Why isn't your waifu /fit/?
Why isn't your waifu /fit/?
Spends too much time in the lab
Because I'm not a faggot so I'm not attracted to masculine features.
Why isn't YOUR waifu fit?
She seems pretty scrawny to me
>masculine features
you're just intimidaded by /fit/ people, being a lazy fat fuck yourself. And the combination of pretty girl + abs makes you terrified, even if she is 2D
My waifu is overweight, has a fat face that nearly takes up the whole screen, and has down syndrome. She needs to get her life together.
J.C. Staff going from violent tsundere to meme girls was worth it
how does it feel to have a crush on your sister?
Is this anime good? Should I watch it?
Because she needs to be soft in the right places and not muscle woman.
No. No.
it feels lewd
What? I'm not /fit/ but I'm working on it and I'm going to get fit for my waifu. I'm a man and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. I'm going to become a man worthy protecting my girl while she stays feminine and beautiful.
But if masculine features turns you on, you probably have some serious issues.
>skin and bones
She is literally just a teenage boi
Its Arslan/Kiba flavored mediocre; not worth it.
>tfw you want to finish it though
>muscles are constantly hard as rock
She is.
Good taste
she's /fit/ enough for my dick
Because I'm not gay. Women are elegant, not fit.
>Women are elegant, not fit.
If abs or any other sort of toned musculature is a turn on for you, then you are at least gay-leaning. Likely full faggot though, closeted or not.
Women are not meant to be /fit/, at least not how OP seems to be implying.
Just slightly visible abs are elder god tier on women, you queer.
>i prefer my waifu to look like a husbando but im not gay, i swear on my mothers life.
Depends on what you want from it. It focuses more on two bros blowing shit up than on the girls. I like it a lot, too bad s2 never.
Heavy Object was a good anime.
Toned musculature, no matter how slight, is not a womanly thing. No women gets /fit/ just by doing woman things. Even as a primitive species, women would just sit around in caves while the men hunted.
Women have to undergo very specialized and very vigorous workout programs to gain any sort of toned musculature, for the sole purpose of not looking like a woman. They can't gain it like men can just by being physically active.
1. there is literally nothing wrong with being gay and being afraid of being gay is the quickest way to display your insecurity
2. women can be both fit and elegant and soft
If I didn't know any better, I would've thought this was tachibana omina
there is so much wrong with this post I don't even know where to begin. appeal to nature, the bad anthropology, bad sociology, bad physiology
She's a big girl
>there are "people" who don't want a little meat on their girls
>they think that muscles are always rock hard
>they think that a bony ass is softer than a meaty one
Wew lads. Get some taste.
Because she's 7.
Great argument, man. You really showed me.
Fuck off.
Anything more "fit" than pic related on a woman is simply unhealthy, and this is already pushing it.
Fit for women is not the same thing as fit for men. What you think of /fit/ is not normal for females.
1. I never once stated that i was against gays.
2. The post i replied to ended in "you queer" showing that he himself was the homophobe.
3. Its literally all down to personal preferencw and my reply was just to highlight the fact that the poster said that abs on women weren't gay while attempting to hide his own homosexuality by calling others "queer".
Man, she was by far the best Claymore.
Anorexia isn't healthy, user.
>I was just pretending to be insecure about my sexuality
She is.
what is the best part of a fit girl, my vote goes to vagina bones
Back and thighs. Can't decide.
>I didnt read the original reply.
We're still talking about anime girls right? Not real women? Because in anime women do non "woman things" all the time.
Closet gay thread?
I meant more along the lines of women don't get toned by doing any sort of physical activity outside of specialized training programs and / or drugs. Like, a woman can run around and swing a sword all day if she wants. She will be healthy, but not toned.
I guess this would apply to anime women too.
can robot girls be fit?
>t. homosexual apologist
>Because in anime women do non "woman things" all the time.
Well, certainly not cute anime women.
Skinny cute girls in skirts are THE BEST!
>Skinny cute girls in skirts are the blandest
There, fixed that for you.
She is, but faggot nips don't want to draw her that way.
Unless Valmet
Would Frolaytia be confident or submissive if she got double teamed?
She could be submissive because she's conscious of her pride and being a nervous virgin but she's also likes to dominate once she gets over the initial nervousness her sexual hunger could overpower and Hevia and Quenser.
quit replying to the closet fag
>her sexual hunger could overpower
every human being ever
>Hevia and Quenser
No one cares about those two, gu/y/.
She is perfectly fit. OP is a bundle of sticks.
Shame on you for not knowing your waifu better.
Give me one good reason why she should be
How did she manage to have so many fantastic outfits?
>Sexy military uniform
>Sexy yukata
>Spats and sports bra
>Santa mini skirt and bikini
Well, she is from a privileged family
I don't understand what was going on in this doujin.
It starts off totally normal with Frolaytia getting drunk and fucking Quenser, then I guess they kind of start a romantic relationship? Then Hevia NTR's him but Frolayita and Hevia both look awkward and disappointed while they're doing it. Then Quenser and Frolaytia make up, then Frolaytia gets gang banged by fat old men but doesn't get mind broken. Then she gets gang banged by Quenser and Hevia and seems to enjoy it.
Oh but she is. Good taste OP
What is this? A waifu for ants?
Your waifu is so fit every one of her dimensions is tiny.
/fit/ girls are warmer to the touch, enjoy rougher sex, and can crush an inserted dick numb.
Only a faggot can't handle it.