Paranoia Agent

Never really see Sup Forums discuss this anime despite it being one of the best

I feel it makes a lot of sense in the cultural context of Japan where depression and suicide rates are the highest I'm the world along with Japans strict and overbearing pressures to succeed.

Loved most of the standalone episodes, but the overarching plot just go really dumb by the end. Suicide ep is inarguably the best episode of the series.

I don't think its meant to be taken literally, I feel the overarching plot is a lot more symbolic

Wasn't too keen on it. Production was slick and the OP is amazing, but it really loses steam quick. If it were longer it'd be easier to forgive, but I demand concision from my one cour shows.

It doesn't have the epic cute girls doing cute things cliche so neo-Sup Forums will say it's 3deep5u tryhard shit

Are you new?

Oh and it aired on TV so that means it's the evil Toonami boogieman (except for Evangelion of course)

Also notice how no one is replying to this thread, because the OP doesn't have a picture of a cute sameface girl for everyone to circlejerk over, most of neo-Sup Forums only watches the most recent anime and has no idea about anything older than K-On

Paranoia Agent, like every other Kon work, is regarded as a (cult) classic. It's on a majority of recommendation charts, even just when speaking about OPs. Pretending like Sup Forums doesn't know or like every single one of Kon's works is the same as pretending we don't know about Ghibli.You've never seen it discussed because you're new.

That's why this thread is so popular right? And I've been here since before 1 mil get kid, go discuss your FOTM Umaru type shit, just because you're new doesn't mean everyone else is

Also notice how on MAL 99% of the most popular/highest rated shows are all from late 00's-now, funny how neo-Sup Forums screams about Toonami shit being entry level when really all any of the newfag anime fans care about are cute girls doing cute things sameface derivative garbage, you all are the real entry level faggots

This thread isn't popular because you're a knee-jerk reactionist who doesn't know how to talk about things without insulting the board (re: see every other thread starting with "Why doesn't Sup Forums talk about ?").

Case in fucking point.
>pretends to want to talk about Paranoia Agent
>just using it as an opportunity for "muh neo-Sup Forums"
Calm yourself you turbo autist.

Contribute instead of shitposting, you dopey cunt. Don't expect everyone else to do the work for you when you have nothing interesting to say.

Not even OP, newfag-kun

Just saying this board is as entry level as it gets, most new anime fans come here first


Sure you aren't, kiddo.

It felt like it would've worked better as a shorter OVA series. A lot of the middle episodes felt somewhat unnecessary. I still liked the middle episodes, but it felt like a movie concept stretched out over 12 episodes at times.
Fuck off. Maybe if you actually watched anime you'd know that not everything is moe harem.

And how about instead of attacking me you refute my point, you can't so you resort to ad-hom butthurt shit
MAL loves the same stuff neo-Sup Forums does, you newfags ruined anime

I'm getting the bluray set soon.

>you refute my point
What point? The one I already refuted by saying Sup Forums does know and love Kon? Or your metafaggotry about Sup Forums being shit?

>checking what MAL likes
Who cares? Sup Forums discusses airing shows. It's not improbable for that to include something popular on MAL. It's almost as if good works tend to be popular. That doesn't mean that all popular works are good, but at least some of them logically would be. Fuck off.

To be honest I only remember two episodes--the one with the joint suicide where they didn't realize they were dead all along, and the one where the girl finds out her dad's been jerking it to her. It's been a while, but as opposed to his other works I can't remember much of what happened with PA. It wasn't his best.

>They don't really. Why do you think the industry is going through an animation shortage, standards are dropping and so many high profile shows are ending up riddled with QUALITY, delays and shortcuts?

>Aside from the very tip top with the fat cat investors and producers many of whom operate from outside the industry proper that take all the revenue from things the Japanese animation industry is poor as dirt more than ever before and stretched well beyond it's means. If I graduate art school and training in Japan and have to make a decision between say doing 2D sprite animation on a Super Robot Wars game at Bandai Namco or doing character and in-between animation freelance in the animation industry I know which one I'm picking and probably pays substantially better just because of what industry it's based out of. It's really no wonder people like Ooshi, Anno, Tomino etc. have been doing more work in Japanese live action or outside the country than in the animation industry too, just such greater opportunity compared to the 80's and 90's when they made their marks in animation. Miyazaki and Takahata also picked a great time to finally retire I would say. Honestly I wonder if the Japanese animation is going to have any half way decent talents a few years from now the way things are going cause I just don't see the next potential Kon, Dezaki or even Shinkai wanting to work in these conditions that'll never be able to realize the visions they might have in modern times. The only people that seem to be coming into the industry nowadays are light novel and eroge industry types who are all but entirely talentless in every aspect necessary to run a memorable show other than character design.

