Full cover is out.
Amazon page is up.
Confirmed for 392 pages.
20-30 page preview tonight/in the morning?
Let's hope so.
Full cover is out.
Amazon page is up.
Confirmed for 392 pages.
20-30 page preview tonight/in the morning?
Let's hope so.
>squeezing her tits together
what did she mean by this?
Kamikotofags are about to get blown the fuck out.
So this is more suffering: part 2, right?
Kamachi can't blue ball us consideing what happened last volume
>We'll never go back to those baseball days with Fukyose. I enjoy NT15 but it's not the same anymore
392 pages seems kinda short.
I think that one persistent user that said the summary was only going to be a chapter or so is full of shit
Dat delicious small chest.
inb4 THK
inb4 LRD
inb4 ESL-kun
>summoning shitposting like a massive fucking retard
Shut the fuck up
Hopefully we get the preview tonight
First page preview!
Fuck off
>20-30 page preview tonight/in the morning?
You mean actual screenshots? Will js translate those?
Full pages of the novel. And yes he will. It may not be tonight but since the full cover is out and Amazon page is up, it'll be soon. Dengeki has to update the site with it all
That's rude, can you not take a joke?
Fuck off you filthy cunt
I don't have to do what you say. I'm allowed to discuss the series just like everybody else so you can just stop already.
Don't think smearing shit everywhere like you've been doing the past month with make you liked.
I have a feeling Kuroko is going to make a comeback this time and so is Saten! I'm so excited to read it!
That's honestly just your opinion user. Can we stop crying and talk about the series now?
>implying Literally Who and Literally Who: Slut Edition will ever appear in the LNs
>seems like nobody takes it easy anymore and everyone is all uptight.
This is depressing.
Can you stop pretending you're not a shitposting cunt and that these threads wouldn't be better without you
You're obviously not a fan of the series if you don't know who Kuroko and Saten are. Try watching the anime and not the shitty Index one.
Ever since they interduced Magic into the series it's always been like this.
So what do you guys expect the preview to be like? I doubt it will tell us much.
It will probably go like this:
>confirmation of missing Kamisato
>Touma whining about having to feed everyone
Can you prove that I'm a shit poster because I'm starting to think this is just another one of your sick fantasies just like how you said the Magic Gods could never be defeated. Is this your way of getting back at me? Your revenge?
If he's not whining about feeding everyone he'll be whining about something in his room being broken/out of order
It is so sad to see what Raildex has become. I remember when we had a lot of people in the threads excited for a new NT, now it is kinda dead here. I'm still excited, though.
I used to absolutely hate around but when you compare him to a character like Subaru from Re:Zero he's actually pretty decent. I've build a whole new kind of respect for him although I still don't like him.
And if he's somehow not whining about feeding people or something being broken, he'll be whining about so,etching Index, Othinus, or the cat did.
Basically we'll be getting Touma whining for 100% certain
It's not like we all didn't predict this. As they slowly added more and more magic characters and took the focus away from the characters we actually care about the series is losing popularity fast. Even to this day the Raulgun girls sell the most merchandise even after all these magic characters have been interduced.
Does Japan even care about the Magic characters? Aside from the ones that appeared in the anime I think only Othinus caught their attention
The only relevant Railgun girls in the manga (which is the only Railgun storyline that matters) are the Railgun herself and maybe Misaki.
Given how the last volume ended, why would they be going to a beach or pool?
Did you not read the summary
Kamikoto is canon.
Are you questioning Kamachi's writing, bro? You dare?
Yea but Saten is going to get an esper power pretty soon and Kuroko is going to become a lv5 esper.
New Light spinoff manga and anime would change that.
What do you guys think Satens esper ability is? What is she doing here?
Touma wearing a Gekota themed outfit would make Mikoto orgasm on sight.
False flag/10
>inb4 he samefags to himself: "hurr durr there's the shipperfag ruining thread again, why are Kamikotofags so horrible etc"
Keep dreaming, your fanfiction pairing will never be canon
t. Butthurt Kamikotofag
Your ship is garbage
It looks like it might be the ability to control plants? Maybe she's like poison Ivy?
