is this pokemon
Best girl.
CGI in this was pretty amazing.
Holy shit i watched it on tv so long ago
It was a good show.
Prepare for feels
and we have garbage like berserk anime in 2016
Yeah this show was pretty legitimately good. The racing scenes were really well animated too.
Better than most anime nowadays to be honest.
This was co-produced with the French, right? Or some shit like that.
Completely forgot about this show, loved it as a kid
That really was an incredibly powerful ed
even now it pulls on the heart string
The show wasn't perfect, but overall it was a pretty well done little story
Shit, this show brings back the memories. Where did the last 10 years go.
That's because it started out as CGI clip.
What never?
>Remember seeing it on TV
>"What is this crap, Phantom Menace ripoff?! Where are their noses, lel?"
>one of absolute favorite shows these days
I really want to see a genuine anime like Oban with some better writing. Like, I enjoyed Oban, but I thought the shift from the Alwas Arc to Oban arc introduced too many new characters that didn't really get developed, like the lesbian twin vampires or the robot who only wanted to gain a soul.
Aside from IGPX, are there any other sci-fi racing anime? I know that Outlaw Star had one episode of that, but that was kind of a boring episode.
The creator was French. No studio in France wanted a cartoon with a female solo lead so he went to a Japanese studio to pitch it.
Also Thomas Romain, the creator of Code Lyoko, worked on it as well. He is now working on Macross Delta.
They also had an advertising compagny do the cgi if I remember the artbook correctly.
The nip only animated the 2D part
I thought romance with Jordan was a little out of nowhere.
And now he must spend eternity as an Avatar knowing he will never tap Eve
Yeah, that kind of felt like an asspull just to give Jordan some character development besides gung-ho military soldier guy.
And now he's the God of Getting Cucked
But what about Code Lyoko or that one Frenchime about the world being blown into a bunch of sky islands? They had female main characters.
>Jordan will spend the rest of his life(?) without being able to tap that ass
What a shame
french digs female protagonists
this one has questionable gender though
The design of everything in this was fucking great.
That is why I said solo lead. Those others were groups which companies see hitting a wider demographic rather than solo female leads which hit smaller ones.
french animation is long dead anyway
Can't believe it's already been 10 years.
The OP song pretty much debuts AKINO