What is up with this?
What is up with this?
>dragonball will never look this good again
Now that's a big 2016 gohan.
>comparing movie budget with tv series budget
His head had shrunk.
>overcast/dark surroundings
>generic daytime shadows on 2016
Where is the light source coming from in 2016? In 1993 his whole face is dark with light projecting on it but 2016 shadows look like he's in broad daylight when he's clearly not.
>I had so high hopes but it just gets worse and worse with every new episode
man i did forget how beautiful 1993 was.
back then one thought everything will get even better. how naive one was.
They had more money back then.
Toei knows dragonball fans are huge retards who will buy whatever garbage they put out. Reminder that the same studio made this visual masterpiece a few years back.
History of Trunks was a TV special, not a movie
jesus, you retard
for you
that fallen down traffic light illuminating his face in 1993. mmmm delicious
Modern anime looks like dogshit compared to 80s and early 90s series, this is common knowledge to anyone older than 13
Is that what it was? Could've fooled me
Good thing for the anime scene most of the people that still seem to care and expect things from anime particularly TV stuff are retarded millenials and otaku who only give a shit about event tickets and waifus. I still maintain that modern anime fans have the lowest and most inconsistent standards of any fandom I've ever seen. Their willingness to defend and support outright crap but then also shit on or ignore kind of decent stuff just to I guess be stupid in forums together never ceases to amaze. Honestly when I think of modern anime I just kind of think cheap and incompetently produced. It's also no wonder CGI is kind of taking over in Japan since the stuff they're making with that now is actually starting to look more and more competent in the right hands lately while 2D animation techniques have actually resulted in animation and story-boarding skill sets atrophying with the advent of computer assisted drawing. The average TV series nowadays also looks kind of awful compared to even the late 2000's.
It's just been a really bad decade for anime, like worse than the early 2000's even. All that said this is one of the few TV anime I actually feel like watching lately otherwise it's been strictly movies and the very occasional episode of Macross Delta.
Stop posting this.
They still haven't find a way to mix all the different art approaches naturally.
It's awful to see photo tracing backgrounds with simplistic animated characters plus the low end CGI transportations. It's just abomination.
Been rewatching some older stuff and when a 2007 series like Code Geass that would go on to have 50 episodes looks substantially better in terms of animation cuts than the average 2016 series that's only 12 episodes long and has a modest advertising budget and staff on board it really says a lot. I swear the average thing just used to look better even a few years ago though and you didn't have a show or two every season clearly falling apart on the production line and having to be postponed or just look and play out absolutely awful.
Maybe the industry just needs to stop making so much random commercial shit already and actually focus on making things that can kind of define it as distinct in it's own right because right now I'm just not seeing it. I'm just seeing a lot of mediocre 1 cour commercials for light novel and cell phone games where in order to satisfy production committee demands and the few thousand otaku that might buy their shit there's no room for experimentation and maybe the occasionally ultra shitty original with overused and uninspired people like Hiroyuki Sawano and random director that directed some hit otaku thing but isn't very good at his job.
The supposed top industry people in this generation really fucking suck and are all commercial hacks is also a problem. I mean you kind of have Hosoda and Shinkai (Anno too?) and then a huge drop and then you get the supposed top industry superstars of the current era which I guess are guys like Shinbo, Urobuchi, Maeda, Kawahara Reki, Ichiro Okouchi, Sawano, Kajiura, Okada, Hanada, Yoshida etc.
I think deep down through all the shitposting and fakery /a know shit is bad now and it's even feeding into the upswing of shitposting. I don't think communities like MAL and Crunchyroll really do, they'll eat up just about anything
Yeah you're pretty much echoing exactly how I feel. The medium peaked at some point in the late 80s or early 90s, depending on who you ask and how many shows from each respective era they liked a lot. I don't know what the fuck happened but it's been sharply downhill from there and yeah right now everything (with the exception of a good Madhouse title and a few gems here and there) is such outright shit it's completely beyond me how people continue to support this industry that puts out almost entirely bad content, much of it bordering on offensively so. I can only assume it's a younger generation of people that aren't aware anime used to be a product that the creators actually cared about and didn't look fucking horrendous. I just straight up can't look at 95% of modern anime.
