Drawfag Thread 1839
second rarfag's files until thread 1819: mediafire.com/folder/m5rhvc5a9bfku
Draw Friends Booru!
Please help a little by tagging and uploading pics!
Tag list of artists and colorists: pastebin.com/J0dJ6gtn
Missed a delivery or sudden 404? desuarchive.org/a/
Drawfaggin' references and tablet guide: docs.google.com/document/d/1r76FugZ2pZIE74LdSEBMwGJ7HxweawNdoGrNT6hrOfs/edit
Thread 1838
Requesting Color of Shion wearing a high-leg leotard
Color ref: imgur.com/a/aFK2r
thanks in advance
Requesting Diego Brando and Funny Valentine in an extreme jousting duel with spears, on motorcycles.
Requesting this with Mob and Reigen
Requesting Yupiel-sama doing cute things.
What's happening, everyone? Can I get this Freshwater Mermaid (pictured on the left) in Splash Woman's outfit (on the right)?
Have a fun thread, everyone!