With the right in control, Sup Forums will turn left again

with the right in control, Sup Forums will turn left again

>the right
>in control
Yeah nah

So you’re saying four Chan is just a bunch of contrary and assholes? Cause that would make total sense.

So easy to spot newfags.

T.started coming here in 2016

The left needs censorship to survive.

Sup Forums was never left

Please stop spouting off shit you hear other newfags spout off thinking it's true.

Newfag detected, you don't remember the old days because you weren't there, Sup Forums was left


If anything we were neutral. Lefties aren’t allowed to say nigger. Back then every other macro/meme phrase had nigger in it

If i have to generalize:

Sup Forums is a libertarian core with a contrarian/edgy paintjob.

Left/right or whatever, Sup Forums will keep calling people niggerfaggots and insisting Hitler did nothing wrong until it stops rustling people's jimmies, whereupon they will move on to whatever does after that.


Left/Right means nothing anymore.

Sup Forums will always be more 'right' as in right vs wrong because it's a free speech board populated with white and asian males. The truth gets pushed to the top.

nigger kike nigger kike
nigger kike nigger kike
nigger kike nigger like
Nigger Kike Nigger Kike
nigger kike nigger kike

wow so left wing

that musta been before the le party switch when the left was racist but they aren't anymore

The right aren't in control. That's exactly the point. Have you not been following events for the past few years? Even the Conservative party here is socially liberal as hell.

How new are you?

It will be anti cuckservative, there is nothing wrong with that

>WTF!!! We love our rapist Hollywood Jew supporters now!!!

The media are still leaning left though.

>Sup Forums

Sup Forums was never left. And it'll never be right, either. Sup Forums is chaos.

The left doesn't run around screaming 'NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER' at everyone and the right doesn't run around laughing 'CHRISTFAGS, AMIRITE?'

The left doesn't say shit like 'TITS OR GTFO' and the right doesn't say shit like 'SHOW ME THAT BOIPUSSY'.

Sup Forums is beyond 'left' vs 'right'.

The left still controls the narrative, so the counterculture remains right wing. The day Sup Forums becomes a liberal shithole is the day Don Lemon willingly fellates Trump live on national television.

It already was.


>in control
Dude, take a look at what's happening in Sweden, Germany, the UK, Canada. The left and their globalist masters are doubling down their efforts to destroy our nations.

Can't speak for the whole site, but Sup Forums is fa from being contrarian. It challenges your view points. Meme flags were NOT a mistake.

Now go back to your hugbox, plebbitor.

Shitty attempt at revisionist history by leftist. You guys keep pushing the idea that Sup Forums was left wing but it never was at any point and you guys are just shills of the highest order trying to put this thought into newfags minds. Fuck off.

>spotting newfags
Lurk more.

>oldm00t posting shit like (USER WAS CREMATED FOR THIS POST)
>EVER left wing.

>but but /new/ was shoad because of the gulag and tranny maymays! Sup Forums was leftwing!

That would require the left being capable of winning arguments, which is currently impossible as the pillars holding up the core of their philosophy are not based in reality.

>doubling down their efforts

That's because they're panicking, they're called "death throes".

We go against the grain. Turn on the TV and tell me the right is still in control, even with Trump as POTUS the left still have the media.


Niggers, Jews, Bad news!

this but unironically

>the right is in control

>anonymous board with little to no moderation
Is this thread about impossibilities?

Here's your (you)

>Sup Forums is chaos.
>Sup Forums is beyond 'left' vs 'right'.
this would be my assessment also


lol newfag. Sup Forums hated bush back in the day. don't fucking reply to me again nigger.

>Sup Forums is republican
>bush is right wing
>t. false dichotomy brainlet

>leaf intelligence

> Ron Paul
> left

nice argument

Sup Forums was with Ron Paul in 2008 and 2012

How is that left wing?

protip: neocons are not real right wingers

anonymous only wants the truth and if the left or right is lying, it's pointed out. with some bantz on the side

Hello CTR

Sup Forums was shitting on illegals and their anchor babies before this board existed.

guten tag reddit!

> he does not even know about the Doom Paul meme

good goy

Talking like you know what 4 chan was like in the old days. I'd be surprised if anyone from the old days actually still posted. Most likely they lurk, but I doubt most old fags are even still here.

2004 fag reporting in.

Used to post in Sup Forums during high school. Now two kids, with job. Posting in Sup Forums exclusively. Sometimes /x/.

>Sup Forums is a libertarian core with a contrarian/edgy paintjob.
This desu. I'd say Sup Forums is as close as we're gonna get to an online simulation of an AnCap society.

edgy and offensive =/= right-wing

I made this same thread like 2 hours ago and got 3 replies calling me retarded. I'm starting to believe this implicit bias stuff.

cringing hard at how new you are desu

not even /n/ was left-wing

heck, moot even deleted it and /new/ because they triggered his leftie cuck feelings

Only in r/Sup Forums.

I'm not saying that they were left-wing, I'm just saying that edginess and offensiveness are more so libertarian characteristics than right-wing ones.

libertarianism IS right-wing

It doesn’t seem that way

There is no such thing as edgy and offensive in the left unless it's against whites. Lolbertarians don't count.

leftism dies with the boomer rats.

Most non-racial edginess in the left comes in the form of attacks on religion. Basically the militant atheist Sam Harris types who say edgy things about Christians and more recently Muslims.

Sup Forums always loved Hitler, it wasn't leftist.

his edginess is of a completely different nature

he attacks Christianity and Islam because he thinks those religions are not moral enough, and that only true secularism is truly moral

Sup Forums attacks on religion come from the right, from Nietzsche, from nihilism, and have very little to do with the "defense of the downtrodden" which is the moral core of leftism

>Sup Forums
even someone as new as me can call that bullshit

11 years, almost 12 now. Pretty crazy that I was a newfag compared to people who'd only been here two or three years, now these newfags are here with anons who have 10+ years and they don't even realize how obvious it is that they're sub one or two years.

As far as the op, Sup Forums has almost always called out bullshit where it cropped up. The hivemind is still pretty diverse despite leaning certain directions on certain issues. One thing I distinctly recall from the old days was how subversive tactics and greedy business practices would be called out.

Horse amour DLC in Oblivion/ Activision CEO Bobby is one of the earliest examples I can recall where a community/hobby/interest was beginning to be ran into the ground while Sup Forums was around, and everyone called it out except for Viral Shills and fanboys. Sup Forums may not agree on much and hasn't agreed on a lot throughout its history but it's always pointed out (((someones))) influence when it popped up.

Don't forget, you're here forever.