>I just straight up can't look at 95% of modern anime.
95% percent of old anime also sucked dick
This isn't news
Yeah well there's obviously still lots of work to be done. The motion capture on the CGI can also be kind of goofy due to Japanese actors tendency to overact even the simplest bits with unnecessary face miming and teeth nashing. Personally I blame Toshiro Mifune for popularizing that sort of thing and being pretty much the Humphrey Bogart of the Japanese acting scene in terms of legacy and inspiration.
>>I posted it again, LOL!!!!111111
In the early days there were a few dozen shows a year, not several dozen every season, and almost everything was of competent quality. Go back and actually watch some, you'll be surprised.
They should have just used the old scene like in other episodes
>and almost everything was of competent quality
Incredibly powerful delusion
How indeed
No, I've just actually watched a significant amount of anime from every decade unlike yourself and know what I'm talking about.
I honestly feel this is what modern day Dragon Ball should look like even though this was a TV special.
Kill yourself retard
You realize that 95 percent of stuff in the 90's was pure garbage too right? We're getting more good shows per season than we ever would have gotten in the 90's, and it really does not look as horrible as you seem to think it does. Yes, the CG shit in action shows looks absolutely horrible, but outside of the action genre this literally isn't a problem.
You just have rosy memories of the 90's because you don't remember all of the pure garbage that was being released at the time.
nice bait desu~
1. Modern animators are paid like shit
2. Lot's of out sourcing.
3. The skilled animators are Literally dying, and are unable to pass of the craft to the new generations.
The 90s started going downhill somewhere midway, the early 90s were gold and arguably the peak of the medium. Comparing the early 90s to the current era is hilarious.
In general it's not worth investing in animation. People might complain but in the end nobody gives a shit if the animation is garbage. If they did, replacing all action with pig-disgusting CG would never have happened. And yet it's the mainstream nowadays.
Toei is especially bad because their audience isn't really buyfaggy, and they know this. Why bother investing in animation? "Complaints" are meaningless, they still make money.
>responding to fucking Aniplex guy
Lurk more and you'll start to notice his posting style, and then you'll realize how much of a shitposting faggot he is and stop replying to him.
This is Fall 1991. Fuck off.
Your argument is that you don't recognize these three shows (which all have good ratings and reviews) so I should fuck off? Okay.
>DB will never be good again
Maybe in 20 years there'll be DBS Kai
I think production committees just gained far too much power over the industry and have turned it into a 100% commercial outlet for their whims as opposed to just mostly one and it's particularly noticeable since about late 2014 where I'd argue there hasn't been a single net good TV season since. Now directors aren't even okay to experiment or do anything that could conceivably go against what they want in terms of commercial interest since there isn't even the separation of sponsor and animation studio anymore, the producers just assume direct control over everything.
A directors job now is basically to find ways to save money on episodes, act as a go-between in terms of the demands of the production committee and make sure their whims get served in the production of the anime. A director might want nothing more than to have a scene play out a certain way for logical development purposes or try a certain shot sequence they've been dreaming up, but a production committee big shot might want an insert song in the next episode or focus to a character that is being given a new figurine soon or whose seiyuu the production committee member owns the contract rights too so instead of getting to do things the way the staff would like or that even make sense in the flow of the show they're stuck finding ways to accommodate the production committee and patch things up most of the time which means most shows end up coming out kind of soulless, samey and rote, if not outright nonsensical particularly when production committees are always pushing the same kinds of artists and things.
Another way to put it is when a single light novel can easily get funding for a movie trilogy that comes out to mixed reviews and box office but an internationally acclaimed director like Satoshi Kon's The Dream Machine still can't get funding to finish the last 66% or so of the movie the industry has revealed itself to have no soul or passion anymore.
Not that user. But most of these TV series were far from "peak of the medium". Production value wasn't higher than modern anime and it's not even comparable quantity wise.
