
Why are we giving so much power to the damned women's , what the fuck has happened to the men of this generation who bend their knee and lick the feet of a women , why are the men now a days keel down in front of a pair of tits and a damned pussy and an ass with which they fucking rule your stupid life , the say before yesterday i saw a man getting beaten up by his wife in public just cuz he was being rude to his wife and the crowd started hitting the poor man as well , but now if a guy hits a girl even then the guy will get beaten up, why such unfair behaviour , why the hell are we give these bitches the power to rule . And these bitches have the nerve to complain that they are at a vast disadvantage . Bloody ungrateful bitches , Did you know , if you stand up in the court , you are most likely to loose the case if you are standing against a girl . If a guy say that a young baby girl is cute and beautiful the world will look at the guy in a pedophilic way , but if a girl looks at a young baby boy and says he is handsome then it's not a problem , why is there so much discrimination between the sexes , in this age the damned women can get away with everything for as long as they have their tits and pussy and ass , i have fucking started to dislike a majority of them , how did it come to this that women now look down to men . Why . Women of this age are as close to the demons themselves , you let a women rule the world and she will fucking ruin your fucking life , do not give these bitches so much political and social powers

Says the foreveralone manchild.

Women are soft and smell nice.

Although he is clearly a bitter incel, the truth is that any white nationalist ethnostate in the future will teach in their history books about the danger of allowing women to vote.

I think Vietnam and the drug sex rock and all counter culture convinced a lot of men that the old male establishment was fucked. So the women took over for fifty years but now they've obviously gone to far in terms of making everything super gay

I'm not doing it. Go out and bully a nerd if it's bothering you.

They were raised by women, pure and simple.
Women are degenerates without male guidance, and raise shit kids as a result.

women long ago realized they could take advantage of the male protective instinct. it's part of natural selection and how they have survived and thrived. the problem and answer to your question is that religion and society made it so men had to marry and created an unnatural system of women who have innate awareness of their powers over men marrying betas who would not have reproduced in the past, upending raw natural selection. alpha men are meant to be a check on women, but there aren't many alphas now because of all the beta male genetics in society for so many generations. we were irretrievably fucked. betas won't ever be prevented from procreating and females will always use their superpowers over men to gain advantage in life without a check on it, bringing their position ever higher generation after generation as more betas enter the gene pool every generation.

Do you really have to be a "bitter incel" to be annoyed by most of them though? If anything, exposure to people causes irritation and disdain. There they are, at my workplace, working "jobs" that were invented to employ the unemployable - HR etc. All they do is stand around and run their mouths all day. I'm one of the few people who does actual work there and I have to suffer through their talking about recent reality show they watched, their paid (!) vacation they went on all by themselves (stronk independent womyn don't need no men, only cats), and their insufferable political opinions. Why is it okay for me to try and concentrate on my work and have to listen about Trump's small hands every day? But if the tables were turned and I were to sperg out once - I'd be accused of "creating hostile environment" and probably fired on the spot? They have no replacement for me, but they'd fire me anyway, because their feels always trump what's good for business. That's why the country is in the shitter.

Yes working with women in an office is pretty much my idea of hell. You should become a NEET

The sign of a bitter incel is in the way someone reacts to the everyday annoyances of women.

You can join together and form communities that restrict the social influence of females and push them into traditional gender roles, or you can whine about how unfair society is. It's a pretty beta thing to do and obviously makes OP a bitter incel.

Too old for NEETdom, user - parents are getting old, going to need my help soon.

>their paid (!) vacation they went on all by themselves

Women do this to fuck loads of men, without having their reputation at home tarnished.

Pretty much this. I am amazed at the amount of nonwork jobs there are. They should just fire them and double your salary so you can afford to live in a one income household again.
Even my women managers some how take months off with disability, how the fuck can that position be needed if you can take months off?

This is mostly towards the women who think that they are better than men , at work at sports etc according to me both of the sexes should be equal, and I am not Alone , I have the best girlfriend ever she is the kindest person i have ever met.

That's not what I am , I infact i respect women a lot , and I do have a GF and I am popular with the ladies , the above mentioned post is for a few women who think that they are above or superior to men and other women who are simple and sweet , I think both the sexes are supposed to be equal and not discriminated , women are really nice too , but if you face what I see almost everyday then you would know what i mean , even after saying all of this , i respect them a lot and I would stand by one if she is correct . I am person who wants to protect the weak , support the average and walk by a strong women , not a naïve feminist .

If you are not doing it , then you are super cool , I respect you .

Men now are too lustful, and our society promotes and encourages lustful behavior. It affords women more power over men.

Your right, so when do you plan on forming the first community of this kind? Your not wrong, but really a community like this will have a hard time getting off the ground.
Even on pol no one has enough trust in there fellow man to join and or contribute money in a large scale manner.

>Most men are cucks now
>"Women are wonderful" affect
>Birth control
>Political correctness


>the men of this generation
Do you realize who voted for the nineteenth amendment (or your nation's equivalent)?
Hint: it wasn't this generation.