Does Dragonballz have the best anime action sequences?
Does Dragonballz have the best anime action sequences?
No, too many of them quickly turn into the same frames being looped for a few seconds.
What is One Punch Man?
>I have seen 5 different anime and feel that I am qualified to speak on this subject
Bubblegum Crisis
Gundam or Macross had.
>Does Dragonballz have the best anime action sequences
Boku no pico has better action sequences. Watch more anime newfag.
Fate Stay is the only answer
>Spout a bunch of newfawg nonsense.
>Doesn't even give any serious rebuttals or indication that they are well versed in anime themselves.
Can you at least answer with dignity?
Watch more anime, OP.
>thinks DBZ has the best action sequences
>calls others newfags
>Does Dragonballz have the best anime action sequences?
Nope, Toei fucked up in that regard but the manga has some of the best fight choreography in the medium.
Where do you think you are? Reddit or MAL?
Fuck off.
>Does Dragonballz have the best anime action sequences?
No, ooey gooey balls does
The original Dragon Ball has better action scenes.
The manga has better action scenes than the anime. Toei didn't do it justice.
hell yeah!
i love how Vegeta is just there like "shit nigga that's crazy"
Not even "best" by any means, but certainly head and shoulders above DBZ.
Gods. Do you remember the days when they relied on actual fighting instead of
HHHAAAAAAHHHHH! and a light show?
Goddamn I miss old school animation. It aint cheap and it aint easy, but it is sexy as fuck.
>Hurr hurr DB fights after the Saiyan arc are just shout fests and Ki blast spamming
There are retards who say shit like this.
there simply isn't an anime better than DBZ
gurren lagann is nearly as good though
it looks exactly the same in the anime
It feels bad that so many people watched the anime instead of reading the manga. Toriyama is so fucking good when he wants.