There hasn't been a Yokoyama anime since GR.
>Nothing good since 2014
What? There have been several good shows this year alone. Studie Deen put out Rakugo and KonoSuba in the same season, for God's sake.
>We're getting more good shows per season than we ever would have gotten in the 90's
Honestly I don't fucking see it. It's not like I haven't been watching some 2000's stuff either. I think things were going at least alright up until about late 2014 like I said and then just after that I honestly can't remember any strong seasons or particularly memorable shows. It's been like this for almost 10 straight seasons now and I just don't remember a stretch during the 90's where I had that much trouble finding things to watch. It might be though because back then if you found a show it might actually be bothered to run for 2-4 cours either as an original or component adaptation to something instead of just the constant turnover of 1 cour commercials to get people to read the source that we get now. I think it's no coincidence that literally the only shows I've stuck with in this awful stretch for anime have been 2 cour or longer.
The early 90's before the economic bubble burst had some of the best animation quality if not the best in the history of anime. It really really something to see up until about the mid 90's as you say.
None of those are "Aniplex Guy". You don't actually seem to recognize the supposed posting style at all. Try shutting the fuck up.
As long as they made quality movies all isn't lost. BoG was pretty good. RF wasn't and iirc had some weird CGI thing going on.
Fuck off
>Production value wasn't higher than modern anime
In the 80s during Japan's bubble economy the budget was way, way higher than that of modern anime. Probably not so much in the 90s, but it's still obviously way higher budget than what we're looking at now outside of outlier studios like Madhouse and Ghibli.
>it's not even comparable quantity wise
Quantity over quality is a bad thing and is partially responsible for why modern anime is on such a quality decline.
You obviously like longer shows then, in which case the current era isn't great for you.
Are you seriously going to tell me that nothing of any value came out in 2015 or 2016?
If we're talking about shows that look good, then look at spring of this year. Kabaneri and Kiznaiver, while not being great shows in terms of writing, both looked very good, and Kiznaiver especially had good visual direction.
>Quantity over quality is a bad thing and is partially responsible for why modern anime is on such a quality decline.
People have been saying this bullshit since 1997
> It's particularly noticeable since about late 2014 where I'd argue there hasn't been a single net good TV season since.
>Nothing good since 2014
One of these was something that was actually said, the other is a strawman you just made up to reply too. Pretty bad stuff. Yes though Rakugo is one of the few decent and fresh feeling things to come out of late and I consider it a miracle it's getting a followup season. Shirobako is one of the other rare ones that kind of stands out of. Haven't seen KonoSuba and doubt it would appeal to me since I don't really like 95% of light novel stuff. That's really about all that comes to mind since about the time Hunter x Hunter 2011 wrapped up. That was the last time where I really looked at a show and was like "boy does this staff really and demonstrably give a shit about what they're doing with an adaptation"
Anime has been shit since the 90s.
Didn't Japan suffer a big depression at some point during the 90's also?
Having a higher budget doesn't automatically make the animation quality better than what we have now.
If you just go watch one or two episodes from any of those old TV series you'd notice there's nothing really stand out quality wise.
I remember when they talked about how the Kai series will be released without all the filler and with a propper budget that will convey the fights as they are supposed to be.
what hickory smoked whoreshit that claim turned out to be but atleast it curbed all my possible hype for DB super.
I never even watched one episode as a matter of fact.
Nope sure isn't. Kind of why I've gone over to watching more Netflix stuff, reading some books or graphic novels, playing video games or just streaming things like E-Sports in my down time because there's way more variety in content in all those mediums and if I find something I like it actually lasts and is often in an hour or longer format. Also I just find most anime barely have themes that even remotely resonate with me anymore so much as annoy me and seem oriented towards shitty people and their world views. Even if I'm just looking for some random fun and something light and amusing to wind down too it's hard as fuck with modern anime cause usually I'm either stuck with shows full of annoying asshole teenagers and their high school romantic melodrama problems or power fantasies again with annoying as fuck teenage characters clearly targeted specifically at niche otaku living in Japan and the mostly braindead Crunchyroll crowd that eat that sort of shit up season after season.
