So Sup Forums, do you seriously believe that a show or manga having a large fanbase negatively affects the quality of the product?
In that the large fanbase somehow magnifies the lesser qualities and flaws of said product or erode the good qualities?
Grayson Foster
Nobody actually hates things because they are popular. The real reason people here generally have an aversion to popular series is that popularity is generally contained in the scope of normalfags. What this means is that a large amount of normalfags with no desire or ability to remain objective in their judgement of a series will flock to anime such as SAO or Mirai Nikki and hail it as the second coming of Christ with no real basis for their obsession aside from "hype" or ambiguous non-reasons like "it's just good."
Popularity is normally an indicator of shit, not a factor in a series' worth.
Anthony Sanders
No, but more people liking it makes me more likely to look at it from a different perspective in order to be contrarian, so I would notice shortcomings that i would normally not, thereby reducing my ability to enjoy it. Also ur a faggot op
Andrew Lopez
Well stated, and witnessed.
Lucas Wilson
So would you say a current example is Re;Zero?
David Roberts
It doesn't negatively affects the products but just make your kind hate the product when you see shitty black coats cosplays of Kirito in a group
Andrew Flores
Adrian Jackson
>Popularity is normally an indicator of shit This, you need to degrade your medium into a very low grade all family chow before it gets popular. Case in point, every western PG13 rated movie. Every single one.
Brandon Cooper
>or ambiguous non-reasons like "it's just good."
Did a double take there, thought I was on Sup Forums for a second. "No fun allowed", right?