FUCK, this show is so boring. Does anything exciting ever happen? Why is it hailed as one of the greatest when it is so tedious to watch?
FUCK, this show is so boring. Does anything exciting ever happen...
Other urls found in this thread:
time to take your adderall faggot
because its single episode is better than your average shounenshit series
There's exciting, and there's interesting. While not totally devoid of the former, Mushi-Shi focuses on the latter. To answer your second question, it's because there are people who can enjoy that.
Mushi-shi? More like Mushi-shit.
Watch Aria instead. This one is just slow episodic garbage with zero character development.
Summer can't end soon enough.
Pleb taste confirmed.
Go sodomize yourself with a large blunt object, and watch something besides SAO. Then get back to us.
Are you a normalfag that watches overhyped dubbed anime on Netflix? Then Mushishi might just be the anime for you.
Don't blame summer. Mushit is boring garbage.
They don't even have the only dubbed first season on Netflix anymore, haven't for about a year or more
It actually is boring garbage, Sup Forums likes it since MAL likes it too. (most population of Sup Forums today comes from MAL)
They just pretend they like it so they can brag they have "good taste" even though they actually have shit taste for enjoying such a boring anime.
Mushi-shi? More like Mushi-zzzzzzzzzz
Ginko doesnt develop outside of the childhood flashbacks but you'd have to be retarded to say the people he meets episode to episode dont develop in some way by the end of the episode/arc
Aria is a garbage adaptation.
Netflix had a legit selection, its how I was watching stuff when I first got into anime around the end of HS. I remember I watched Soul Eater, Death Note, Darker than Black, and Mushi-shi on there
>he didn't watch the right version
>most Sup Forums fags came from MAL
hello MALoser
Fookin Perfect
What's the matter user, too deep for you? Go watch something more your speed, a baby anime like Lucky Star.
Yes, they do sometimes. Anything Polygon does(Sidonia, Ajin) they partially fund/gain rights to as well due to some wierd deal with George Lucas.
But only Mushi-shi's second season is on Netflix now, and only subbed was my point.
I don't understand the basis for hating on an anime airing on a certain channel or platform that makes it more accessible to a wider audience. I'm glad when something I enjoy has the opportunity to be enjoyed by more people. More love for the media means more money backing it.
OP should try out this if Mushi-shi wasn't their cup of tea.
OP is just a shill fag from Reddit/ MAL. Dont bother
Mushishi was truly disappointing. But you can try following sol if you want something meaningful-
Anne of the green gables
Amanchu(airing this season)
too bad Mushishi isnt a fucking SoL
This is my second favorite anime, it is relaxing and looks nice
FLCL is my favorite
>trusting joot
Try getting rid of your ADD.
I hate FLCL and love Mushi-Shi. I didn't really like FLCL when I watched it, but when I saw Diebuster it made me hate it.
If you don't like it from the start, don't bother. It doesn't change at any point.
I personally loved every second of it, and can't really understand why people would find it boring. The episodes are fast paced despite the calm atmosphere, there's always some sort of mystery or conflict to keep up the tension, one episode will cover a combo of mushi + human issues so they can be pretty emotional too. Add in the OST and art and it's an extremely pleasant experience (though I think trying to marathon it is a big mistake).
maybe SAO and SNK would be more up your alley
>"Japanese philosophy" the anime is boring
Who would have thought?
Yeah it was sleep inducing
>believing moot's lies
If moot were worth trusting, he'd have brought back Snacks.
Cant deny since its literally bedtime stories: the Japanese cartoon.
>show is calm and inoffensive
I'm surprised by the vitriol in this thread
Re: Zero thread is right here, user
Mushishi is definitely overpraised and can only be considered all-time masterpiece if you compare it to your average anime. It's psychological, meditative and metaphoric, but does nothing but toying with mythological setting.
Any real philosophy works, including Japanese ones, are significantly more complex.
…Although I suspect that trying to explain why Mushishi is not really “deep” to you kids is just as futile as talking about recent mathematical developments.
Now this is shitposting. Here's an Australian puppet show for your reward:
If people can't see what's good in Mushishi, how would you explain that even more complex things exist to them?
The video is relevant: in a postmodern society lacking general systematic methods and education, people are doomed to consider that performance reflecting on perceived singularity of human body parts is “deep” the same way others consider Mushishi as “deep”.
>trying to marathon it is a big mistake
Not in my case :^)
Not OP, but I watched the first season a while ago and have completely forgotten anything that happened. Gonna have to rewatch before I go into S2 and beyond, I think.
There are like 4 seasons, right? S1 was pretty good so hopefully they're all up there.
My 13 year old son just figured out /b existed from a few YouTube channels, FilthyF & H3H3 for e.g.
I think Sup Forums'd be alot more widespread nowadays with all the retarded "flavor of the month" memes like Dat Boi & Damn Daniel, since kids drop those pretty much as soon as they start saying them, so they go to /b for the "cool, new, exciting, sophisticated content!"
I also heard him bragging to a few of his friends about Sup Forums, which leads me to believe the kids spread it around to eachother aswell.
Please cure my son of his terminal cancer.
ur wife son?
what is this parodying? macross?
The OP was bored, so he decided to put up some weak bait.
it's not bait, it's true. Mushishi is really bad.
“X is bad” is never anything but bait. “X is bad” with an explanation might not be. The more loved X is, the longer the explanation should be.
>this repost again
>Mushishi was truly disappointing. But you can try following sol if you want something meaningful-
Did you ever stop to consider that it might have meaning to different people who think differently from you? Only particular people will like it beyond 'eh this is quite comfy', and because of how it is some people just wont like it at all. But there are, or at least were, plenty of anons that liked it. In the last couple of years virtually every thread has been full of trolling or shitposting, but go back to Sup Forums 10 years ago and that wasn't the case.
If you want me to spend half an hour putting into words why I like it an think it's a good series then too bad, I can't be bothered to and Sup Forums is a pile of shit anyway so what's the point? But to just quickly sumise how I felt: more importantly than, and aside from, the fact it had a quaint, slow and comfy feeling it was an animistic story; which I like. The chapters/episodes each had their own little story but if you look at all the Ginko centeric ones they're about how they're about how equal things are and how everything belongs, which is the majority of his character development over the course of his life. The last couple of chapters were a great example of it. Also I like how the old, natrual world is basically a character itself and influences things in every chapter, the author used the setting very well. I could go on and expand on what I've alread said, but as I mentioned there's no point, dislike it or not as you want.
> one episode
> character development
With all due respect, you wouldn't recognize an interesting world even if jumped out of a bush and kicked you in the ass.
Gurren Lagann, not so good
Ok, user.
there's a part where Ginko summons his bankai bu only after he goes super sayian, and then the titans attacks.
take your shit taste back to mom's basement.
>watching a series that doesn't fit OP's taste
did you even check the genre of the show before watching it? or even check the comments and review of the show?
OP is just baiting people to get attention of his autism, or maybe his just a dropout brat who knows nothing.
Why is it so mushy?