Haha oh wow
Pack it up Kamikotofags
Your retarded "romance" ends this volume
Don't know what you're wewing about retard. This thread was fucked from the beginning
>user called it
And other than Misaki, there's no other novel or manga-only science character that is popular. In fact, Tsuchimikado, Itsuwa and Thor have ranked in the LN poll as well.
Sorry. I just read it. So Mikoto takes the AAA home with her somehow and changes into it like a superhero to show off in front of Touma?
It's not even a romance. Aren't romances two sided? Touma doesn't care about her romantically
>Touma dressed in a Gekota costume
Mikoto would need a fresh change of boxers and an inhaler
Who else is ready for a 500 post thread made up entirely of garbage?
Touma is going to end up with Index. He doesn't deserve a Railgun girl and with his bad luck he won't get one.
When is the new morning star coming?
Never, it doesn't exist
I like this
Mikoto's always been kinda superhero-ish anyway
I imagine the AAA being like the black symbiote for Spider-Man
I would be so harsh on him user. Can you prove it don't exist? I'll wait.
Honestly what's taking them so long on this anyways? Did they extend it or not?
>Touma is going to end up with Index
Finally the Haruue shitposter says something coeherent.
So what the fuck have I been reading these past few months? Just accept that Kuroko is beyond redemption, user.
You cannot prove it exists. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Kamikotofags are that delusional
They're the biggest cancer of this fandom and actively deny reality as hard as their favorite violent, stalker, emo, infantile, whiny, cunty lvl 5
You've been shitposting so hard I'm surprised you haven't died, that's what you've been doing the past few months
Presidential Kuroko in the thread! She's the leader of the free world and she says, YES WE CAN!!!!
The samefagging and bait continues.
>actively deny reality as hard as their favorite violent, stalker, emo, infantile, whiny, cunty lvl 5
wew lad
Touma doesn't care about her period. Mikoto can move to China or America and Touma won't give the slightest shit.
You mean ship tease. Kamachi is never one to desist in ship teasing, even when the girl doesn't have a chance. But you can dream if you like, you've only been saying this for years. it's bound to come true in a way eventually, I guess.
She wants a well-endowed older male to ravage her JC body and leave her clammy and breathless
that's a damn fine light novel
I think they are going to extend it.
Talking about about the series spin-off is not shitposting
Talking about imaginary doujin is shitposting you fucking retard
I feel ya, a lot of great female characters have faded out, but the real suffering is that for Touma it probably hasn't even been 3 months since he's last seen some from pre-NT.
It would also be troublesome to bring back characters into escalating high stake games that are more interesting than being rescue targets.
Just because you don't know what you're talking about doesn't mean we all have to suffer. Just ignore it if you don't know!
Touma cares more about her than he does Misaki at least.
I hope Misaki BTFO of Mikoto like in NT7.
The only thing imaginary here is your intelligence.
>doesn't care
That contradict's Touma flawed personality. You're being a shitposter all so you can take jabs at shipping you don't like.
Shall we summon Stiyl?
Nah. Only Misaki will get BTFO again.
Weird to go from Mikoto going full Homura "Absolute Madman" Akemi to Fanservice character in the span of one LN
Not even Stiyl can fix this shitfest.
Misaki's attempt to kill Mikoto failed though.
No point. Even he can barely slow down that muh anti-Kamikoto spammer.
Tfw Kuroko attains her time warp singularity power in the main series and becomes one of the most powerful and classy espers to grace the series.
Best girl will be back in this volume, right?
>It's a creepy middleschooler sinking deeper into madness in a pathetic attempt to win a high schooler who only hangs around her bedgrudginly out of a sense of obligation and tries to avoid her episode
I'd be okay with this if there weren't retarded Kamikotofags seeing it as "passion of the ages"
Don't reply to it
Misaki isn't relevant to the plot and Touma will never remember her. That's the worst fate a heroine can get.
I honestly think the ship is creepy. Even moreso now that she's gone crazy
The problem is he replies to himself.