What did he mean by this?
Is being raped illegal in Japan?
What did he mean by this?
Sauce please?
As much as a meme it is in the US, victim blaming and shaming is amped up to eleven in Japan. If you think you're in the right by yelling at that guy groping your ass on the train to stop, you got another thing coming.
Or maybe I watch too much anime.
It's the usual "You'll be shamed if other people find out you were raped" Japanese nonsense.
Honesty, you're telling me a 4channer isn't aware of this hentai cliche?
It meant she's an idol.
Dunno where that's from but that looks like a translation issue or you're misunderstanding it.
I'd guess it's another of those "don't tell anyone about this because you'll be troubled as well, I think you get it, right?"
Honda-san wa Minna no
Anyone know if the C90 one is supposed to be a sequel/prequel to this?
great tumblr tier thread
The threat is that if it gets uploaded on the internet, her current and future classmates, coworkers, and bosses could fap to it.
If they remember her face, it could make her relationships very difficult with them, and gossips spreads pretty fast in Japan.
So basically muh shame
I doubt that it would work in real life
Man, if in real life people have a hard time interacting with you because they watched a video of you getting raped then they aren't worth shit. Why are people always portrayed as such unsympathetic nasty, bullying, sheep with fragile as fuck self esteem. They can't really be based on real life?
I feel I already know the answer but I ask anyway.
If not for the cartoons i would bomb Japan everyday.
>Japan actually shamed and today still shames WW2 bomb survivors for not having the good taste to die
No wonder they stab handicaps in their bed.
Someone really didn't like rolling Honda a lot
>Don't tell anyone that I raped you, or else I'll show everyone undeniable evidence that I raped you!
Sup Forums thinking that this applies in real life isn't any different from the retards who think that pizza delivery starts with a hot woman coming out of a shower to greet you.
Fucking this, thinking about modern Japan just fucking angers and digusts me with how shitty the people and their culture can be. I never really noticed much of a resentment I harbored despite always eating up anime. How do weaboos worship that place.
That would actually backfire on her since she's an idol.
Why would the people who make these moonrunes so constantly and horribly exaggerate the extent their people can be assholes then? It's not even just hentai where things are expected to be ridiculous.
Idoling is a horrible fucking profession anyway. Like some kind of artificial celebrity workshop where you never get to become a fully independent human being. Celebrities in the west are still awful but at least they are genuine people.
>Celebrities in the west are still awful but at least they are genuine people.
>genuine people
You're joking, right?
Calm down and fuck off back to tumblr
> Like some kind of artificial celebrity workshop where you never get to become a fully independent human being
Well, they IDOLS after all.
>rationalizing your porn
What you're meant to understand is that Honda Mio is a slut and deserves that. Thus that young man can't be accountable for the crime
>have sex/be raped
>you're ruined for marriage for life
This isn't just a meme in nipland
Getting emotional over other countries' business that doesn't directly affect you is pretty lame desu
Have we following the same news?
Last time I followed the news with japan, I found that it was pretty easy to get anyone arrested for that, in fact it was so easy, that they were arresting plenty of people wrongly.
Simple, only sluts get raped, thus if people see a video of her getting raped they'll know she's a slut.
They try their best to be fake but western media feeds off of them being human and fucking up. I don't fucking like them but I can't say they are as much of drones as idols.
I just think it's a retarded field.
I guess rape is a meme no matter where then.
>implying tumblr cares about actual rape happening in other countries
>he knows what tumblr cares about
Fuck off back to tumblr
How many nukes did they actually deserve?
None because they did literally nothing wrong
It was Mio so it's ok
One back in 1945, one now.
Between that would be a contact that results in one nuke every time the UN would find their culture absolutely disturbing with 95% approval
You get plenty of exposure to it on Sup Forums alone.
They raise up enough fuss for you to hear about it on other sites. Most of the time they're complaining about racism/sexism in the media.
I can't argue with this
wow a lot of beta cucks in here whining they cant slurp up cum from some used slut's cunt
More like a bunch of morons taking doujinshi seriously
Nah, it's more that in typically monogamous or puritan societies, there's the idea that non-virgin women are used goods so you lose your honor and respect when you're raped or have sex outside of marriage
>Why would the people who make these moonrunes so constantly and horribly exaggerate the extent their people can be assholes then? It's not even just hentai where things are expected to be ridiculous.
Cheap drama, it is an easy way for writers to make a character sympathetic. They don't consider how it portrays japanese people because japanese people already know how japanese people actually are.
That's Islam, not Japan.
okay, leave this place now and never come back you normie piece of shit you made me angry
>Claiming Japan is not all about muh honor
you got angry over someone else's opinion
more you need to leave too.
Well just compare that to nations under Sharia law.
>Report a rape
>Get blamed for being a slut
>Be shunned by your family because you've brought dishonor to them by having extramarital sex
>Require 4 male witnesses or else you'll be whipped for adultery
>You'll probably be stoned alongside your rapist anyway
>Could be set on fire in states where even Sharia isn't hard enough
You can only understand Sharia and the Muslim mindset if you study history, especially the medical and theological texts of the Middle Ages. Back then, it was believed that women were the source of sin, particularly carnal sin, because Eve seduced Adam into eating the Fruit of Life. So if a woman was raped, it was automatically her fault for tempting the man to break moral boundaries. The man would be punished for breaking the law, but the woman would be held responsible for it. The medical texts of the era also believed that men require regular and frequent sex to reduce their dangerous libido. That's why Islamic cultures like Afghanistan promote and condone the use of young boys as sexual toys, because both sides need to release their libido. If you use a woman, you might be satisfied, but the woman gets nothing from it according to this medieval way of thinking.
And these are the people that libfags want to bring in to the country.
>getting mad at some words on the internet
Kill yourself, faggot. What he says is absolutely correct, Japanese working culture and all the muh honor are fucking awful. 2 nukes were not enough.
Rape should be excluded obviously but casual sex should be genuinely punishable by the death sentence for both parties.
Japan is a sick society in some ways. While there's probably just as much wrong with America, Japan has a bad tendency not to address or even discuss its problems. Look up the Japan FAQ Primer.
Virginity over the age of 21 should be punished by increasingly harsh measures, with execution at the age of 30.
I think execution should be done AT 21
A 100% government supported ensured death with no chance of becoming a vegetable and becoming a burden on my family is exactly what I want.
Why would saying hello to someone be illegal?