Does anyone in Eastern Europe care about "whitenesss"

Or do your racists just care about keeping your countries majority Polish, Russian, Hungarian, and so forth.

It seems like "whiteness" is a meme with no firm genetic foundation, clear boundaries, or culture.

We have no niggers, so no need to :)

>posting this with a nazi flag

>2017 wanting to be white
keep your white guilt and nigger loving for yourself

I'm not denying race faggot. I'm denying the notion that you can define a European race with clear boundaries. You can't. There is no such thing as a 'white gene.' Only (for example) Italian, Hungarian, British, etc genes.

Yeah, we call our mountain monkeys чepнoжoпый, which basically means black asshole.

I know in Hungary they don't explicitly talk about whiteness because they know that triggers the autistic westcucks into seizure induced hysteria. But, being Hungarian automatically implies whiteness so It doesn't matter. Central Europe is race conscious and wants to preserve its white heritage.

We dont care about "white" western cucks.
Fuck off.

> (OP)
I think they're more concerned with Hungarian-ness than whiteness. Whiteness may be a necessary condition but it isn't sufficient. They don't want to be swarmed by Albanians.


Continentals dont really use white, here it is only recently reported by americucked leftis.

Yea Hungarians are definitely not interested in mixing with other whites. We respect them, but we want to preserve the Magyar-flavour of white. So you are right. Hungarianess comes before whiteness.
We support the self-actualization of other whites, but within their own countries. We are not interested in being a dumping ground for all the west cucks who can't fix their own homelands.

Quit it with the LARPing, leaf.

Haha I always forget about Eastern-Europe when thinking of the world. I always think just Russia or cheap Polish workers. No one takes eastern europe seriously.

Why would I be larping you meme-flagged faggot?

at least where I live it's only on surface level. if you look white you are white, no one cares about genetics.

When talking to an eastern european on this board, you know hes white.
When talking to a "dutch", motherfucker can be anything from a nigger, sand nigger, curry nigger, nigger nigger, or any other form of nigger. Oh, and possibly some limp wristed white beta male loser cuck.

Hungarians don't care about whiteness, as evidenced by the fact that there are hordes of Chinese walking are Budapest. Actually, it's much easier to come to Hungary as an Asian than a Westerner. All Hungarians care about is if you have money.




Slavs are too stupid to even conceive concepts like race. They just live like all other animals. They, argue, fuck, beat wife and eat.

Stop trying to turn this into a slav hate thread shill.

Need some other noticable skin color in the society for it to make sense

By your definition you would support the EU if it simply stopped with the migrant shenanigans.

We hate the gipsies, that would be our version of white `supremacism`...

"Le white Nationalism" is solely american thing because of nigger/beaner influx they have and lack of "ethic american".
Eastern europeans could give two shits about whiteness and are more concerned about their own ethnic nationalism and hatred of gypsies, tatars, chechens and rest of foreign europeans.
Some slavs care more about Pan-Slavic Nationalism than western huwhite degeneration.


>ctrl+f white in catalog
>44 results