just as you, I'm also tired of all these repetitive highschool girl dramas.
I love China
I want to lick his underarms
13, 14 and 17 are really good.
Episode 18-21 titles.
18 湯煙に消える
19 鬼が誘う宴
20 飛んで火に入る虎の口
21 牙城の落ちる日
Miuna came back with a vengeance.
Will Yukina do shit now?
Or Yukihime is the new heroine?
Tom & China ep when?
A real hero. A real human being.
That seems to be quite obvious to me.
is this the first time you've watched a mecha action series?
Please, you guys must use condoms or other contraceptives.
KenSophie is the best pairing.
Doujins when?
Best character.
She sees your dick.
I hope she and Muetta get porn.
This show got really bad
I liked it at first but damn
I don't even know what went so wrong
Disgusting. How dare anyone bully our God? Each of you must repent and accept Yukihime as your lord and saviour.
The best kind of slut.
By miles and miles.
The show should really be about him and Ken.
So I'm from New Zealand and have never touched a pistol in my life what the fuck do you mean by teacupping? is it how her hand is supporting her other hand thats holding the gun? and how is this bad for proper gun use? teach me please Mr. Amerifat