Anime movies don't really have this problem, but I feel they're about to start getting there too with all the otaku bait trilogy type stuff being planned for 2017 that probably won't do anything to take advantage of the format anyway. Going by the release dates and double dipping strategies the splitting up of this stuff is clearly being done to mirror DLC type scamming that the Japanese gaming industry helped popularized in order to milk more money out of hardcore types, not because these sorts of things would turn out especially well if done in that style.
Basically this industry is way too commercialized and homogenized for it's own good now and there's no turning back that I can see now that the industry has committed to it's current direction of milking stupid otaku people.
Try watching any Trigger show. High risk original projects, usually with a ton of heart gorgeous art.
They've been suffering through one right now, but I don't think that's the direct cause of the current creative downturn and borderline pathological laziness and complacency that runs rampant in the anime industry and it's fanbase.
Humanity is going down the tubes so everything has to be made on less
I do want to give Luluco a try, but have no interest in Kiznaiver which just looks like one of those Aniplex original abortions more than something that Trigger really wanted to put it's staffs creative drives into. It also sounds like it was really let down by just awful melodramatic writing and characters that were a bad fit for Trigger to begin with.
You really can't find anything lighthearted to watch that isn't full of annoying asshole teenagers? There are multiple shows like that airing right fucking now.
The only genre that's doing badly right now is action/mecha, and good riddance too.
>In the 80s during Japan's bubble economy the budget was way, way higher than that of modern anime. Probably not so much in the 90s, but it's still obviously way higher budget than what we're looking at now outside of outlier studios like Madhouse and Ghibli.
That's completely wrong. The bubble economy didn't have much impact on the anime industry because it was too small and immature. Money in the industry was pretty much non-existent in the 80's comparing to modern times.
>mecha is dead
What went wrong?
FLCL/TTGL/NGE took the genre to its logical conclusion. It had nowhere to go from there but down.
Remember, old anime used to look like shit sometimes too.
Yeah, and instead of that stuff filtering through a dozen or so studios making quality stuff we get 100+ shit shows a year.
Why is Valvrave not the Valvrave of its own decade?
I understand TTGL as the biggest and NGE as the lowest, but whats the logical conclusion of FLCL?
What does "Valvrave" indicate here? Trainwreck series that no one can look away from?
>less money means more quality stuff
Don't kid yourself. There's not a single series from the 80's that can not be matched quality wise by a modern series.
Photo tracing backgrounds should match with detailed characters.
Its the artsyle and designs. New DB even falls short when they have a larger budget like in two movies. Those movies look good but for me they don't come close to movies 12 and 13 or the 10th anniversary movie.
And its kind of like that for most anime nowadays. There are still good anime coming out, but they don't reach the highs that they used to.
Those are all from the same series. Same episode, even.
>not recognizing that reply
I suppose it has been a while, but unless theres a lot of unspoken sarcasm here, lurk more
>he isn't up to date with the latest ironic memes and didn't immediately recognize one
I'm glad I didn't touch this garbage.
How can they be honestly satisfied as artists after watching the first special?
I sincerely do not understand. It must be disheartening to work on something you've taken inspiration from and only be able to deliver this shit, either because of higher ups or lack of ability. Fuck.
You sure? The shadows and shading on Vegeta's tits and chestplate are very wrong.
Dragon Quest was fucking great here on my country. You fuck off.
I keep on wondering why they didn't use the manga version.
How many of you faked a scream with no sound to transform into Super Sayajin?
those are all from the same show, same episode even.
nah, I just did the ki thing gohan taught videl
jesus fuck it's beautiful. I always had it at the top my to watch list but this fucking makes me want to watch it now. so much work in every background.
People usually focus on animation but side by side you can see that backgrounds, composition, coloring everything got worse. The industry got to greedy for it's own good. Their underpaid young staff can't get on that level.