Ok Sup Forumsnons

Ok Sup Forumsnons

I know its nearly unthinkable to ask for the name of an anime on this board, but I have spent the last few days searching and lurking my ass off trying to find this shit. So I need your help.

Ok what I am looking for isn't a proper anime per say, I think it was actually closer to a short film, or even kinda a music video (Not an AMV, more like ME ME ME). It was set in the future, and the story followed a black cop as he fought crime and built a squad of criminals to help him fight crime. I remember it being very centered around the music, and the animation style was dark and kinda blocky, almost like a darker FLCL or something similar to the Gorillaz animation style. This has been killing me for days now.

tl;dr need name of black cop music video anime short film

Gonna dump random pictures for a while so the thread doesn't die.

There is literally an entire board for this kind of thing now.

/wsr/ is literally pointless. Also I know that more people will see the thread on Sup Forums, and Sup Forumsnons are much more likely to know what I am thinking of.

This is simply the more proactive approach.


Gonna dump the nichijou calendar

>/wsr/ is literally pointless.
It is has a point, keeping shitty recs threads off of Sup Forums.





The BBC Rises