Reminder this guy was 100% right

The only shows new fans care about are OPM/SAO/AOT and cute girls doing cute things faggotry

Neo-Sup Forums cries about Toonami shit but the shows they watch are the actual entry level stuff

>Sup Forums discusses airing shows

Your new is showing. It didn't used to always be that way, there used to be a healthy mix, Sup Forums is literally just AnimeSuki or MAL now

>It's almost as if good works tend to be popular
Lol you mean the light novel young adult fiction adaptations or the sameface shit that new anime fans cream their pants over, none of that shit is good, get some taste past entry level garbage

what did he moon by this?

>This guy walks into class and slaps your ass then runs for student council president
what do you do?

>wanting to talk about shit everyone has already seen and discussed
Every once in a while is fine, but clearly you don't care about talking about older shit anyways since you aren't even staying on topic.
For whatever reason, I kept thinking about Paprika while watching it. Paranoia Agent was still good, but I agree in that it definitely wasn't his best.

Bad but not horrible

>light novel and eroge are talentless
you got right confused with gay

>wanting to talk about shit everyone has already seen and discussed
Oh please, this is neo-Sup Forums's favorite excuse. There are people on /lit/ right now discussing 200 year old books, there are people on Sup Forums right now discussing 40 year old movies, you guys only say this because you refuse to discuss anything other than who the best sameface waifu is out of the latest FOTMs.

There used to be sites like AnimeSuki and Gaia for new anime fans to flock to and discuss their shit entry level taste, now they all come to here.

99.9% of them are derivative garbage, you guys love to jerk all over the latest light novel shit, those are literally Japan's equivalent of young adult fiction, it's vapid chuuni crap written by unoriginal hacks.

I feel like the final twist was inconsistent with things that happened near episode 5 or 6, but I'll need to re-watch it to be sure.

Great series overall. The composer of that OP deserves a high-5 or something.

i swear the show was 91/0 until the paranormal stuff started happening

It's a shame, but there is very little other than surface level discussion here. Very few boards on this site have in depth discussion and analysis. At least there are some interesting things here, better than most other boards.

Was going through some old stuff and found the plushy that came with the dvd set, it's now sitting on my curio cabinet

Kon will be missed, I still haven't purchased that paprika bluray

It's the new generation of anime fans, they're only interested in garbage. It's funny how a decade+ ago garbage low effort shows that existed only for cheap pandering like Lovely Idol flew completely under the radar and were unpopular whereas now bullshit like KanColle and Love Live and bandwagoned and circlejerked to hell and back, the new gen of anime fans have fucking garbage entry level taste.

can we all agree
Shonen Bat is a better name then Lil' Slugger

I like both.

I didn't enjoy it that much. It was good, but not mind blowing or anything.

It felt like there was this really simple moral about taking responsibility for your actions which it spent the entire damn series driving home. I got the point like halfway through. And yes, other stuff happened.

Also this is the kind of show I know I would appreciate more if I were a nip. I get that it's a statement about post-war Japan and just how much their national culture was impacted by the bomb, but I'm never going to be able to fully appreciate that.

1. I'm not Japanese.
2. I don't have a strong grasp on Japanese culture outside of superficial differences from my own.
3. I'm not really interested in attaining one.

It's a show that has a very strong message which is not addressed to me.

I couldn't make it to the end.

This show tried to be deep but failed.

>I didn't get it therefore it failed and not me.
Nah, you're just a bit stupid and/or not the target demographic its message was aimed at.

I think it would have worked better as a movie.

As a TV series it felt like it dragged on a bit too much.

What the fuck is wrong with you two.

I'm eternally grateful that Kon got an episodic series to put all his spare ideas into before he died.