Netflix adaptation of Death Note set in America. Gonna be good guys?
Netflix adaptation of Death Note set in America. Gonna be good guys?
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It applies here to faggot
>white people in charge of not appropriating shit.
No it's going to be shit and nobody is going to care. Stop posting, faggot.
Light is suppose to be junon-boy. All I see is a mole.
Jesus fuck they better find a way to CG that mole off his face because that fucking thing is disgusting
>the one time it's acceptable to get the most beautiful model to portray Light
>get an Asian-looking Jew
Yeah exactly, isn't Laito supposed to be fucking beautiful?
Fuck off.
who knew things could get worse
but they did!
>in the original, L loves chocolate
>in the Netflix vesion, L becomes the chocolate
his nose is too wide and his chin isn't pointy enough
especially in current pics
he's supposed to be literally perfect, beatiful, intelligent, ingenous, etc
but he's batshit insane, you can look at his face and see madness
when I look to the guy on OP post I see a faggot that seems a retard
oh shit, I just thought of the perfect cast for Light
Eliot Rodger
>wanting Sup Forums to become tmblr 2.0 like Sup Forums
Learn from history you fucking fag.
Unlike the Netflix version, which is perfect casting I suppose?
But Light had charisma, intelligence, and social skills
but Rodger has the spirit
Wait for real? What the fuck.
He looks like a school shooter.
you saying Eliot Rodger doesn't have all that?
Only if Black L before his death makes a mixtape with a rap that reveals Light as Kira's identity
Wouldn't Idris Elba be a better actor for Light?
>has the spirit of Light
>nice guy fedora manlet with inferiority complex versus popular guy swimming captain with god complex
They are probably going to go with the bullied in school and wants revenge with the world or some bullshit instead of a "perfect" guy with a God complex that wants to make the world a "better place"
Yes. Indefinitely.
>you are what you eat
Zac Efron now looks nothing like he did back in his teens. He also can't act for shit. Of course, the guy Netflix chose is worse. How can it be so difficult to find a pretty young face in hollywood?
>Jews control hollywood
>Surprised a Jew was cast as Light
>Zac Efron now looks nothing like he did back in his teens.
Eh, it could still work. Better than Jew Goyami.
What did that guy do again?
jejun is fucking apply to light.
>popular guy swimming captain
>mods deleting the truth
gooks out
That's retarded.
Killing criminals isn't equal to killing innocent bystanders because you couldn't function normally in society.
Will it be a school shooting with books?
>4. The discussion of "live action" television shows is permitted so long as they are distinctly rooted in, or based off of an anime or manga series.
Lurk for two years before posting.
Thought abour him too.
What was it?
Why the fuck did this amke me laugh so hard?
that gook is better than this fag
>I'm too retarded to read a height chart correctly
I doubt they'll change it that much. He'll have the same motivations for using the Death Note, but they'll throw in an extra scene where he gets bullied or whatever because according to Freud you can't have an abbormal personality/kill people unless you have past trauma
Not even his natural hair color.
>but they'll throw in an extra scene where he gets bullied or whatever
Christ, Hollywood sucks.
Even the Ledger Joker with his "no official origin story" suggests Freudian trauma in his back story.
It's because you posted like a crossboarding retard. That you're so far up your ass as to be unaware of that means I probably have to spell it out to you to stop posting and lurk more.
It's not Efron's natural hair color either retard
>they make Roland black
>they make L black
>probably gonna make Kirito black too
I guess its shamefull to be white in 2016.
Only if it is adapted to be american as fuck.
>>probably gonna make Kirito black too
I would laugh so fucking hard if they did this
Blonde to light brown is much closer to each other than black to light brown.
> DN
> Good in any way
jajajaa how can it?
Senpai please.
instead of giving him a generic surname they should have chosen something that allusions his japanese name yagami
>they make Roland black
Stop reminding me. They also cut off the early books and start in middle of random shit. Hollywood is a mistake and should be removed.
>appealing to the rules
What are you? A newfag? People like you are why shonenshit stopped getting deleted on sight and that certainly wasn't for the better.
>making a decent live action anime and/or manga
The one time they got it close to perfect (Speed Racer), it flopped.
>popular guy swimming captain
I remember that. Our first taste of meme magic.
Don't give a fuck, Death Note hasn't been relevant in a decade.
>not casting Zac Efron as Light
>casting Dark as L
>Black Kirito
I have no problem with this.
Kirito is the black swordsman. Of course he's black.
So it Guts.
It doesn't really matter either way. If your argument is that Efron deserves the role more, then just look in this thread for how much different he looks now and how he wouldn't work anymore. But I imagine you're just making a racist point more than anything
>They also cut off the early books and start in middle of random shit.
Yo what?
Do they atleast keep the part where Roland is on the beach gathering his crew?
Or are we talking early as in him beeing in the town at the start of book one, skipping some Jake shit too maybe?
This makes me mad to hear, book 1 and 2 are fucking near flawless, why fuck with them.
>It doesn't really matter either way.
-Hollywood Producer 2016
>y. If your argument is that Efron deserves the role more, then just look in this thread for how much different he looks now and how he wouldn't work anymore
His square-jawed ripped self still looks more like Light than Jew Wolf Mole does.
>But I imagine you're just making a racist point more than anything
Calling everything racist just makes it so that nothing is racist. You've made the word lose all meaning.
>probably gonna make Kirito black too
It's SAO. The more laughs out of what is guaranteed to be a mess, the better.
And it's still somewhat relevant and thus has more obsessive fanboys whose tears I can enjoy.
Zac Efron right now looks more like Light than Nate Wolf or whatever his name is ever will in the past, present, or future. Including alternate dimensions.
You've completely convinced me. In fact, we should make Light black too. For irony.
It's racist to cast whites, I understand now, Tumblr.
Light Yamirin'
Nope they skip the books where he gathers crew and flashbacks to his boyhood I think.
Isn't he like rich?
Isn't that an instan pussy drencher fir a lot of women?
Maybe not a decent woman, but a woman nonetheless.
Also he isn't ugly so that combined with his money should have easily get him some puss right?
Also did he post here or something?
And worst of all, they skip the fucking BLAINE. Fuck Hollywood I hope they get the first chinese nuke.
>creepy "nice guy" manlet with no social skills
He was one of those "nice guys". No amount of money can fix that.
What the fuck?
So they skip book 2, 4 and motherfucking BLAINE?
How much of this are they going to adapt here?
Are they going all the way to the fucking tower in 2 and a half hours or some shit?
Might aswell skip the wolves aswell then, and fuck it, Song of Sarah is boring, people wanna see action so lets just skip that shit too.
God dammit now im really sad.
Still a better Light than what we got.
Yeah feels bad man. That's a movie that I will never give my cash for. I hope everyone else does the same. We can only hope that enough people vote with cash and hollywood releases it's grip on dark tower.
>tfw no movie about a psychotic train and zz top
Is it because Death Note is a page turner?
Seriously though, what are good alternatives for "Yagami" (no offense intended)? I can't think of any.
The first minute really gave me the BLAINE feeling, but after it sped up it turned to shit to be quite honest, reminds me more of Crypt of the Necrodancer.
But jaejoong is in the army
Light Yougotme
>look mom I posted it again
This is why no other board likes you Sup Forums
Anons like this are the same who cried about tumblr crying about scarjo being cast in gits
This bait stopped being effective about four years ago, step it up senpai
>stopped being effective
>still replies
Tell me why I know you're new.
Stop thinking shut up and make nigger jokes with us.